Title: Fulfilling Gods Destiny
1Fulfilling Gods Destiny For Work and Witness
- One-half of all men and women who went to work
this morning feel they are in the wrong career
field. This is the startling revelation of a
national survey. - Fifty-two percent of information technology
workers indicate they would rather be doing
something in the liberal arts field. - There are many indicators that millions of people
are like square pegs in round holes when it comes
to work and careers.
3- Today, too many young people start post-secondary
education or enter the world of work without
focus, direction, or mission. They have little
idea of
- what they want to do,
- what they should do, or
- how to make sound decisions.
4- Most young people do not fully understand how
Gods plan for their lives importantly includes
work as a means of
- glorifying Him and
- serving as an example and
- platform for witness and ministry.
5Did you know?
- High percentages of college bound students
- spend more of their own, their parents, and
taxpayers money - often start their first jobs with a heavy burden
of debt.
- frequently select the wrong courses of study in
college or technical schools - change majors several times
- stay in school longer than necessary
6Did you know?
- The U.S. Department of Education
- says that the typical college student takes five
and one-half academic years to graduate.
- The average amount borrowed
- by 55 percent of all students who complete
post-secondary education programs is 10,000 - by recipients of bachelors degrees is 13,500.
7We all know...
This falls short of Gods standards of
8Whats the price of a career mismatch ?
- Being mismatched at work typically
- leads to detrimental results.
- Poor witness for Christ
- Poor quality work
- Family or marriage problems
- Health issues
- Low motivation
- High job turnover
- Diminished income
- Frustration and conflict
9- Many people feel like prisoners in a career
that does not reflect or enhance their God-given
Uh, Mr. SmithIve finished that report you
10Whats the reason for wrong career decisions ?
- Many young people make career decisions
- for the wrong reasons
- Friends work for company
- Parents work in that field
- Minimum ability to do job
- Fulfill parents unfulfilled dreams
- Easiest job to get
- More money
- Good title or company name
- Because job is offered
11Whats the answer ?
Is there anything out there to help teens find
direction in life?
Youth Exploration Survey for teens 13 to 16
12Youth Exploration Survey
- Helping teens discover TODAY how to make a
difference TOMORROW!
13- YES!
- is a self-discovery tool to help young people
learn a biblically based process for making
decisions about their lives now
and their future careers.
14Whats in the YES! assessment?
- The YES! package profiles each youth
participant in four areas - Personality Style
- Vocational Interests
- Work Abilities
- Work Priorities
15This is not a boring test that lacks practical
Instead, YES! is based on an exciting travel
theme. Each section contains challenging
exercises to help youth apply what they learn
about themselves to current activities, such as
school, part-time jobs, and extracurricular
pursuits, as well as future career decisions and
educational choices.
16YES! uses six clever symbols to depict the
personality traits.
17Each of the six Personality Trait segments in the
Guidebook highlights several key points.
18To maximize learning, YES! presents the Passport.
- This career adventure booklet is designed to
help young people apply what they learn about
their God-given strengths to - home life
- academic pursuits
- part-time work
- sports, and...
- making career and education decisions.
19Passport uses the travel theme to communicate
How do you naturally respond?
What are you interested in doing?
What do you naturally do well?
What is really important to you?
20One important Passport exercise involves a
revealing career evaluation process, using an
innovative game format called the Career Road
This exercise enables students to picture
graphically how their makeup or pattern can, and
should, impact occupations and career decisions.
21- The Survey Discovery Exercises
in the YES! Guidebook are based on the
validated Career Direct assessments and career
guidance materials developed by Life Pathways.
To date, these materials have helped over 50,000
people to match their unique makeup with
appropriate career fields.
22- The YES! Program was designed for effective
- administration in a group setting, such as
- Christian School
- Church
- Youth Group
- Youth Camp
- Home School Group.
- Exercises are intended to stimulate interaction
and sharing among participants. - Teaching and learning are facilitated by the use
of symbols, creative graphics, storytelling, and
23Above all, YES! helps teens
- Understand that God designed each person uniquely
and personally. - Grasp the idea that God not only has a plan for
each life but that He has equipped each person
for the call He has placed on that person. - Learn how to match their design with specific
career fields and occupations. - Develop an attitude of stewardship of talents.
- Realize that God is the ultimate Source and that
significance and vocational satisfaction come
from our relationship with God - not material
wealth or status.
24- YES!, parents are a key part of the
- Career Direct- Youth Exploration Survey
Parents are provided a special pamphlet to help
them fulfill their role as primary career
guidance counselors to their children.
25Career Direct-YES! comes in a complete package
for schools or groups.
- YES! - 126 page guidebook
- Passport - 20 page workbook
- Unfolding Your Child
- (the parents guide) - 8 pages
- Leaders Guide - over 90 pages of ideas,
explanations, directions, and resources
Resources, such as graphics, posters, and sample
letters also are available at the CFC Web site.
26The cost of YES! per student is about one-third
the cost of books for one college course
the cost of two and one-half large pizzas with
27Say yes to YES!
a toolbox for teachers, pastors, and parents to
help young people build their futures!