Title: Linux at State Street
1Linux at State Street
- Shekhar Pannala
- SVP, New Technology Development
- State Street Corporation
- About State Street
- Initial Linux Implementation
- Grid Computing and Linux
- Road ahead
- Questions
3About State Street
With 9.5 trillion in assets under custody and
1.4 trillion under management, State Street is a
world leader in financial services and known for
leading edge technology solutions to global
investment community
- Our Clients are among the most sophisticated
institutional and individual - investors in the world including
- Investment Managers
- Pension Plan sponsors
- Collective Investment Fund Managers
- Banks, Corporations and not-for-profit
organizations - Industry Leader
- 1 servicer of U.S. mutual funds
- 1 servicer of U.S. pension plans
- 1 investment manager of U.S. pension assets and
a leading pension manager globally - 1 provider of foreign exchange services
worldwide - Largest offshore fund service provider worldwide
- Eighth-largest investment manager worldwide
4Initial Linux Implementation
- Legacy Application Issues with Microsoft
Architecture - Initial architecture is based on IIS Web server,
Microsoft SQL Server and COM components that
provides compliance, Total Returns and Yields for
our Mutual fund client base. Application evolved
from Microsoft Access to SQL Server based
architecture - Scalability issues with SQL Server and data
integration challenges - Support of application was a challenge and
architecture is database heavy with close to 2000
stored procedures - Constant Patches and Security Issues
- Solution
- Move to a more scaleable database platform with
ease of integration - Choice of platform was Unix/Linux
- Leave the client interface the same and change
the underlying database implementation layer
5Initial Linux Implementation
- Implementation
- After careful review of database options, DB2 was
chosen for its scalability and ease of data
integration - Used automated conversion utilities to convert
stored procedures from SQL Server to DB2 - Linux was chosen as platform of choice for the
following reasons - IBM commitment for Linux as platform of choice on
DB2 - Our advanced research facility at Technology
Center in China - State Streets commitment to technology adoption
- Initial linux implementation was Redhat 2.x and
then moved to linux 3.0 - Converted COM components to Java components.
Rich Db2/Java integration - Successfully implemented the project and
significant improvements in system stability and
scalability - Complete commitment from our software partners
- First enterprise production implementation of
Linux at State Street - Gave good experience for our Infrastructure folks
6Grid Computing and Linux
Project Context
To improve the processing capabilities of our
fixed income analytics platform. The Bond
Analytics Proof of Concept used Blade technology,
Grid, Linux, and Oracle 10G in place of Sun and
Oracle 9i.
Bond Analytics Environment
- Project scope was limited to specific processes
driven by the J2EE Analytics Engine - Output Pricing
- Index Pricing
- Other elements were kept out of scope but are
candidates for subsequent phases - Data Input (ETL)
- Modeling (using Matlab)
7Grid Computing and Linux
Benefits Summary of the Bond Analytics Pilot
The use of the updated technology components in
the Bond Analytics environment proved highly
successful. Specific achievements were
1)Dramatic run-time reductions in daily pricing
output 2) Evidence that the same improvements
could be achieved for historical models 3)
Improved TCO
- Results of GRID pilot
- Processing time for the Bond Analytics
application was improved 1903 compared to the
current environment - Baseline 17.45 Hours
- Best Run 55 Minutes
- State Street research areas can greatly benefit
from the improved processing times in the
creation of models - Both Fixed Income and SSA areas have expressed
strong interest in moving towards the next phase - Successfully demonstrated the benefits of GRID
computing, Linux, and Blade technologies
8Road Ahead
- Linux adoption for J2EE based applications
- Converting development platform to Linux using
WebSphere Portal and Application Server
technologies - Converting Microsoft IIS solutions to J2EE Linux
based solution using Macromedia and WebSphere - Apache HTTP servers and Linux
- Performance Measurement, Risk and Analytics
Systems - Evaluation Linux Grid for rewriting existing
C/C application currently on Sybase and Solaris
platforms - Fixed Income/Bond Analytics
- Portfolio Analytics and Risk modeling
- With every successful Linux project execution,
adoption of Linux is only going to increase in
the enterprise