Title: Robbie Louw and Joslin Andrews
1Exploring CDM Opportunities in Biofuels
- Robbie Louw and Joslin Andrews
- Project and technical details
- World energy market where does the project fit
in? - The CDM where does the project fit in?
- Business Sense
- Project and technical details
- World energy market where does the project fit
in? - The CDM where does the project fit in?
- Business Sense
4Promethiums Biodiesel Experience
- Ghana Project
- 100,000 ha
- Jatropha and Moringa
- CDM opportunities
- Afforestation PDD ready for validation
- Biodiesel Awaiting revision of AM0047
- Solid biofuel Project feasibility
- Zambia Project
- 10,000 ha
- Jatropha
- CDM opportunities
- Afforestation Baseline and sequestration
calculations in process - Biodiesel - Awaiting revision of AM0047
- Solid biofuel Not started yet
5Typical Jatropha Project Mass Flow
6Typical Jatropha Project Energy Flow
7Emission Reduction
Energy flow
Emission reduction
Mass flow
- Emission reduction calculated on
- Oil replacing diesel
- Solid biofuel replacing coal
- Project and technical details
- World energy market where does the project fit
in? - The CDM where does the project fit in?
- Business Sense
9World Energy Demand
World Energy Demand 2030
Source Exxon-Mobil
10Power Demand
Source Exxon-Mobil
11World Energy Demand
Source Exxon-Mobil
- Project and technical details
- World energy market where does the project fit
in? - The CDM where does the project fit in?
- Business Sense
13Approved Biofuel Methodologies
Small scale methodologies
Large scale methodologies
14Registered Biofuel Projects
Registered solid biofuel projects
15CDM Projects South Africa
- In South Africa
- 14 registered projects
- 2 registered biomass projects
Project Pipeline
16CDM Projects Worldwide
Projects with CERs issued
17CDM Projects Worldwide
Project Pipeline
- Project and technical details
- World energy market where does the project fit
in? - The CDM where does the project fit in?
- Business Sense
19Carbon Price Forecast
- The carbon price will be managed to stabilise the
earths climate
Source European Union
20Carbon Price Forecast
- The European Union modelled 20 per ton by 2012
and 44 by 2020
Source European Union
21Potential Project Revenues
- Do not overlook the significant opportunities in
solid biofuels
Robbie Louw robbie_at_promethium.co.za www.promethiu
Joslin Andrews joslin_at_promethium.co.za www.prometh