Title: Distances to Stars: Parsecs and Light Years
1Distances to Stars Parsecs and Light Years
2The Stars are other Suns
Lamor che move il Sole E le altre stelle
Dante, end Of Paradiso
- Orthe Sun is the closest star
Think about them Demo of Starry Night
3Basic Questions about Stars
- How far away are they?
- How hot are they?
- How massive are they
- What are they made of?
- Do they have planets too?
- How do they change with time (stellar evolution)
16 Cygni
4Most Basic Method of Stellar Distance
- Trigonometric parallax an ordinary surveying
Figure 16.1 of textbook, and Section 16.2
5The concept of parallax and distance measurement
6How big is the angular shift?
If Th ltlt 45 degrees, Th (in radians) s/r 90
degrees make a right angle 60 arcminutes made one
degree 60 arcseconds make one arcminute
7The values of stellar parallax
- Smaller parallax gt greater distance
- Largest parallax 0.75 arcseconds
- 1 arcsecond dime at 1.3 miles
8Alpha Centauri, the closest star
9How close/far is Alpha Centauri, and what units
do we use to describe its distance?
- 1 parallax-second 1 parsec 3.08E16m 206,265
au. Alpha Centauri is 1.33 parsecs - If 1 au were 1cm, Alpha Centauri at a distance of
1.5 miles - The Light Year (2.9979E08 m/sec)(3.156E07
sec) 9.461E15 m. Alpha Centauri is 4.3 light
years away - 1 parsec 3.26 ly
10Think back to descriptions of solar system
distances (light minutes to light days) and
compare the situation for nearby stars to get an
idea of the immensity of interstellar space
11Sources of Parallax Measurements
- Pre-1990 ground-based telescopes, 1000 stars
measured - Hipparchus 118,000 stars measured
- See book for breakdown on precision (section 16.2
of book)
12What distances do we have for the nearest stars?
- Appendix 11 of book
- Abbreviated Version
13Look at Appendix 12 (distances to brightest
stars) and think about the significance of those
14What are the distances to the stars in Cygnus?
15Distances to the Stars of Cygnus
3.5 pc
22 parsecs
467 pc
125 pc
52 pc