Title: Cannon Mine Tailings Impoundment Wenatchee, WA
1Cannon Mine Tailings Impoundment Wenatchee, WA
- Jack A. Caldwell Robertson GeoConsultants
- Ian Hutchison Strategic Engineering Science
- Rick Frechette Knight Piesold
- We were all with SRK for this project
2Teton Dam Failure
- On the Teton River, Southeast Idaho
3More Teton
- Failed 1976
- Killed 11
- Height 305 ft
- Length 3,100 ft
- Cost 48 million
- Design Earth Dam
4Causes of Failure
- Foundation Seepage
- Cracked Core
- Internal Erosion
- Piping
5Looking Down to Wenatchee
Same Foundations Above the Town A Silica Quarry
6JOINT VENTURE Asamera Minerals Breakwater
7Cross Section
8Surrounding Site Conditions
Basalt for Shell Loess for Core Quarry of Filters
9Downstream Face of Embankment
10The Grout Curtain
Cost 1 million Depth gt 200 ft Three Lines of
11What Was Actually There
Deep, Undetected Gully 16 million to clean and
12The Mill Site
13Some Mine Stats
- Produced
- 1.25 million oz Gold
- 2 million oz Silver
- Employed 185
- Underground Mine
- Died During Mining 2
14Tailings Deposition 1985 to 1994
15Geotextile as Base for Cover
16Cover Soil over Geotextile
17Aerial View of the Impoundment
18Site Revegetation in Progress
19Revegetated Top Cover
20At ClosureA Riding Stable Dry Gulch Preserve
21(No Transcript)