Title: Why wait for a colonoscopy An easy cure
1Why wait for a colonoscopy? An easy cure
- National Development
- Programme
- October 6th/7th 2005
- Nick Taffinder
- William Harvey Hospital,
- Ashford Kent
- High risk groups screened for colonic neoplasia
- Previous bowel cancer
- Polyps
- Family history
- Wide variation in practice
- Frequency
- Age
- Polyp risk
3ACPGBI and BSG Guidelines October 2002
4Risk of cancer after polyp excisionhigh risk
Long-term risk of colorectal cancer after
excision of rectosigmoid adenomas.Atkin WS,
Morson BC, Cuzick J. N Engl J Med. 1992 Mar
5Risk of cancer after polyp excisionlow risk
Long-term risk of colorectal cancer after
excision of rectosigmoid adenomas.Atkin WS,
Morson BC, Cuzick J. N Engl J Med. 1992 Mar
6Risk of perforation low risk - 0.2
Single flexible sigmoidoscopy screening to
prevent colorectal cancer baseline findings of
a UK multicentre randomised trial. Lancet. 2002
Apr 13359(9314)1291-300.
- Compare our waiting list with the guidelines
- anticipate high non-compliance
- Remove patients from list
- anticipate resistance from
- patients
- clinicians
- Investigate the impact on diagnostic delivery
- anticipate
- reduction in numbers on list
- reversal of surveillance diagnostic ratio
- faster patient journey for diagnosis
- Three researchers trained in guidelines
- Standard proforma to assess notes
- 4837 patients on waiting list in network
- Standard letters sent to all patients
- Cancel
- Re-booked for later date
- Apologies for delay and reassure
94837 patients on waiting list
Diagnosticsurveillance ratio 12
102369 (49) are unneccessary
Diagnosticsurveillance ratio 31
11It must be the trainees who are booking
inappropriate tests.
Junior grades booked half the tests
12Perhaps it just surgeons who havent read the
13But surely we have all changed practice since
the guidelines?
14The Problem
15Current compliance with 62 day rule 27
62 day target
16Impact on our waiting times for colonoscopy
17The Problem
- 80 of our surveillance waiting list could be cut
- Equivalent to 50 of our total waiting list
- Diagnostic colonoscopy rates will increase
- Reduce waiting times for diagnostic colonoscopy
- Enable compliance with 62 day target
- Avoid unnecessary perforation/ bleeding
- Save valuable resources
- 2369 _at_ 500 1.2 million savings
(pop1.5million) - Potential savings to NHS gt 40 million (pop 60
19What next?
- SCAR Team (surveillance colonoscopy audit
review) - Proformas and researchers
- Software SPSS database
- Template letters
- Printed reports
- Educational package
- within endoscopy
- in clinics
- Face to face with clinicians