Title: Microbial Habitats
1Microbial Habitats
Normal flora microorganisms normally living on
or in the body without normally causing disease.
Your body is a home to 1 x 1014 microbial cells
2Key Terms
- Commensalism microbe benefits, host unaffected.
- Mutualism microbe benefits, host benefits.
- Opportunism change in host circumstance.
Normal flora is a significant cause of both minor
AND serious life threatening infections.
3Acquisition of normal flora
- Sterile at birth, but from then on we are
continually exposed to microorganisms, some of
which become established as normal flora. - During birth maternal
- After birth dietary sources and direct contact
- NOT static, but continually changing.
- - may reflect your environment
4Location, Location, Location
- NOT all body sites have normal flora
- Sterile sites - inaccessible
- - unsuitable
- - protected
- Most external body sites have normal flora
- Skin, mouth, URT, GIT, genitourinary tract
- Nature of body SITE has a major influence on TYPE
of normal flora - TROPISM
5Skin Flora
- Relatively inhospitable - dry
- - low pH and temperature
- - inhibitory secretions
- Location ? - surface or subsurface
- - dry or moist body site
- Body odour - role of microbes and
anti-perspirant - staphylococci propionibacterium yeasts
Handwashing resident, transient, contaminant
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7Upper Respiratory Tract Flora
- Sterile below larynx (bronchi and lungs are
sterile) - Common organisms - streptococci
- - Neisseria
- - haemophilus
- Streptococcus pyogenes
- Streptococcus pneumoniae
- Neisseria meningitidis
- Haemophilus influenzae
All are potentially serious pathogens at this and
other body sites.
8Gastronitestinal flora 1
- Various parts of organ system pH, O2 tension,
nutrients - MOUTH - paradoxically is quite anaerobic
- - 100 billion per gram tissue
- (clenched fist injuries)
- - plaque and tooth decay
- STOMACH - ? Sterile site (microbes in transit)
- - What about Helicobacter?
9Gastrointestinal flora 2
- Small versus large bowel
- 1011-12 bacteria per gram of bowel contents.
- - most are anaerobic bacteria (10001)
- - E. coli is a well known aerobic component.
- The bowel is an important source of organisms for
10Genitourinary tract flora
- Urinary tract - sterile site ? (transient /
protected) - - distal urethra
- Vaginal flora
- Pre-pubescent - pH 7
- - skin and bowel flora
- Post-pubescent - pH 5
- - hormone / epithelial changes
- - lactobacilli
- Age is a strong predictor for nature of infection
LOSS of normal vaginal flora CAUSE and EFFECT
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- Normal flora is not present at all body sites.
- The types of normal flora vary with the nature of
the body site. - Normal flora is continually changing to reflect
your environment and biological state. - Normal flora is primarily bacterial with
occasional yeasts (fungi), but no viruses, moulds
(fungi) or parasites. - Important to distinguish between resident,
transient and contaminating flora.