Radioactive Decay and Nuclear Fission - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Radioactive Decay and Nuclear Fission


... half-life is the interval of time required for one-half of the atomic nuclei of ... (atomic number) increases by one, and a new element is formed for each ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Radioactive Decay and Nuclear Fission

Radioactive Decay and Nuclear Fission
  • Fall 2009, Lecture 15

  • Atoms are composed of protons (1) and neutrons
    (0) in the nucleus of the atom
  • Electrons (-1) surround the nucleus in the
    electron cloud, which makes up the bulk of the
    atomic volume
  • The number of electrons must equal the number of
    protons to maintain charge neutrality

Atomic Nucleus
  • The nucleus has almost the entire mass of the
    atom, because protons and neutrons are nearly two
    thousand times as massive as electrons
  • The nucleus is about 100,000 smaller than the
    whole atom

  • All atoms of the same element have the same
    number of protons
  • Hydrogen has 1 proton 1H
  • Oxygen has eight protons - 8O
  • Iron has twenty-six protons - 26Fe
  • The number of protons is called the atomic number
  • If desired, it may be written as a lower left
    subscript preceding the chemical symbol, as shown
    above, although this is redundant

Atomic Weight
  • The combined number of protons and neutrons in a
    nucleus is called the atomic weight
  • Atomic weights are written as upper left
    superscripts preceding the chemical symbol
  • Ordinary hydrogen has one proton and no neutrons,
    so 1H

  • Many elements have atoms with different atomic
  • Since the number of protons is fixed, this can
    only mean the number of neutrons varies
  • These varieties are known as isotopes
  • The isotopes of oxygen are 16O, 17O, and 18O

  • Isotopes may be stable or unstable
  • Unstable isotopes undergo radioactive decay,
    transforming themselves into another isotope of a
    different element, or into a less energetic form
    of the same isotope
  • The daughter isotopes produced by radioactive
    decay may themselves be unstable

Radiation Types
  • There are three types of radiation, known as
    alpha, beta, and gamma
  • Each has its own characteristics, and dangers
  • Each type of radioactive decay has an associated

  • The half-life is the interval of time required
    for one-half of the atomic nuclei of a
    radioactive sample to decay (change spontaneously
    into other nuclear species by emitting particles
    and energy)
  • Equivalently, the time interval required for the
    number of disintegrations per second of a
    radioactive material to decrease by one-half

Example 60Co
  • The radioactive isotope cobalt-60, which is used
    for radiotherapy, has, for example, a half-life
    of 5.26 years
  • After that interval, a sample originally
    containing 8 g of cobalt-60 would contain only 4
    g of cobalt-60 and would emit only half as much
  • After another interval of 5.26 years, the sample
    would contain only 2 g of cobalt-60

60Co Decay Product
  • Neither the volume nor the mass of the original
    sample visibly decreases, however, because the
    unstable cobalt-60 nuclei decay into stable
    nickel-60 nuclei, which remain with the
    still-undecayed cobalt
  • Ni60 is an example of a decay product

Decay Product
  • Decay products may be either radioactive or
  • If the decay product is unstable, decay continues
    until a stable product is reached
  • This is called a decay chain

Half-Life is a Characteristic Property
  • Half-lives are characteristic properties of the
    various unstable atomic nuclei and the particular
    way in which they decay
  • Alpha and beta decay are generally slower
    processes than gamma decay

Half-Life Ranges
  • Half-lives for beta decay range upward from
    one-hundredth of a second
  • For alpha decay, upward from about one
    one-millionth of a second
  • Half-lives for gamma decay may be too short to
    measure (around 10-14 second), though a wide
    range of half-lives for gamma emission has been

Half-Life and Danger
  • The length of the half-life is an important
    property when dealing with radioactive waste
  • Isotopes with short half-lives may produce
    intense radiation for short periods
  • Isotopes with long half-lives, although producing
    less radioactivity per unit time, are potentially
    dangerous for geologic times

Alpha Decay
  • A type of radioactive disintegration in which
    some unstable atomic nuclei dissipate excess
    energy by spontaneously ejecting an alpha

Alpha Decay Process
  • Because alpha particles have two positive
    charges and a mass of four units, their emission
    from nuclei produces daughter nuclei having a
    positive nuclear charge or atomic number two
    units less than their parents and a mass of four
    units less

Radium Decay
  • Radium-226 (mass number 226 and atomic number 88,
    i.e., a nucleus with 88 protons) decays by alpha
    emission to Radon-222 (atomic number 86)

Alpha Particles
  • The speed and hence the energy of an alpha
    particle ejected from a given nucleus is a
    specific property of the parent nucleus and
    determines the characteristic range or distance
    the alpha particle travels
  • Not very penetrating, alpha particles, though
    ejected at speeds of about one-tenth that of
    light, have ranges in air of only about one to
    four inches

Alpha Emitters
  • The principal alpha emitters are found among the
    elements heavier than bismuth (atomic number 83)
    and also among the rare-earth elements from
    neodymium (atomic number 60) to lutetium (atomic
    number 71)
  • Half-lives for alpha decay range from about a
    microsecond (10-6 second) to about 1017 seconds

Beta Decay
  • There are three processes of radioactive
    disintegration by which some unstable atomic
    nuclei spontaneously dissipate excess energy and
    undergo a change of one unit of positive charge
    without any change in mass number, which are
    collectively called beta decay

Beta Decay Process
  • The three processes are called
  • Electron emission
  • Positron (positive electron) emission and
  • Electron capture
  • Most beta particles are ejected at speeds
    approaching that of light

Ernest Rutherford
  • Beta decay was named (1899) by Ernest Rutherford
    when he observed that radioactivity was not a
    simple phenomenon
  • He called the less penetrating rays alpha and the
    more penetrating rays beta

Lord Ernest Rutherford (1871 - 1937)
Beta Particles
  • Beta particles are electrons (negative) or
    positrons (positive electron)
  • A neutron can emit a negative beta particle and
    become a proton
  • A proton can emit a positron and become a neutron
  • In electron capture, an innermost electron is
    captured by a proton in the nucleus, which
    becomes a neutron

Example of Negative Beta Decay
  • Negative beta decay results in a daughter
    nucleus, the proton number (atomic number) of
    which is one more than its parent but the mass
    number (total number of neutrons and protons) of
    which is the same.

Positron Emission
  • A proton in the parent nucleus decays into a
    neutron that remains in the daughter nucleus and
    ejects a positron, which is a positive particle
    like an ordinary electron in mass but of opposite
  • Thus, positive beta decay produces a daughter
    nucleus, the atomic number of which is one less
    than its parent and the mass number of which is
    the same
  • Positron emission was first observed by Irène and
    Frédéric Joliot-Curie in 1934

Positron Emission Example
The general case is illustrated by
A specific example is
Electron Capture
  • In electron capture, an electron orbiting around
    the nucleus combines with a nuclear proton to
    produce a neutron, which remains in the nucleus
  • Most commonly the electron is captured from the
    innermost, or K, shell of electrons around the
    atom for this reason, the process often is
    called K-capture

Electron Capture Example
  • As in positron emission, the nuclear positive
    charge and hence the atomic number decreases by
    one unit, and the mass number remains the same

Note The cobalt isotope produced here is the
same as produced by positron emission this is
an example of branching
Beta Instability
  • Chemical elements consist of a set of isotopes,
    the nuclei of which have the same number of
    protons but different numbers of neutrons
  • Within each set the isotopes of intermediate mass
    are stable or at least more stable than the rest
  • For each element, the lighter isotopes, those
    deficient in neutrons, generally tend toward
    stability by positron emission or electron
  • The heavier isotopes, those rich in neutrons,
    usually approach stability by electron emission

Gamma Decay
  • A type of radioactivity in which some unstable
    atomic nuclei dissipate excess energy by a
    spontaneous electromagnetic process
  • In the most common form of gamma decay, known as
    gamma emission, gamma rays (photons, or packets
    of electromagnetic energy, of extremely short
    wavelength) are radiated

Gamma Decay Process
  • The unstable nuclei that undergo gamma decay are
    the products either of other types of
    radioactivity (alpha and beta decay) or of some
    other nuclear process, such as neutron capture in
    a nuclear reactor or nuclear explosion
  • These product nuclei have more than their normal
    energy, which they lose in discrete amounts as
    gamma-ray photons until they reach their lowest
    energy level, or ground state

Nuclear Power
  • Nuclear power may be produced in two ways
  • Nuclear fission involves the splitting of an atom
    into two fragments, particles, and the release of
  • Nuclear fusion involves the combination of two
    nuclei into a single, more massive nuclei, plus
  • Stars are powered by nuclear fusion

Nuclear Fusion
  • Nuclear Fusion has been used since the early
    1950s in Hydrogen bombs
  • These are the most powerful type of nuclear
  • We have not yet devised a method of utilizing the
    power of nuclear fusion in the laboratory, nor in
    any commercial reactor
  • Therefore, we will not further consider fusion in
    this course

Nuclear Fission
  • Fission induced by neutron bombardment and capture

Fission Diagram
  • When a heavy nucleus undergoes fission, a variety
    of fragment pairs may be formed, depending on the
    distribution of neutrons and protons between the

Induced Fission Animation
  • Animation shows a heavy nucleus splitting when it
    absorbs a neutron
  • Note extra neutrons are released

Chain Reaction Video
  • Video simulates a nuclear chain reaction
  • In a reactor, rods control the reaction and keep
    it from progressing too fast

Fission Yield
  • This leads to probability distribution of both
    mass and nuclear charge for the fragments
  • The probability of formation of a particular
    fragment is called its fission yield and is
    expressed as the percentage of fissions leading
    to it

Fission Products
  • A fission product is any of the lighter atomic
    nuclei formed by splitting heavier nuclei
    (nuclear fission), including both the primary
    nuclei directly produced (fission fragments) and
    the nuclei subsequently generated by their
    radioactive decay

Fission Fragment Decay
  • Fission fragments are highly unstable because of
    their abnormally large number of neutrons
    compared with protons
  • Consequently, they undergo successive radioactive
    decays by emitting neutrons, by converting
    neutrons into protons, antineutrinos, and ejected
    electrons (beta decay), and by radiating energy
    (gamma decay)

Fission of 235U
  • One of the many known fission reactions of
    uranium-235 induced by absorbing a neutron
    results, for example, in two extremely unstable
    fission fragments, a barium and a krypton nucleus
  • These fragments almost instantaneously release
    three neutrons between themselves, becoming
    barium-144 and krypton-89

Barium Decay
  • By repeated beta decay, the barium-144 in turn is
    converted step by step to other fission products
  • Lanthanum-144
  • Cerium-144
  • Praseodymium-144
  • Eventually relatively stable neodymium-144

  • Krypton-89 is similarly transformed by repeated
    beta decay to
  • Rubidium-89
  • Strontium-89
  • To stable yttrium-89

Fission Product Identification
  • Fission products are identified by their chemical
    properties and by their radioactive properties,
    such as their half-lives and the kinds of
    particles they emit
  • The multiple decays mean fission products are
    highly radioactive and therefore quite dangerous

Why are Fission Products Radioactive?
  • To maintain stability, the neutron-to-proton
    (n/p) ratio in nuclei must increase with
    increasing proton number
  • The ratio remains at unity up to the element
    calcium, with 20 protons
  • It then gradually increases until it reaches a
    value of about 1.5 for the heaviest elements

P vs. N
  • Types of decay relative to line of stability

N/P Ratio
  • When a heavy nucleus fissions, a few neutrons are
    emitted however, this still leaves too high an
    n/p ratio in the fission fragments to be
    consistent with stability for them

Successive ß- Decay
  • They undergo radioactive decay and reach
    stability by successive conversions of neutrons
    to protons with the emission of a negative
    electron (called a beta particle, ß-) and an

Fission-Product Decay Chain
  • The mass number of the nucleus remains the same,
    but the nuclear charge (atomic number) increases
    by one, and a new element is formed for each such
  • The successive beta decays constitute a
    fission-product decay chain for each mass number
  • The half-lives for the decay of the radioactive
    species generally increase as they approach the
    stable isobar of the chain

Decay Chain Example
  • Example of the decay chain starting with 235U

Summary of Decay Events
  • The chart shows the effect of various decay events
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