Title: Hart County Schools
- Hart County Schools
- Grades 4-5
2Science and Math Integration
- Presented by
- Eleanor Savko
- Hardin County Schools
- District Technology Resource Teacher
- Instructional Technology Leader-Region 2
3Why Use Technology?
The Upgrade Easing Into Technology Integration
4Science and Math Integration-How Do I Provide
Equity andWhere Do I Begin?
5What is it, how does it work and how do I create
Mrs. Savkos Class Creating a Class
Roster http//www.hardin.k12.ky.us/res_techn/TEC/C
6Jeopardy Game
- As a class review
- As a small group review
- As an individual review
- As a teaching strategy
7Lets Play Jeopardy!
- Fifth Grade Jeopardy
- Based on Core Content
- Exit Expectations in Hardin County
8Blank Jeopardy Template
Using other already created Jeopardy Games in Math
9Part Two
- How do I integrate Science and Mathematics with
10WithA Recipe for Success!
- Begin with a Constructivist Mentality
- Blend Program of Studies with Core Content
- Sprinkle in Academic Expectations
- Add KY Tech. Standards
- Mix well with time
- Fold in a project
- Assess results
11Begin with a Constructivist Mentality http//www.h
12Blend Program of Studies with Core Content
Program of Studies
13What we choose to teach and how we choose to
teach, is critical What technology we choose to
use and how we choose to use it, is
critical Curriculum must drive technology use in
the classroom!
14Add KY Technology Standards http//www.kde.state.k
15Technologys Role
Technology can help create a dynamic
learner-centered environment where students view
themselves as learners and leaders.
16Mix well with time
17Our Classroom Rules
- Be polite
- Raise your hand to respond
- Have a pencil and paper every day!
- Treat others as you want to be treated.
18Multiplication Tables(Timed automatically)
- 6 x 8
- 6 x 2
- 6 x 9
- 6 x 0
- 6 x 7
- 6 x 1
- 6 x 4
- 6 x 3
- 6 x 5
- 6 x 6
19Multiplication Tables (Timed automatically)
- 6 x 8 48
- 6 x 2 12
- 6 x 9 54
- 6 x 0 0
- 6 x 7 42
- 6 x 1 6
- 6 x 4 24
- 6 x 3 18
- 6 x 5 30
- 6 x 6 36
20A Science Word A Day
- Microscope
- An instrument consisting of a combination of
lenses for making small objects larger - Who invented the microscope?
21A Problem a Day
Water pours out of a faucet at a steady rate. It
takes twice as long to fill Container A as
Container B with water coming out of that
faucet. What can you conclude about the capacity
of each container?
22Solve the following by making a table like the
one you see below.When you are finished, place
it in my box. Be sure your name is on the paper.
(A2) - 4
23Meet the Scientist
- Dr. Jonas Salk
- Discoverer of the first successful polio vaccine
- Born 1914-Died 1995
24Content Words
Match each symbol with the corresponding
function a. - 1._____addition b.
2._____subtraction c. 3._____less
than d.
25Scavenger Hunt in Content Area
As you come into class today, quickly find the
answers to the following questions. Just write
down the page number where the answer can be
found. When finished place in my box. Prizes will
be awarded.
26- Find the term for a one- celled animal.
- Define paramecium.
- What are flagella?
- How does a paramecium move?
27Internet Site of the Week
Mr. Flacks Top Ten Sites of the Week or Choose
a site of your choice
28Skills-MA-E-3.2.5Make predictions and draw
conclusions based on data
Probability / Statistics
30Great Internet Sites
Problems of the week http//forum.swarthmore.edu/e
lempow/ http//www.eduplace.com/math/brain/index.
html http//pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/ucfcasio/problem.
Variety of sites under one roof http//discover
yschool.com/schrockguide/math.html http//www.har
31Dont view the Net as One More Thing
- Include the Net in your everyday teaching, making
it an integral part of the curriculum - Look for spots that naturally lend themselves to
integrating technology - If you start integrating technology into some
aspects of the day, eventually the Net will
become as natural as using a marker or pencil
32Sites for Parents
http//www.domath.org http//www.eduplace.com/par
ents/index.html http//www.funbrain.
Com Parents Handbook for teaching your child Math
33History of Math
- http//www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/history
More Integration Ideas
Math Drill Games MathGoodies MathMagic Mathemat
ics Lesson Database Animated Math Glossary
34Lesson Plans
Education for Kids http//www.edu4kids.com/ Hough
ton Mifflin Activity Search http//www.hmco.com/h
mco/school/search/activity.html Blue Web n
Application Library http//www.kn.pacbell.com/wir
ed/bluewebn Busy Teachers Web Site
K-12 http//www.ceismc.gatech.edu/BusyT Classroom
Connect on the Net http//www.classroom.com CEC
Lesson Plans http//www.col-ed.org/cur/
35Earthquake Unit
?Find ten good earthquake Web sites for students
to visit. ?Email ask an expert ?Email a school
in an earthquake region ?Find current earthquake
events using resources such as the Internet,
Electric Library or ProQuest?Find CD ROMS,
laser discs or videos
36Earthquake continued
- ?Have students create a multimedia project using
PowerPoint or HyperStudio - ?Have students create their own quake-related Web
page - ?What else could you do?
37Tools for Teacher Learning and Planning
- Science Activities Manualhttp//www.utm.edu/depa
rtments/ed/cece/SAMK8.shtml - Eisenhower National Clearinghousehttp//www.enc.
org/classroom/ - Education Worlds Web Site of the
hives/science.shtml - Classroom Connect Connected Teacherhttp//www.co
38Continued . . .
- Science Power 2000http//www.luc.edu/schools/edu
cation/science/aframe.htm - National Science Teachers Associationhttp//www.
nsta.org - Columbia University K-12 Science Education
39Resources for Student Learning
- The Virtual Field Trips Sitehttp//field-guides.
com/ - The Great Plant Escapehttp//www.urbanext.uluc.e
du/gpe/ - Antarctica Onlinehttp//www.antdiv.gov.au/
- Student Interestshttp//www.nsf.gov/home/student
40Expanding the Classroom
- CyberKids Scavenger Hunthttp//www.oakridge.leo
n.k12.fl.us/hunt.html - Too Cool for Grownupshttp//www.tcfg.com
- The Black Hole Ganghttp//www.blackholegang.com/
Collaborate Collaborate
42Fold in a Project
43Project Goals
- Students will acquire lifelong learning skills
by - achieving high standards of literacy
- initiating their own learning
- managing information
- demonstrating aesthetic awareness
- using technology to communicate effectively
- thinking creatively
- solving problems
- taking intellectual and performance risks
44CyberGuidesTeacher Guideand Student Activities
for Math and Sciencehttp//score.kings.k12.ca.u
What is it? How Do I Create One? Examples
http//edweb.sdsu.edu/courses/EDTEC596/Units/ Berm
46Begin with already created projects. . .
KidLink http//www.kidlink.org/KIDPROJ/ Global
Schoolhouse Projects http//www.gsn.org/project/in
dex.html Project Center http//www.eduplace.com/pr
ojects/index.html Adventure Online http//www.adve
47Start Small and Simple
- If this is your first attempt, start a very
simple collaborative project. - Integrate little by little.
48Before long . . .
- Comfort zone will set in
- Use it on a daily basis--all day long
- Full-length projects
- Correlate with your daily teaching
49Dont Make It Difficult...
- So you dont know everything
- Dont be intimidated
- Its OK to make mistakes
- Spend time online
- The sooner you begin, the easier the transition
will be!
50Assess Results
l http//www.sdcoe.k12.ca.us/score/actbank/thyper
stu.htm http//pblmm.k12.ca.us/PBLGuide/Activitie
s/ DesignReviews.html http//memorial.sdcs.k12.ca
.us/LESSONS/WWII/ WWIIUNIT/oralpresentation.html
52With the a Constructivist Mentality, a Class
Roster, and the Recipe for Success you will be
leading your students to enthusiastic integrated
learning into the new millennium!
Your students will you!
53Time for reflection...
- Where do I fit into this picture?
- What goal/s do I need to set?Immediately...In
the future... - How am I going to accomplish my goals?
54You now have the recipe to successfully integrate
technology into your curriculum!