Title: Presenting an Effective Presentation
1Presenting an Effective Presentation
- Dr Doug Klein
- Assistant Director, Continuous Professional
Learning - Associate Professor, Family medicine
- University of Alberta
- Following this workshop, you will be able to
- Differentiate between surface and deep learning
- Identify 5 strategies that if integrated will be
more likely to result in behavioral change - Recognize and solve problem situations in group
3How many of you
- Regularly do some form of teaching?
- Teach non-FP specialist colleagues?
- Teach FP specialists?
- Teach residents/med students?
- Do public forums?
4What is your biggest challenge?
- Engage
- Understand your audience
- Learning to change
- Learning styles
- Evaluate impact
- Language
- Sustain interest
5Types of learning
- Surface Learning versus Deep Learning
6Example of Surface Leaning
- I took a speed reading course and read 'War and
Peace' in twenty minutes. It involves Russia. - Woody AllenUS movie actor, comedian, director
(1935 - ) -
7Transitions in learning
- Unconscious unaware
- Conscious unaware
- Conscious awareness
- Unconscious awareness
8Surface vs. Deep Learning
9What strategies are most effective in promoting
deeper learning?
- Cover learning styles
- Teaching
- Reflect on learning
- Participation
- Repetition
- Q and A
- Discussion with peers
- Key points
- Bring back to need of audience
- Objectives
- Cases relevant
- Demostration
10Deep learning is promoted byeducational
structure which incorporates
- Needs assessment
- Participation
- Practicality
- An appropriate amount of information
- Has a reflective component
11Needs based
- Survey
- Feedback
- Demographic
- Concerns
- Virtual need assessment
- Ask audience questions
- Small groups
- Pairing people
- Worksheets quizes
- Audience response systems
- Role plays
- Incentives rewards
- Humour
- Ice breaker
- Cases
- Hands on activity
- Simulation
- Keep relevant
- Know your audience
- Examples
- Kiss principle
14Appropriate amount of information
- Not too lengthy
- Do not fill empty space
- 2 min per slide
- Tailor presentation to needs
- Trial run
- Less is More
- Evaluation and repeat evaluation
- Commit to sharing
- Peer review
- Journal
- Participant sharing
- Most important learning aspect
- Needs assessment
16Commitment to change
- Based on the session we have just done, list one
specific change that you will make based on the
things we discussed.
17What challenges have you faced in teaching groups?
- The quiet group.
- The disruptive individual or couple.
- A group that goes off on tangents
- The dominator.
- 5. A group that just wont shut up!
18Strategies for Quiet Group
- Ask questions
- Initiate discussion
- Ask and use names
- Ask advice
- Group answers
- Ground rules
- Ice breaker
- Humour
- Selecting people
- Ask questions that they know answers
- Repetite question
19Strategies for Disruptive Individual or Couple
- Ground rules
- Separate
- Involve them
- Disruptive questions to parking lot
- At end
20Strategies for groups that go off on tangents
- Acknowledge but redirect
- Outline
- Humour
- Involve members as time keeper and facillatator
21Strategies for dealing with the dominator
- Ask others to particpate
- Take turns
- Give task summary or recorder
- Leave the room
- Call a break and take aside
- Back to person
- Hand on person
22Strategies for the runaway group
- Stay on task
- Rewards
- Similar to tangent group
- Break and reassess
- Teach adults using adult education principles
- If there is no participation, there is no
learning - Adult learners are looking for solutions to
problems they have right now in their practice - Reflection identifies problems and results in
behavior change.