Title: Central Valley Center of Excellence: Whats New and Upcoming
1Central Valley Center of ExcellenceWhats New
and Upcoming
2Scope of Work
3Environmental Scanning
- Objective provide information and intelligence
about workforce needs for informed decision
making - Process identify, review and validate industry
needs and map the gap between industry needs and
what colleges are already doing. - Tools geospatial mapping software, CC Benefits,
private industry data, and secondary data from a
variety of public sources
4Tools and Data Sources
- ArcGIS/Business Analyst 9.2
- Onet
- CC Benefits
- US Census Bureau
- US Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Primary Research
- Determine whether or not programs are
geographically aligned with demand patterns. - Determine where industries (and occupations) are
growing or declining. - Target business outreach/marketing efforts
- Engage industry and workforce partners in joint
development of solutions
6Trade Area
7Study Area
8Growth Trends
9Cluster Analysis
10Crystal Reports
The Education Sector, Percentage of Change from
1998 to 2006 Sacramento Metropolitan Statistical
11Demographic Profile Reports
12Tapestry Segmentation
13CC Benefits
- College Optimizer
- Analyses what programs a college offers in
relation to the fasting growing occupations in
the region - Economic Forecaster
- Projected labor market data
- Staffing patterns
- Projected new and replacement jobs by occupation
- demographics
14CC BenefitsInverse Staffing Pattern (for all
Healthcare Support Occupations)
15CC BenefitsOrange County Demographics 2007
16Find Employers
Find Employers by industry, occupation,
geographic area or name Includes mailing
address, phone number, contact name, size of
organization and industry description
17Select Careers
- Download occupational profiles for select careers
by county. - Includes a review of the following questions
- What working conditions can I expect?
- How much can I expect to earn?
- What benefits can I expect to receive?
- What education, training and experience do I
need? - And many others
18Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2006 -2007
- Browse hundreds of nationally recognized, high
demand occupations - Includes a review of the following
- Training and education needs
- Earnings
- Expected job prospects
- What workers do on the job
- Working conditions
19Applying the Information
- Keeping your curriculum relevant and up to date
- Accessing data for grant writing
- Marketing to business and industry locally or
regionally - Building or expanding business partnerships
(advisory groups) - Providing career counselors industry updates
- Importing your database of industry contacts
20Sample Success Stories
- Logistics Scan
- State-wide DOL Grant and Logistics Consortium
- Regional GIS Analysis
- Identified needed programs for Cerro Coso
Community College, used to retire and begin
vocational programs. - Computer and Gaming Scan
- Development of Animation and 3D Modeling AS
certificate programs for Riverside Community
College - Established Workforce Advisory Committees for
Public Administration
21Whats Next Hubs
- Hosted at Los Rios CCD and San Bernardino
- Funded to expand services already offered through
Centers and to offer college-specific data for
decision-making. - Look at industry clusters statewide,
multi-regional, regionally, or sub-regionally
based upon clustering of data - Enhance services offered through existing Centers
22Whats Next Workshops
- Clusters of Opportunity Workshops
- Partnership with Economic Strategy Panel
- Workshops bring together colleges, economic
development and workforce boards - Workshops in Modesto (July 10) Madera (July 11),
and Bakersfield (November 14).
23New Reports Stay Tuned!
- Public Administration
- Infrastructure Construction SPR
- Allied Health
- Medical Device Manufacturing
- Green/Clean Technologies
- Internet Security
- Telecommunications
- High Growth Construction Trades
- More..
24Thank You !
- Elaine Gaertner
- Statewide Director, Center of Excellence
- elaineg_at_cccewd.net
- (408) 288-8611
- George Boodrookas
- Project Director, Central Region Center of
Excellence - george_at_yosemite.cc.ca.us
- (209) 575-6714
- Carole Adell
- Interim Center Director
- ctadell_at_yahoo.com
- (916) 803-5552