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... the humankind the world over, to elevate itself to the level of godliness. ... realizing the infinite power of divinity, elevating man to the level of God head, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Science

Science Technology in Ancient India and its
Relevance in the Knowledge Age
izKkua czEg
PROF. P.B. SHARMA Ph.D. (B'ham), FIE, FAeroS,
FWAPS Founder Vice Chancellor, RGTU, Bhopal,
RGTU Knowledge University of 3rd Millennium
Prof. P.B.Sharma, Vice-Chancellor, Rajiv Gandhi
Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (University of
Technology of M.P.)
The wonder that was India
  • Indias glorious past is embedded with a rich
    Scientific and Technological Heritage from the
    Vedic age and is an inspiration to create a
    scientifically advanced and spiritually
    enlightened human society in which peace,
    prosperity and happiness together create a haven
    on earth

The wonder that was India
  • Peace loving people, people with scientific bent
    of mind having a profound understanding of the
    purpose and meaning of life, able to decode the
    secrete of creation and serve the creator through
    service of man and nature is what, the wonder
    that was India which glittered like gold and
    spread its enlightenment all around the world

The wonder that was India
  • Prosperous India The Golden eagle of the world
  • Enlightened India Its wisdom glowed the world
  • Scientifically Advanced India Spreading a
    culture of Science and Technology to create a
    happy and healthy living in harmony with nature
  • Mighty India Making no invasion, harming no one
    yet influencing the whole world by its scientific
    traditions and spiritual wisdom

Indias Ancient Scientists
  • Atreya, Agnivesa and Shushruta Medical
    Scientists 800 BC.
  • Aryabhatta (BC.476550), Bhaskaracharya,
    Varahmihir, Bodhayan Ancient astronomers and
  • Kanva, Panini, Gargi,

Great Indian Mathematicians
  • Yajnavalkya, the author of the altar mathematics
    of the Shatapatha Brahmana.
  • Lagadha - Author of a 1350 BC text on Vedic
  • Baudhayana, 800 BC
  • Manava, 750 BC
  • Apastamba, 700 BC
  • Aksapada Gautama, 550 BC, Logician
  • Katyayana, 400 BC
  • Panini, 400 BC, Algebraic grammarian
  • Pingala, 5th century BC
  • Bharata Muni, 4th century BC, combinatorics in

Great Indian Mathematicians
  • Aryabhata - Astronomer who gave accurate
    calculations for astronomical constants, 476-520
  • Varahamihira
  • Bhaskara I, 620
  • Brahmagupta - Helped bring the concept of zero
    into arithmetic
  • Matanga Muni - Combinatorics in music
  • Virahanka (8th century) - Described the Fibonacci
  • Shridhara (between 650-850) - Gave a good rule
    for finding the volume of a sphere.
  • Lalla, 720-790
  • Govindsvamin (9th century)
  • Virasena
  • Mahavira (9th century)
  • Jayadeva (9th century)
  • Prithudaka, 9th century
  • Halayudha, 10th century
  • Aryabhata II, 920-1000
  • Vateshvara (10th century)
  • Manjula, 930

Some Facts
  • The law of gravitation discovered by Brahmagupta
    598 A.D. anticipated after 1400 years by Newton
    declaring "all things fall to the earth by law of
    nature for it is the nature of the earth to
    attract and keep things."
  • Pingala (3rd C AD), author of Chandasutra
    explored the relationship between combinatorics
    and musical theory anticipating Mersenne
    (1588-1648) author of a classic on musical theory

Some Facts
  • The 'Pythagoras theorem' which stated in Sulva
    Sutras by Baudhayana's (6th century BC) "The
    diagonal of a rectangle produces both areas,
    which its length and breadth produce separately."
  • Arya Bhatta discovered the method of finding out
    the areas of a triangle, a trapezium and a
    circle. The approximate value of an 'irrational
    number' i.e. 2 (dvikarani) (1.143256) and 3
    (1.7320513) can be obtained, Baudhayana and

Some Facts
  • In the geometry of the circle, "Arybhatta- I"
    gave a value for pi (tyajya) which is correct to
    the four decimal places in a sloka (Sankara
    Varman's treatise on astronomy, Sadratnamala)
    theorems and their deductions"Lemma of
    Brahmagupta for integral solution or the
    indeterminate equation of second degree. John
    Pell (1611-1685) discovered this in the 17th
    century. Indians discovered it a 1,000 years

Some Facts
  • Zero, the most modest and most valuable of all
    numerals is one of the subtle gifts of India to
    mankind. The earliest use of the zero symbol, so
    far discovered, is in one of the scriptural books
    dated about 200 B.C. The zero, called shunya or
    nothing, was originally a dot and later it became
    a small circle. It was considered as a number
    like any other. Professor G. B. Halsted, in his
    book ' Mathematics for the Million' (London 1942)
    thus emphasizes the vital significance of this

Indias Decimal System
  • The decimal system was known to Aryabhatta and
    Brahmagupta long before its appearance in the
    writings of the Arabs and the Syrians it was
    adopted by China from Buddhist missionaries and
    Muhammad Ibn Musa al-Khwarazni, the greatest
    mathematician of his age (ca 850 A.D.), seems to
    have introduced it into Baghdad

Indias Decimal System
  • Indias system of Decimal counting goes back to
    the days of Ramayana (around 5000 BC) and
    Mahabharata (3067 BC)
  • In Ramayana, the Ramas army was described by
    Ravanas missionary as having 18x1018 ( 18
    Padams, 1012 millions )

Indias Decimal System
  • In Mahabharata, in the Shanti Parva the Bhishmas
    passing away is described in true decimal system
    - 10 Days of Mahabharata war and their after 58
    nights till the sun of thousands rays turned to

Bhisma Pitamahas Nirvana
  • Parivrtto hi Bhagavan sahasransur Divakarah
  • Astapancasatam ratryah sayanasyadya me gatah
    Saresu nisitagresu yatha varsasatam tatha.
  • Maghoyam samanuprapto masah saumyo Yudhisthira
  • Tribhagasesah paksoyam suklo bhavitum arhati.

  • (XIII.153,26-28)

Brahmaguptas Rules
  • A debt minus zero is a debt.A fortune minus zero
    is a fortune.Zero (shunya) minus zero is
    nothing. (kha).A debt subtracted from zero is a
    fortune.So a fortune subtracted from zero is a
    debt.The product of zero multiplied by a debt or
    fortune is zero.The product of zero multiplied
    by itself is nothing.The product or the quotient
    of two fortunes is one fortune.The product or
    the quotient of two debts is one debt.The
    product or the quotient of a debt multiplied by a
    fortune is a debt.The product or the quotient of
    a fortune multiplied by a debt is a debt.

  • Iron Pillar at Delhi - The Rust less Wonder and a
    Unique Scientific Phenomenon from Ancient India,
    The pillar is said to be over 2000 years old
  • As early as the second century B.C. Nagarjuna
    devoted an entire volume to mercury
  • The Konasamudram region in Andhra Pradesh was
    famous for producing the world renowned Wootz
    steel - the raw material for King Saladin's
    fabled Damascus Sword. The tempering of steel was
    brought in ancient India to a perfection unknown
    in Europe till our own times. King Porus is said
    to have selected, as special valuable gift for
    Alexander, not gold or silver, but thirty pounds
    of steel.

  • Kanaada, 600 B. C the founder of the Vaisesika
    system of philosophy, expounded that the entire
    matter in this world consists of atoms as many in
    kind as the various elements. He also claimed
    that elements could not be destroyed
  • Artharveda says that there are seven types of
    sun's rays, sapta surayasya rasmayah, signifying
    seven colors of light
  • Umasvati, first century A.D. suggested that
    atoms of opposite qualities alone combined and
    the atoms attracted or repelled as they were
    heterogeneous or homogenous

Shipbuilding and Navigation
  • The art of Navigation was born in the river Sindh
    6000 years ago
  • There is overwhelming evidence that Indian
    civilization traded with the Egyptians using
  • Rig Veda makes several references to ships used
    to cross the "Samudra."

Shipbuilding and Navigation
  • History records that Indian ships traded with
    countries as far as Java and Sumatra, they were
    also trading with other countries in the Pacific
    and Indian Oceans.
  • Chandragupta Maurya established an Admiralty
    Division under a Superintendent of Ships as part
    of his war office, with a charter including
    responsibility for navigation on the seas,
    oceans, lakes and rivers

Shipbuilding and Navigation
  • King Hiram of Tyre (Phoenicia) in 975 B.C. traded
    with India through the port of Ophir (Supara)
    near modern Bombay. Harappan seals discovered at
    several Mesopotamia sites have been dated to
    about 2400 B.C. 
  • Yukti Kalpa Taru, explains how to build ships,
    ship types, sizes and materials, including
    suitability of different types of wood
  • Bhoja has advised the builders of the sea-faring
    ships not to join the plants with iron, as, in
    the case, the magnetic iron in sea water could
    expose the ship to danger

Medical Science
  • Susruta Samhita, (600 B.C.) the Hindu medical
    chronicle said about plastic surgery in India
  • Caraka Samhita, (300 BC) Sutra Sthana Nidan
    Sthana (8 chapters)
  • Viman Sthana (8 chapters)
  • Sharir Sthana (8 chapters)
  • Indriya Sthana (12 chapters)
  • Chikitsa Sthana (30 chapters)
  • Kalpa Sthana (12 chapters)
  • Siddhi Sthana (12 chapters)

  • Acharya Bharadwaj (800BC) authored the "Yantra
    Sarvasva" which includes astonishing and
    outstanding discoveries in aviation science,
    space science and flying machines. He has
    described three categories of flying machines
  • 1.) One that flies on earth from one place to
  • 2.) One that travels from one planet to another.
  • 3.) And One that travels from one universe to

  • Bharadwajs designs and descriptions are
  • Profound Secret The technique to make a flying
    machine invisible through the application of
    sunlight and wind force.
  • Living Secret The technique to make an invisible
    space machine visible through the application of
    electrical force.
  • Secret of Eavesdropping The technique to listen
    to a conversation in another plane.
  • Visual Secrets The technique to see what's
    happening inside another plane.Through his
    innovative and brilliant discoveries, Acharya
    Bharadwaj has been recognized as the pioneer of
    aviation technology

  • In ancient India, chemistry was called Rasayan
    Shastra, Rasa-Vidya, Rasatantra and Rasakriya
  • Chemistry being the basic Science of Nature was
    pursued by ancient Inidas Scientists to create
    Colours, Chemicals, Fertilizers, Warhead
    materials, food preservatives, spices and above
    all Gems and Crystals. Purification of Silver,
    Gold and other precious metals.
  • Medicinal Chemistry of Plants and Herbs. Bio
    Chemistry of Natural Fertilizers all point
    towards a rich foundation of Chemistry in India
    from ancient times

Chemistry in India
  • The Famous Indian ink to date is the testimony of
    Indias profound knowledge of Chemistry
  • 24 Ct Gold and Silver and Gold plated ornaments
    so well exhibited in Indias images to date are
    the basis for Chemistry of Metal processing
  • Cave paintings (Bhim Betika near Bhopal, Ajanta
    in Maharastra) by Natural Colours and Colourful
    textile and embroidery marks Indias mastery over

Chemistry in India
  • Colourful potteries, Gold Plated Potteries,
    Golden and Silver Studded Carvings on Metals,
    Glass and Textile further give the glimpses of
    Indias profound knowledge of Chemistry
  • Use of Colours and Chemicals mostly Natural in
    Indian Temple forts and Palaces further reinforce
    the Indian Chemistry Knowledge.
  • Swarna Bhasma (Gold ash), Rajat Bhasma (Silver
    Ash) and Shankha Bhasma (Bone Ash) are the
    ultimate of Indian Chemistry.

Relevance to the Modern Age
  • We are returning to the nature, Natural
    medicines, natural fertilizers, natural fuels (
    Bio Fuels) , Natural food, natural preservatives
    and natural water harvesting and purification
  • We are today in a knowledge age where the wisdom
    of antiquity can be synthesised with the most
    modern science and technology

Relevance to the Modern Age
  • Ancient ( Vedic) mathematics to high speed
  • Ancient astronomy and knowledge of the universal
    system giving foundation for a larger universal
    system beyond the solar system
  • Ancient chemistry leading to natural and
    environmentally benign paints and chemicals,
    Drugs and Fertilizers
  • Growth with sustainability and prosperity with

Scientific and religious paths are like two
streams of the creative human mind. The
scientific path tries to explain the nature of
reality within rationality, whereas the religious
or spiritual path does so within and beyond
Dr. T. D. Singh
(His Holiness Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami)
Director, Bhaktivedanta InstitutePresident,
Vedanta and Science Educational Research
Jnana Vijnana
  • Jnana, the fire of knowledge destroys the
    attachment to the karmas, actions
  • The jnana and vijnana together are known to a
    soul which liberates from the world of misery.

bna rq rs xqãrea izokEulwos A Kkua
foKkulfgra TKkRok ekslskqHkkr Hkxor xhrk
Jnana, Vijnana Karma
  • Jnana, the knowledge the vijnana the knoledge
    used with the application of mind the karma, the
    actions perfomed by a man of knowledge in this
    material world lead to salvation, encounter with
    divinity within.

KkufoKkurRrkRek dwVLFkks foftrsfUnz A qDr
bRqPrs ksxh leyks"VªkedkPu AA Hkxor xhrk
  • Mankind from the early dawns of civilization
    has ventured into the understanding the world
    around and thus discover the harmony between man
    and nature.
  • Was realized that man does not exist in
  • Was also realized that our survival, more so
    our happiness and our success to lead a healthy
    life is deeply dependent upon the survival and
    sustenance of a healthy atmosphere around us.
  • During the Vedic times, the Vedic Rishies have
    discovered this secret of harmony between man
    and nature.

Prof. P.B.Sharma, Vice-Chancellor, Rajiv Gandhi
Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (University of
Technology of M.P.)
Vedic Concept of Eternity
  • Vedas clearly emphasize on the eternal aspect of
  • Om purnamada purnamidam purnatpurna mudatchayte,
    Purnase purn mevaya purnemeva vasishyate
    (Ishopnishad 1.1).
  • Human beings, having scientific bent of mind and
    the sensitivity, they posses, to the world
    around them and empowered with the power of
    intellect and intuition, have always been in
    search of truth that unveils the secrete of
    creation, purpose of life, and ultimately
    leading to a clear understanding of secret of
    Life and Death.

Purity of Mind a must for pursuit of Truth
  • In Kathopanishad, we find that the learned
    Yamraja, who possessed the secret of life and
    death counsels Nachiketa
  • Yastu Vijyanban bhabhatu, mansa sada suchi
  • i.e. let you adore science, but remember that
    purity of mind is maintained, meaning therein
    that purity of manas, i.e the purity of mind,
    purity of heart and in turn the purity of whole
    body is always maintained.

Purity of Mind a must for pursuit of Truth
Purity of mind, heart and body can only enable
a person to pursue scientific inquiry which
leads to the discovery of the truth. The truth
so realized unveils the secret of the universe
and bridges the gap between man and the Divine,
the gap between body and soul, the gap between
matter and energy and the gap between our own
existence with the large universal system around
Jyana, Vijyana Prajyana
  • In the Indian Vedic system, Jyana the knowledge
    and Vijyana, the science both have been
    recognized as means and mechanisms to perform the
    work activity, the karma, to attain enlightenment
    and ultimately to attain fame, prosperity and
    salvation from the endless sufferings encountered
    during earthly existence.
  • The Bhagbhat Gita clearly states Jyanagni
    sarva karmani bhasmat kurute thata ie. the fire
    of knowledge destroys all the fruits of our
    actions, which otherwise shall make us bind with
    the Karma, our actions(Bhagvatgita 4.37).

Jyana, Vijyana Prajyana
  • Remember that the Bhavabat Gita also says
    Jyana vijyana traptatma kutastho vijayate
    indriah ie knowledge of Sciece and Knowledge of
    the self, the jnana together enables us to win
    over the senses which in fact enjoy the fruits of
    our actions(Bhagvat Gita 6.8).
  • Further the Lord Krishna states in Bhagbatgita
    Jnanam vijnanaa sahitam yat jyatva mokshyase
    ashubhata ie the scientific knowledge and the
    knowledge of the self together enables us to win
    over the world of misery, the world in which we
    live and the world from where we wish to liberate
    ourselves( Bhagvat Gita, 9.1)

The point I am trying to drive is that the
knowledge jyana, and the science vijyana, both
are considered to be highly useful not only to
attain prosperity and happiness on mother earth
but also to acquire immense capability to enable
the entire society, the humankind the world over,
to elevate itself to the level of godliness. We
must clearly understand, however, that a polluted
mind, a mind devoid of orientation to serve the
society and a heart full of revenge and hatred
cannot attain the levels of existence where in a
man could come face to face with reality, face to
face with the divinity and proclaim Aham Barhma
asmi, I am God, the proclamation made by the
Vedic seers.
Why we need Spirituality?
  • The question often being asked as to why should
    we be spiritual, why cant I do without
  • The answer is that even if we wish to be devoid
    of spirituality we can not as be Gods
    intelligent design which is also fine turned to
    create individuals, the divinity with in shall
    make regular efforts to surface itself often in
    the workplace, in the places of worship and also
    at the time of deep sorrow or immense happiness.

Why we need Spirituality?
  • The divinity with in, if truly experienced,
    enables man to rise to the level of Godliness.
    We need spirituality to create and utilize the
    immense wealth of knowledge and the power of
    mind, the power of working in and for divine
    and thus in turn benefit mankind by our work and
    noble deeds. Spirituality gives us the much
    needed orientation to serve the society with
    fullest of our abilities and to serve God
    through the service of man.

Science, Technology and Spirituality
Science, Technology and Spirituality all go
together as those who adore science and also have
a spiritual bent of mind would always be
employing their fullest capabilities and
knowledge for the betterment of the society while
at the same time constantly engaging themselves
in search of truth through the service of man,
through the pursuit of the work activity with
fullest of devotion through their understanding
of the world around them. Science without
spirituality leads to prosperity without
happiness. Science and spirituality together
create prosperity with eternal happiness.
Science, Technology and Spirituality
Prof. Charles Townes, the noble laureate in
physics in conversation with Swami Dr. T.D.
Singh, Founder Director of the Bhakti Vedanta
Institute, Kolkatta, India has opined that it is
not practical to keep scientific and spiritual
cultures separate. The people who study science
are often at the same time thoughtful about the
meaning of life and values (Seven Nobel
Laureates on Science Spirituality, Dr. T.D.
Singh (Ed), 2004). Science and spirituality both
are to be practiced and adored to create a civic
society tuned to attaining the destined goal of
human existence living and working in the company
of God.
The dream of a civic and just society, realizing
the infinite power of divinity, elevating man to
the level of God head, people living in perfect
harmony with nature, fulfilling the aim and
realizing the meaning of life is achievable with
the progress of science in the realm of
spirituality. The journey on the pat of jyanam,
the knowledge, associated and enabled by vijanam,
the science, would then lead us to the horizons
of Pragyanam, the horizon form where we are in
a position to proclaim as the Vedic scientists
did several thousand years ago, namely, Prajyanam
Bhrama, that is Prajyanam is visualizing and
realizing our existence in God.
In the knowledge age driven by the power of the
mind and propelled by the capabilities and
maturity of people, it has become absolutely
essential that science, technology and
spirituality co-exist everywhere, more so in the
universities and in the institutions and
organizations cultivating knowledge, imparting
knowledge, using knowledge to create wealth and
prosperity while at the same time ensuring that
the journey of mankind on the path of prosperity
and happiness is assured by a firm commitment and
resolve to discover better and better ways of
maintaining harmony with nature and thus assuring
continued sustenance of human life on mother
planet earth.
We need more and more of scientism to foster
scientific explorations into hitherto unexplored
vistas of human endeavour. We also need more and
more people of scientific bent of mind turning to
spirituality to discover the rich wealth of
science of soul, the secret of the creation. In
fact we need a new mantra for the new knowledge
age and this new mantra must prepare the human
society to rise to newer heights of glory in
respect of peace, prosperity and happiness with a
firm commitment to sustain a clean environment,
maintain earths ecological balance and serve God,
the creator, through the service of man and
mother nature. This new mantra is based on the
fusion of science and spiritual values to build a
new global order. Vashdaev kutumbkam the
concept of the world family would then be truly
nurtured by people around the globe adoring
The journey of mankind on the path of knowledge
shall then continue to the horizons of
enlightenment and shall lead to wisdom manifold.
The man shall then realize his fullest
potentialities of eternal strength and shall
witness the meeting point of mortal with the
eternal, the natural destination of a
spirituality enlightened scientific civic
society. A Vedic seer of modern India has so
beautifully put it in his proclamation of the
mankind of future Frontiers of ignorance shall
recede More and more soul shall attain
divine. The summit of life with divine Is bound
to happen in ones own lifetime
May be the prophecy of this great Vedic seer of
the modern age is bound to come true in the near
future given the accelerated pace of science and
interest in spirituality by the scientific world.
A developed prosperous India habited by peace
loving people, a society tuned to the objective
of living in and working with and for Divine,
creating a haven on earth, realizing the purpose
of life, decoding the secret of life and death
and together as a human society attaining an
existence with lord and on successful culmination
of life activity returning to Godhead is
attainable only if Science and Spirituality
together are adored by the people of the world in
the new knowledge age. Prosperity and happiness
together then descend on the human society
creating smiles in plenty and fair prosperous
days providing multifaceted peace. We then enjoy
the wisdom of the ancient in the modern times of
Science and Technology.
Kkua rsga lfoKkufena okEks"kr A TKkRok
usg HkwksUTKkrOeofk"rs Hkxor xhrk 7-2
lokZ.khfUnzdekZf.k izk.kdekZf.k pkijs
A vkRelaeksxkxzkS tqàfr Kkunhfirs AA Hkxor xhrk
lea losZ"kq Hkwrs"kq fr"BUra ijesoje
A fouRlofouUra i'fr Hkxor xhrk
lea i'fUg loZ leofLFkrehoje A u
fguLRkReukRekua rrks kfr ijka Hkxor xhrk
foKkua Ka ruqrs A dekZf.k ruqrsMfi p A foKkua
nsok losZ A czã Ts"Beqiklrs A foKkua czã
pssn A
rsh mifu"kn
Let us pledge to create such a better tomorrow
and elevate man to the level of God and create
goodness in plenty around the world.
Hare Krishna, Hare Rama
The Author is a former Professor of IIT Delhi and
currently Vice Chancellor of University of
Technology of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal, India. Can
be reached at and
izKkua czEg
Prof. P.B.Sharma, Vice-Chancellor, Rajiv Gandhi
Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (University of
Technology of M.P.)
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