Title: Internal Fertilization
1Internal Fertilization
- WFSC 422 Ethology
- Presentation 8.1
Dr. Jane M. Packard, WFSC TAMU j-packard_at_tamu.edu
2What is internal fertilization?
- Sperm placed inside female organ (more complex
behavior learning) - Diverse mechanisms- divergence
- Penis-mammals
- Pedipalps- spider
- Hemipens- snake
- Cloacal contact- birds
- Spermatophore- salamander/insects
3Hypotheses- Function
- H1 optimal timing for mating is different than
birthing - H2 synchronize ovulation fertilization
- H3 extra care for a few large young (better able
to survive predictable challenges) - H4 paternity assurance for males
4Optimal timing for mating
Source Courting Trials of Life
5Optimal timing for birth
Source Arriving Trials of Life
6Polygamous Ungulates
- PC Mechanisms
- Female provides all the care
- Males compete for copulations
- UF Functions
- Rainy season migration- good food
- Large young-escape predators
- Mate guarding
7Synchronization ovulation fertilization
Source Courting Trials of Life
8Polygamous rodents
- PC Mechanisms
- Female scent attracts male
- After birth, female ovulates (3 hr)
- Multiple copulations (male leaves, female nurses)
- UF Functions
- Short interbirth interval
- Male mate guarding
9Example- Blue Footed Booby
Source Courting Trials of Life
10Parental care paternity
Source Courting Trials of Life
11Monogamous birds Blue-footed Booby
- PC Mechanisms
- Lift blue feet (in nest colony)
- Head tossing at scrape stick placing
- Mount, brief cloacal contact
- UF Functions
- Bi-parental care more effective
- Male paternity certainty
12Example- Hanging Fly
Source Arriving Trials of Life
13Insects- nuptial gift
- PC Mechanisms
- Male Hanging Fly catches insect gift
- Female takes and eats prey
- Male clasps copulates 20 min
- Struggle for remaining prey
- UF Functions
- Female nutrition better eggs
- Male safety mate guarding
14SUMMARY function (example)
- H1 Optimal time for mating is different than
birthing (e.g. wildebeest/gazelle - H2 Synchronize ovulation fertilization (e.g.
hamster) - H3 Extra care for a few large young (e.g. booby)
- H4 Paternity assurance for males (e.g. booby,
hanging fly)
15Action Items
- Do answers for Q8.1, Q8.2
- Search Google Scholar for internal
fertilization - Search Animal Behavior for copulation
- Post examples and sources on WebCT Discussion for
Unit 8