Title: The Wonderful World of Hackenbush Games
1The Wonderful World of Hackenbush Games
- And Their Relation to the Surreal Numbers
2The Men Behind the Magic
John H. Conway created the surreal numbers in
1969. Donald Knuth thought these numbers were
dreamy and gave them their name surreal
numbers. The surreal numbers include all the
natural counting numbers, together with negative
numbers, fractions, and irrational numbers, and
numbers bigger than infinity and smaller than the
smallest fraction. A good way to get acquainted
with these surreal numbers is via the Game of
¼, p, e, sqrt(2), 0, -2, infintity, 1/infinity, w
3grEen Hackenbush
- Rules
- Branches or lines which touch the ground or
baseline. - Two players Left and Right take turns making
moves. - Either player can hack away a grEen branch.
- A move consists of hacking away one of the
segments, and removing that segment and all
segments above it that are not connected to the
ground. - Ground is considered as one node
- Last person to hack wins.
- Game Time To the board
4Hackenbush and Nim
- Three stalks Nim piles of 3, 4, 5
- Nim-sum of these is 3 4 5 2
- Derive SG-value of 0
- Is it a N or a P position?
5Properties of Hackenbush Trees
A.k.a. Great topics for the final question!!!
- Value of a continuous color is 1/2n where n is
the number of branches. - Colon Principle When branches come tgogether at
a vertex, one may replace the branches by a
non-branching stalk of length equal to their
nim-sum. - Fusion Principle The vertices on any circuit
may be fused without changing the Sprague-Grundy
value of the graph. - Loops reduce to lines
- Example Girl to green shrub (via fusion) to
blade of grass (via Colon)
6Blue Red Hackenbush
- Same as Green Hackenbush except
- A partizan game
- Red branches may only be hacked by Right. bLue
branches only hackable by Left. - Play game on board.
- Tweedledee and Tweedledum I (modify one to have a
lollypop (for fusion))
7Finding Values in Blue Red Hackenbush
- The value of the game is in terms of the number
of moves in Rights advantage. - A negative value corresponds to a negative
advantage to Right. A.k.a. an advantage to Left - What does half a move advantage for Right look
8Notation for Surreal Numbers
- A generic representation
- XL is the amount of moves which Left has when he
moves first. - XR is the amount of moves which Right has when he
moves first. - Start counting moves at 0
- Some examples
- 0
- 0 1
- 0 -1
- 01 -1,0 1 ½
- 1 0,1 2
- All of these values represent the value for the
Left player
9Using Hackenbush to Explore Surreal Numbers
- Think of Hackenbush as another notation
- Take a look at 2/3
- Think of this picture as a visual limit.
- Imagine the picture that forms as a result of
following the visual pattern for larger and
larger hackenbush strings
- The picture in your minds eye is very close
to 2/3. - To calculate the value of the next hackenbush
string. Take current hackenbush string length,
n, calculate a value, 1/2n. Whether the next
color in the pattern is red or blue respectively
subtract or add that value to the value of the
current string.
0 1 ½ ¾ 5/8 11/16 21/32 43/64 84/128
171/256 341/512 683/1024 1365/2048
10Using Hackenbush to Explore Surreal Numbers
Further Part II
- Take a look at p
- This is a hackenbush string which is infinite in
length. - Convert p to a binary number
- Since its p, there is no repeating pattern.
- 3.0010010000111111011010101000100100001011010001
11w The Infinite Ordinal Numbers
- Omega is a really big number, similar to
infinity. - 1
- w 1 w 1
- Omega is a hackenbush tree, all the same color
with an infinite number of branches.
- The Surreal Numbers encompass a very large scale.
- Hackenbush provides a game we can play with the
surreal numbers - More importantly hackenbush provides a way to
visualize the surreal numbers. - Two players/sets Left and Right
- A way to see numbers of infinite size