Title: Medical Applications of Fluorescence Spectroscopy
1Medical Applications of Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- Martin ODwyer and Miles Padgett
- Optics Group at
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Glasgow
- In collaboration with the Department of
Photobiology, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, and the
Maxillofacial Department, the Royal Infirmary,
2This talk
- History of the project
- The fluorescence systems weve used
- Some work weve done
- Older examples briefly
- Recent example in more detail
- Acknowledgements
3Detection of tissue fluorescence (why?)
Tissue fluorescence
Fluorescence detection
45-aminolaevulinic acid (ALA)
Aminolaevulinic acid (ALA) administered to patient
5Tissue Fluorescence
PpIX Fluorescence
6Fluorescence imaging system
7Imaging results (In vivo - colon cancer)
8Point Application
9A Compact Fluorescence System
10Monitoring PDT of anal intraepithelial neoplasia
- Clear decrease in PpIX fluorescence during
treatment due to photobleaching. - Potential for determining appropriate length of
11Finished System
- Distinguishes between normal and cancerous
fluorescence. - Compact, portable, robust and user-friendly
system. - Fibre-coupled for endoscopic use.
- Low cost and easily maintained
12Some Applications
- Monitoring PDT of anal intraepithelial neoplasia
- Endoscopic detection of gastrointestinal (GI)
cancers - Characterisation of new formulations in-vivo
- In-vitro study of new drug combinations
- Optimise procedures
- Study effects of modifying treatment
13Photodynamic Therapy
- PDT now routinely used
- Mostly involved in topical dermatology
- Topical PDT increasingly used
- Other diseases also treated
14Veterinary PDT
- Device used at VETSUISSE Faculty, Zurich
- New Liposomal formulations of m-THPC
(photosensitizer) - Fluorescent measurements to assess
15New Formulations
- New liposomal formulation of the well-known
photosensitizer Foscan (mTHPC, Temoporfin) - In-vivo measurements in cats with spontaneousely
occuring squamous cell carcinoma - Concentration 1.5 mg Temoporfin/ml Fospeg
- Drug dosage 0.15 mg/kg 10 J/cm2
16A Patient/VolunteerFeline squamous cell carcinoma
- 17 year old neutered tom
- A - Before treatment
- B - 3 weeks after, central necrosis of the tumour
- C - 15 weeks after, complete destruction of
- False negative rates
- Inadequacies of sampling
- Inadequacies of slide preparation
- Processing problems - 90 of all slides are
normal easy to miss the comparatively rare
abnormal slide. - Unnecessary costly procedures
- Inability to detect the earliest signs
- Optical techniques may be as effective?
18Endoscopic inspection of Oral/Oesophageal cancers
- Ratio of autofluorescence and PpIX fluorescence
peaks allows normal and pre-cancerous tissue to
be clearly distinguished. - Potential for use in early detection of GI
19Oral detection
- Rising UK incidence of oral cancer especially in
Scotland - Early diagnosis is difficult
- Hence Poor Prognosis
- A Tool to aid the early diagnosis of cancer would
be useful - Pilot study to explore a fluorescence technique
to identify suspicious tissue
- Fluorescence spectra were recorded from all
regions at 30min, 60min and 90min after mouthwash - PpIX fluorescence levels were greater at 60 and
90mins than at 30min (as expected) - 12 standard points were looked at after 90mins
22In-vivo fluorescence measurements (Six patients
and six healthy volunteers)
- Plot of maximum values of autofluorescence vs
PpIX fluorescence (dosage 20mg/kg bw))
23In-vivo fluorescence measurements (Six patients
and six healthy volunteers)
- Patient 1 mild and severe dysplasia..
- Patient 2 Well differentiated squamous cell
carcinoma with marked lichenoid reaction. - Patient 3 Ulceration, severe dysplasia adjacent
to biopsy site. Moderate dysplasia extending to
excision margin. - Patient 4 Severe dysplasia and hyperkeratosis.
The reading from FEMS was carried out after
excision of the lesion. - Patient 5 chronic inflammation with reactive
epithelial changes, diagnosed as chronic
hyperplastic candidiasis. - Patient 6 Squamous carcinoma that had been
resected from the right floor of mouth. PDD
carried out at 3 months subsequently.
- Data reduction technique
- Determine covariance between dimensions of data
set - Principle components are eigenvectors of
covariance matrix - Eigenvector with the highest eigenvalue contains
the most information about the original data set - Attractive way of processing large amounts of
26Endoscopic inspection of Oral/Oesophageal cancers
- Barretts Oesophagus Patients
- Glasgow has the highest incidence in the UK
- Royal Infirmary
- ALA administered orally (dosage 20mg/kg bw).
- Fluorescence spectra measured during routine
endoscopy from various tissue types.
27Oral/Oesophageal parallel measurements
- Optical measurement at same point at biopsy
- Hope to show definitive correlation
optical-histological - Want to know how progressed cancer is
- Prompt early biopsy
- Help triage urgency of biopsy
- Indicate Site to biopsy (if large lesion)
28Future work
- Correlation study ongoing
- Hope to show definitive correlation
optical-histological - Just completed PoC project
- Lifetime measurement
- MHRA approval for trial
- History of the project
- The systems used
- Some results
- Future plans
30Thanks to
- Miles Padgett
- Graham Ogden, Stuart McLaren, Carol Goodman
- Julia Buchholtz
- Jacqueline Hewett Valerie Nadeau
- EPSRC, Scottish Enterprise, Royal Society of
Edinburgh - Jo-Etienne Abela, Robert Stuart