Searching and optimization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Searching and optimization


Consider a blindfolded hiker placed in a terrain having many local maximums ... If the hiker always moves uphill, it will always reach the top of a maximum ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Searching and optimization

Chapter 13
  • Searching and optimization

  • Applications and techniques
  • Branch-and-bound search
  • Genetic algorithms
  • Successive refinement
  • Hill climbing

Applications and techniques
  • Characterized by looking for a solution to a
    problem that has many potential solutions
  • An exhaustive search is not feasible for many
  • Directed search is used instead
  • May not necessarily search for the optimal (best)
  • Non-optimal solutions may be acceptable

Applications and techniques
  • Examples of problems
  • Travelling salesperson problem
  • 0/1 knapsack problem
  • n-queens problem
  • 8-puzzle
  • 15-puzzle
  • All of these have an extremely large number of
  • Searches can be very time-consuming

Applications and techniques
  • Examples of real world applications
  • Financial forecasting
  • Airline fleet and crew assignment
  • VLSI chip layout
  • Examples of search and optimization techniques
  • Branch-and-bound search
  • Dynamic programming
  • Hill climbing
  • Simulated annealing
  • Genetic algorithms

Branch-and-bound search
  • Uses a state space tree
  • Root node is the starting point
  • Transition from one level to the next represents
    a choice being made towards the solution
  • Can be considered as dividing the problem into
  • Each node represents a sub-problem
  • How the tree is constructed depends on the
  • Called a dynamic tree
  • If the choice at each node just consists of
    selecting either true or false, a binary tree is
  • Called a static tree

Branch-and-bound search
  • The state space tree can be explored using
    various methods
  • Depth-first search
  • Breath-first search
  • Best-first search
  • Searching all nodes is expensive
  • Consider only exploring paths that will likely
    lead to the best solution (i.e., best-first
  • Avoiding unpromising paths prunes the state space

Branch-and-bound search
  • A bounding (or cut-off) function may be used to
    determine whether or not a given path is
  • When a node is reached, the bounding function
    produces an upper or lower bound
  • This can be compared to the value of the best
    path that has been found so far
  • Determine if it is worth it to continue searching
    along this path or not

Branch-and-bound search
  • Terminology
  • Live node A node that has been reached, but not
    all of its children have been explored
  • E-node (Expanded node.) A live node in which
    its children are currently being explored
  • Dead node A node where all of its children have
    been explored
  • As the search proceeds, a list of live nodes is
    maintained in a queue
  • Called an open list
  • A list of dead nodes may also be maintained
  • Called a closed list
  • Used to check for duplicates

Branch-and-bound search
  • Parallelization
  • Simplest approach...allocate a chuck of the state
    space tree to each processor and let them search
    their portion independently
  • Possible to parallelize the evaluation of the
    bounding function
  • However, there are some issues

Branch-and-bound search
  • The size of the state space tree may not be known
    in advance
  • Issue of load balancing
  • The current lower or upper bound (generated by
    the bounding function) should be known by all
  • Must be updated so that all processors can prune
    their state space tree quickly

Branch-and-bound search
  • Another approach is to allow the open list queue
    to be accessed concurrently (i.e., in shared
  • When a processor chooses an item from the queue,
    that item must be locked so that another
    processor doesnt choose it as well
  • However, this will limit the potential speedup

Branch-and-bound search
  • Speedup anomalies
  • Acceleration anomaly Super-linear speedup can
    be achieved if one processor finds a solution
    extremely quickly
  • Deceleration anomaly A solution may be
    positioned such that it cannot be found in 1/p of
    the sequential time
  • Detrimental anomaly There is evidence that
    shows that the speedup factor could be less than

Genetic algorithms
  • Attempts to simulate the natural evolution of a
    population of individuals
  • Chromosomes contain information that
    characterizes a living being
  • Evolution works at the chromosome level
  • The chromosomes of offspring are generated from
    the chromosomes of the offsprings parents
  • This blending is called crossover
  • Sometimes, there may be a random change an
    individuals chromosome pattern
  • This is called mutation

Genetic algorithms
  • With a low mutation rate, there is a tendency for
    fit individuals to pass on their traits to the
    next generation
  • Unfit individuals tend to die out
  • With a high mutation rate, individuals of the
    next generation are very randomly different from
    the individuals of the previous generation
  • Can cause instability or non-convergence

Genetic algorithms
  • Basically, you have a population of solutions.
    Crossover and mutation occur. A new generation
    of solutions is produced and this process repeats
  • Algorithm
  • Create an initial population of solutions
  • Evaluate each solution to determine how fit
    they are
  • Characterize the solutions from most fit to least
  • Select a subset of the population (favouring more
    fit solutions)
  • Use the subset to produce a new generation of
    offspring (using crossover)
  • Apply random mutations to some of offspring
  • Repeat this process until some termination
    condition is satisfied

Genetic algorithms
  • Representation of an individual (their
  • Commonly, binary strings (e.g., 000101011110)
  • More recently, floating points, gray codes, and
    integer strings
  • Bits in the binary string have some sort of
  • For example, the first bit might represent the
    sign of a number and the remaining bits might
    represent the number itself
  • An initial population is generated using a random
    number generator
  • Individuals are evaluated according to some
  • Could produce a number, with higher numbers
    representing that an individual is very fit

Genetic algorithms
  • Constraints might be placed on a solution
  • For example, if an individual falls outside of a
    range of values, it could be discarded or
    repaired by changing some bits
  • The number of individuals in a population
  • How quickly a good solution will be found
  • How much computation needs to be done per

Genetic algorithms
  • Selection process
  • In nature, there is a bias towards the most fit
  • However, there may be problems where there are
    many local optimum solutions
  • Just selecting the most fit individuals could
    gather around a single local optimum rather than
    the global optimum
  • One approach is tournament selection
  • A set of individuals from the population is
  • The most fit individual wins the tournament is
    selected as a parent to generate offspring
  • Many of these tournaments are played until the
    whole population has participated

Genetic algorithms
  • The individuals chosen by the selection process
    are paired up as parents and produce offspring,
    using crossover and mutation
  • Single-point crossover
  • Given two parents, A and B, their chromosomes are
    split into two at some boundary
  • The rightmost portions of the parents
    chromosomes are then swapped to generate two
  • Other types of crossover Multi-point crossover,
    uniform crossover

Genetic algorithms
  • Mutation
  • Generally, the mutation rate is kept small
  • Mutation occurs by simply changing one or more
    bits in a childs chromosome
  • Other variations that can be incorporated into
    the algorithm
  • Carry over some of the most fit individuals from
    the previous generation into the next generation
  • Randomly generate new individuals for the next
  • Vary the population size from one generation to
    the next

Genetic algorithms
  • Possible termination conditions
  • Stop after a number of generations
  • Cannot tell if you have an optimal solution or if
    the population has moved far away from it
  • Consider the degree of improvement from one
    generation to the next
  • Consider the similarity of all the individuals in
    the population

Genetic algorithms
  • Two approaches to parallelization
  • Let each processor control its own population and
    allow some migration to occur between populations
  • Let each processor do a portion of each step of
    the algorithm on a shared population

Genetic algorithms
  • Isolated subpopulations
  • After a certain number of generations, the
    processors share their best individuals
  • Immigrants must be selected, send, received, then
    integrated into the population
  • Sending and receiving is done easily with message
  • There are a couple models of migration to
  • The island models allow individuals to move to
    any other subpopulation
  • Models nature better, but requires more
  • The stepping-stone model only allows moving
    between neighbouring populations

Genetic algorithms
  • Common population
  • The steps of the algorithm can easily be
    parallelized, but under a message passing system,
    there would be a huge amount of communication
  • This is more feasible with shared memory

Successive refinement
  • Related to solving problems like finding the
    maximum value of a function
  • Consider a graph of a function
  • A grid is placed with some amount of spacing
    between grid lines
  • At each of these grid lines, a point is examined
  • The k best points are kept
  • A finer grid spacing is then used
  • Around each of the chosen best points, points on
    the grid lines are examined
  • The best points are kept and the process repeats
    until some condition is met

Successive refinement
  • This is simple, but requires more computations
    than genetic algorithms
  • Though, still much better than an exhaustive
  • Parallelization is straightforward
  • Divide up the points to be examined amongst all
    the processors
  • Each processor sends its best points to the
    master processor
  • The master processor determines which of those
    points are the best, then distributes them to the
    slave processors
  • The points to be examined are divided up again
    and the process repeats

Hill climbing
  • Consider a blindfolded hiker placed in a terrain
    having many local maximums
  • The hikers task is to find the global maximum
  • Simple algorithm the hiker uses
  • Dont go downhill
  • If the hiker always moves uphill, it will always
    reach the top of a maximum
  • However, if there are many local maximums, its
    unlikely the hiker will stop on the global maximum

Hill climbing
  • So...randomly place thousands of blindfolded
    hikers on the terrain
  • Still no guarantee, but this increases the
    chances that one of them will stop on the global
  • Hill climbing is a Monte Carlo search technique
  • Again, this relates to problems like finding the
    global maximum of a function

Hill climbing
  • Parallelization
  • The area can be divided up amongst all the
  • Each processors generates a random number of
    starting points and moves all of those points
  • Each processor reports the maximum they found to
    the master processor
  • The master processor returns the largest maximum
    from the findings

Hill climbing
  • Some hikers might take longer than others to
    reach a maximum
  • A tiny hill versus a steep mountain
  • Some processors might finish earlier than others
  • A work-pool approach considers this
  • Divide the area up into even smaller segments
  • As processors finish a segment, they report their
    maximum to the master processor and choose
    another segment from the work-pool
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