Title: Newton and Life in a Mechanical
1Newton and Life in a Mechanical
- The Scientific Revolution The search for
physical cause for a predictable effect - M. Todd Tippetts, Ph.D.
2Aristotles Mechanics
- Natural Order to things
- Rocks fall because they want to be in their right
place, with the other rocks - Planets move in circles because that is their
natural motion
Aristotles View
Modern View
3Paradigm of Scientific Age
- Nature works in predictable ways based on natural
laws - Laws could be expressed in mathematical formula
- All reality is a result of the interaction of
matter (particles) and energy - Concept of Atom
4Democritus and Atoms
- Indivisible particle of all material called
atomos - Properties of atoms explain their behavior
- Water atoms are smooth
- Iron atoms are like velcro
- Fire atoms have spikes
- Xeno and idea of dividing matter forever won
5John Dalton Revises Idea of Atom
- Quaker Schoolteacher, no lab of his own-- Used
other scientists results to formulate Atomic
Theory - All matter made of indivisible particles called
atoms - Atoms combine in simple ratios to form molecules
- Chemical reactions are just a reshuffling of
atoms atoms themselves are indestructible
6Atomists through the Ages
- Democritus, Leucipitus
- World was explained in terms of atoms. There was
no need for the Gods - Atheists also at time of Dalton used atoms as
evidence for self sufficient universe. - Atoms moving in the void.
- Boyle, Newton and Company
- World made of atoms, God made the atoms --
Existence of atoms was an evidence for the
existence of God
7Mersenne (1588 -1648)
- Catholic Priest and amateur scientist
- Worked in defining and defending miracles
- Used Aquinas definition
- Mechanical philosophy sets the boundaries for
what can be explained. What falls outside those
boundaries is a miracle
8Robert Boyle (1627-91)
- Atoms were created by God and act according to
the laws that God gave them. Gods attention
keeps them moving - God is the Author of the universe free
Establisher of the Laws of motion, whose general
Concourse is necessary to the conservation
Efficacy of every particular Physical Agent"
9- Boyle felt Atheistic Atomists made two
fundamental mistaken assumptions - They assumed atoms/matter had always existed
- They assumed atoms moved by themselves
- Boyle felt that atoms existed because God made
them. They moved and continued to exist only
because God preserved and sustained them - Ontological Sustenance
10Modern Ideas on Atoms
- They didnt always exist, but formed shortly
after the Big Bang about 15 Billion years ago - They move because of the remaining heat energy
form the Big Bang. When the sun and stars goes
out and the universe cools, they will stop moving
11Boyle and Voluntarism
- God was free to make any natural laws that he
choose. So they could not be deduced by reason,
but could only be elucidated by experimentation. - This was a justification for experimental science
12Descartes (1596-1650)
- Cartesian Coordinates used to make physics
mathematical - "In our search for the direct road to truth, we
should busy ourselves with no object about which
we cannot attain a certitude equal to that of the
demonstration of arithmetic and geometry." - God put the atoms into motion. Sciences goal
was to find those mathematical principles which
God had used.
13Moving Particles and Machines
- Action of the earth, plants and animals were all
explained by moving particles. They were nothing
but machines - Involuntary behavior of humans was also just a
machine - Since animals were just machines, you could treat
them however you wanted (no animal rights)
14Matter-Spirit Dualism
- Although some proposed that human though was also
just moving particles, Descarte insisted that
immaterial spirit was the source of human thought - This ghost in the machine was what
differentiated humans from animals - This has been rejected by many modern scientists
and philosophers. - See Daniel Dennett on reading list
15Isaac Newton (1641-1727)
- Raised Anglican, but dissented from some
principles (Trinity, etc.) - Special Lucasian Chair founded so he could stay
at Cambridge as a lay person - Now held by Stephen Hawking
16- Wrote book on Biblical Interpretation
- Proposed simplest possible interpretation,
usually literal - History shows prophecy has been fulfilled
- Thought the Pope was the Antichrist
- Studies Spiritual Alchemy
- Change Lead into Gold
- Transform base men to higher levels
- Involved in mystic traditions
- Rosicrucians and Occult Freemasons
17Scientific Positivism
- Science should look for mathematical
relationships in the phenomena. Teleology and
Metaphysics should be avoided. Study how things
take place, but not why.
18Newtons Laws of Motion
- Inertia An object at rest remains at rest, and
an object in motion remains in motion - Force (Mass) (acceleration)
- Gives relationships between mass, velocity and
changes of velocity. - Allows prediction of position, velocity and
direction of moving particles - For every action there is an equal and opposite
19Particles and Motion
- Newton invented Calculus to calculate forces on
particles, and use this to predict their motion.
If one knows the momentum, the position and the
forces involved, on can predict any future
position. This works for cannonballs, and for
Planet accelerates moving towards sun, and slows
down moving away from it
20Forces on Cannonballs
Acceleration of gravity attracts cannonballs to
the earth. Path is determined by gravity as well
as the initial direction.
21Newtons Law of Gravity
- Gravity was attraction at distance based on the
mass of the objects - Earth pulled the apple towards it
- Gravity is what holds the moon around the earth,
and the earth around the sun
22Gravity is the Law God has chosen
- Gravity is everywhere just as God is everywhere
- Gravity shows Gods continuing interest in the
world. - Ontological Sustenance maintains gravity
- God intervenes to keep universe in balance
- Keeps the universe from collapsing due to
gravities attraction
23God of the Gaps
- For Newton, gravity was a strong evidence for
God. Gravity was there because God caused it to
be - If gravity is shown to be an intrinsic property
of particles, then there is no need for God
24Newtonian Physics and Free Will
- If one knows the position, momentum and the
forces acting upon any particle, you can
calculate where it was in the past, and where it
will be in the future. - Planets are found in predictable location as they
orbit the sun. They have no choice where they
will be located at any given time.
25Newton and Free Will
- Does this apply to the moving particles in
animals, and in humans? - Do we really have free will, or is it just an
illusion as we move along our path which is
determined by our momentum, and the forces on us. - Perhaps all thought is reducible to an
arrangement of neurotransmitters, and ions
crossing membranes particles and forces acting
on them.
26Mind Spirit Dualism
- Animals are simply machines, a collection of
cleverly assembled particles - Mans immaterial soul makes him different from
the animals. This allows him to have real
thoughts, not simply an epiphenomena resulting
from moving particles
- But there was no actual evidence for this
immaterial soul, no evidence for its interaction
with the physical body - Perhaps if animals didnt need a soul, humans
didnt either - Dennett and others have proposed theories of
consciousness based entirely on moving particles
and neurons.
28Role of God in a Mechanical Universe
- Enlightenment scientists saw the universe as a
huge clockwork. If all events are the universe
moving along its predictable pathway, what is God
to do all day long? - Deism God made the universe, and now has
nothing to do with it
29Responses to Deism
- Newton God needed to attend to the universes to
keep it in balance. Gravity only existed because
God constantly willed it. God kept the universe
from collapsing due to gravitational attraction.
Comets were God moving around the matter to keep
balance. - God of the Gaps
30Responses to Deism
Leibnitz The idea that the universe needed
minding was blasphemy. God made the universe
right he first time, it didnt need fixing.
31Stability of Universe
- For Newton, Gravity should draw the universe to
the center till it collapsed - The universes stability was the best evidence
for God - New knowledge of the Big Bang has provided a
non-theistic reason for that stability its
still expanding - One day it may still stop expanding and then
God of the Gaps
32Einstein on Disappearance of Gaps
- The more a man is imbued with the ordered
regularity of all events, the firmer becomes his
conviction that there is no room for causes of a
different nature. For him, neither the rule of
human nor the rule of divine will exists as an
independent cause of natural events.
33More from Einstein
- To be sure, the doctrine of a personal God
interfering with natural events could never be
refuted, in a real sense, for this doctrine can
always take refuge in those domains in which
scientific knowledge has not yet been able to set
foot. . . .A doctrine which is able to maintain
itself not in clear light, but only in the dark,
will of necessity lose its effect on mankind,
with incalculable harm to human progress.