Title: Security and Privacy of RFID System
1Security and Privacy of RFID System
Student Ho Fai Tin Supervisor Dr. Marius
Cryptographic Solution Confidentiality,
Integrity, Authentication, Non-repudiation.
Background What is RFID? Radio Frequency
Identification can identify an unique item out of
a population. E.g. a specific can of coke in
coca cola factory. RFID Systems consists of a
reader, a tag and a backend network database to
store data.
- Security and Privacy Issues
- Lack of authentication allow any readers to
access the data in the RFID tags. The tag owners
are unaware of the readers that are accessing
their tags. Adversary can collect the private
information of the users by querying their tags.
Customer privacy is ONE issue, more issues are
shown in below - Limitation
- No Public Key Algorithm
- 96 bits read-only memory
- 200 2000 security gates
- 100 read operations per second
Example Random Hash Schemes
Objective The security and privacy in RFID system
are challenging problems due to the extremely
limited resources and capabilities of passive
RFID tags. Currently, Public Key algorithms
cannot be implemented on low cost RFID devices.
In this work, we provide a comprehensive survey
and critical discussion of security problems for
RFID systems and their solutions.
- Solution Issues
- Secure Algorithm VS Limitation of RFID
- Security requirements Indistinguishability
Forward Security
Authentication - Policy / Law Enforcement
- Location Privacy VS Data Privacy
- Usability / Convenience to users
Small tags Hard to see