Title: Discriminant Analysis
1Discriminant Analysis
Discriminant analysis is used to determine which
variables discriminate between two or more
naturally occurring groups. Computationally,
discriminant function analysis is very similar to
analysis of variance (ANOVA).
2Discriminant Analysis
For example, an educational researcher may want
to investigate which variables discriminate
between high school graduates who decide (1) to
go to college, (2) to attend a trade or
professional school, or (3) to seek no further
training or education. For that purpose the
researcher could collect data on numerous
variables prior to students' graduation. After
graduation, most students will naturally fall
into one of the three categories. Discriminant
Analysis could then be used to determine which
variable(s) are the best predictors of students'
subsequent educational choice.
3Discriminant Analysis
For example, a medical researcher may record
different variables relating to patients'
backgrounds in order to learn which variables
best predict whether a patient is likely to
recover completely (group 1), partially (group
2), or not at all (group 3). A biologist could
record different characteristics of similar types
(groups) of flowers, and then perform a
discriminant function analysis to determine the
set of characteristics that allows for the best
discrimination between the types.
4Discriminant Analysis
The data consist of five measurements on each of
32 skulls found in the southwestern and eastern
districts of Tibet.
- Greatest length of skull (measure 1)
- Greatest horizontal breadth of skull (measure 2)
- Height of skull (measure 3)
- Upper face length (measure 4)
- Face breadth between outermost points of
cheekbones (measure 5)
There are also place and grouping variables.
5Discriminant Analysis
The data can be divided into two groups. The
first comprises skulls 1 to 17 found in graves in
Sikkim and the neighbouring area of Tibet (Type A
skulls). The remaining 15 skulls (Type B skulls)
were picked up on a battlefield in the Lhasa
district and are believed to be those of native
soldiers from the eastern province of Khams.
These skulls were of particular interest since
it was thought at the time that Tibetans from
Khams might be survivors of a particular human
type, unrelated to the Mongolian and Indian types
that surrounded them.
6Discriminant Analysis
There are two questions that might be of interest
for these data Do the five measurements
discriminate between the two assumed groups of
skulls and can they be used to produce a useful
rule for classifying other skulls that might
become available? Taking the 32 skulls
together, are there any natural groupings in the
data and, if so, do they correspond to the groups
7Discriminant Analysis
Classification is an important component of
virtually al scientific research. Statistical
techniques concerned with classification are
essentially of two types. The first (cluster
analysis) aims to uncover groups of observations
from initially unclassified data. The second
(discriminant analysis) works with data that is
already classified into groups to derive rules
for classifying new (and as yet unclassified)
individuals on the basis of their observed
variable values.
8Discriminant Analysis
Classification is an important component of
virtually al scientific research. Statistical
techniques concerned with classification are
essentially of two types. The first (cluster
analysis) aims to uncover groups of observations
from initially unclassified data. The second
(discriminant analysis) works with data that is
already classified into groups to derive rules
for classifying new (and as yet unclassified)
individuals on the basis of their observed
variable values.
9Discriminant Analysis
Initially it is wise to take a look at your raw
10Discriminant Analysis
Select matrix scatter
Use Define to select.
11Discriminant Analysis
Select matrix variables and markers. Note that
greatest length of skull is above the list
shown. Use OK to accept.
12Discriminant Analysis
13Discriminant Analysis
While this diagram only allows us to asses the
group separation in two dimensions, it seems to
suggest that face breadth between outer- most
points of cheek bones (meas5), greatest length of
skull (meas1), and upper face length (meas4)
provide the greatest discrimination between the
two skull types.
14Discriminant Analysis
We shall now use Fishers linear discriminant
function to derive a classification rule for
assigning skulls to one of the two predefined
groups on the basis of the five measurements
15Discriminant Analysis
Now proceed to complete the analysis.
16Discriminant Analysis
As before use the secondary screens to select the
grouping variable (place) and use Define Range.
17Discriminant Analysis
Select the independents, use OK to run.
18Discriminant Analysis
From the statistics button select
Now proceed to complete the analysis.
19Discriminant Analysis
The resulting descriptive output displays, means
and standard deviations of each of the five
measurements for each type of skull and overall
are given in the Group Statistics table.
20Discriminant Analysis
The within-group covariance matrices shown in the
Covariance Matrices table suggest that the sample
values differ to some extent, see Boxs test for
equality of covariances (see Log Determinants and
Test Results).
21Discriminant Analysis
The within-group covariance matrices shown in the
Covariance Matrices table suggest that the sample
values differ to some extent, but according to
Boxs test for equality of covariances (tables
Log Determinants and Test Results) these
differences are not statistically significant
(F(15,3490) 1.2, p 0.25).
22Discriminant Analysis
It appears that the equality of covariance
matrices assumption needed for Fishers linear
discriminant approach to be strictly correct is
valid here. ( In practice, Boxs test is not of
great use since even if it suggests a departure
for the equality hypothesis, the linear
discriminant may still be preferable over a
quadratic function. Here we shall simply assume
normality for our data relying on the robustness
of Fishers approach to deal with any minor
departure from the assumption.
23Discriminant Analysis
The resulting discriminant analysis shows the
eigenvalue (here 0.93) represents the ratio of
the between-group sums of squares to the
within-group sum of squares of the discriminant
scores. It is this criterion that is maximized in
discriminant function analysis.
24Discriminant Analysis
The canonical correlation is simply the Pearson
correlation between the discriminant function
scores and group membership coded as 0 and 1. For
the skull data, the canonical correlation value
is 0.694 so that 0.694Â Â 100Â Â 48 of the
variance in the discriminant function scores can
be explained by group differences.
25Discriminant Analysis
The Wilks Lambda provides a test for assessing
the null hypothesis that in the population the
vectors of means of the five measurements are the
same in the two groups. The lambda coefficient is
defined as the proportion of the total variance
in the discriminant scores not explained by
differences among the groups, here 51.8. The
formal test confirms that the sets of five mean
skull measurements differ significantly between
the two sites ( (5) 18.1, p 0.003). If the
equality of mean vectors hypothesis had been
accepted, there would be little point in carrying
out a linear discriminant function analysis.
26Discriminant Analysis
Next we come to the Classification Function
Coefficients. This table is displayed as a result
of checking Fishers in the Statistics
sub-dialogue box.
27Discriminant Analysis
It can be used to find Fishers linear
discrimimant function as defined by simply
subtracting the coefficients given for each
variable in each group giving the following
Z 0 09 meas1 0.156 meas2 0.005 meas3 - 0
177.meas4 - 0 177.meas5
28Discriminant Analysis
Z 0 09 meas1 0.156 meas2 0.005 meas3 - 0
177.meas4 - 0 177.meas5 The difference between
the constant coefficients provides the sample
mean of the discriminant function scores
29Discriminant Analysis
The coefficients defining Fishers linear
discriminant function in the equation are
proportional to the unstandardised coefficients
given in the Canonical Discriminant Function
Coefficients table which is produced when
Unstandardised is checked in the Statistics
sub-dialogue box.
30Discriminant Analysis
These scores can be compared with the average of
their group means (shown in the Functions at
Group Centroids table) to allocate skulls into
groups. Here the threshold against which a
skulls discriminant score is evaluated is 0
0585 ½ (0 877 0 994)
Thus new skulls with discriminant scores above
0.0585 would be assigned to the Lhasa site (type
B) otherwise, they would be classified as type
31Discriminant Analysis
When variables are measured on different scales,
the magnitude of an unstandardised coefficient
provides little indication of the relative
contribution of the variable to the overall
discrimination. The Standardized Canonical
Discriminant Function Coefficients listed
attempt to overcome this problem by rescaling of
the variables to unit standard deviation.
32Discriminant Analysis
For our data, such standardisation is not
necessary since all skull measurements were in
millimetres. Standardization should, however, not
matter much since the within-group standard
deviations were similar across different skull
measures. According to the standardized
coefficients, skull height (meas3) seems to
contribute little to discriminating between the
two types of skulls.
33Discriminant Analysis
A question of some importance about a
discriminant function is how well does it
perform? One possible method of evaluating
performance is to apply the derived
classification rule to the data set and calculate
the misclassification rate.
34Discriminant Analysis
Repeat using the following classification.
Now proceed to complete the analysis.
35Discriminant Analysis
This is known as the re-substitution estimate and
the corresponding results are shown in the
Original part of the Classification Results
table. According to this estimate, 81.3 of
skulls can be correctly classified as type A or
type B on the basis of the discriminant rule.
36Discriminant Analysis
However, estimating misclassification rates in
this way is known to be overly optimistic and
several alternatives for estimating
misclassification rates in discriminant analysis
have been suggested. One of the most commonly
used of these alternatives is the so called
leaving one out method, in which the discriminant
function is first derived from only n 1 sample
members, and then used to classify the
observation left out. The procedure is repeated n
times, each time omitting a different
37Discriminant Analysis
The Cross-validated part of the Classification
Results table shows the results from applying
this procedure. The correct classification rate
now drops to 65.6, a considerably lower success
rate than suggested by the simple re-substitution
38Discriminant Analysis
We now turn to applying cluster analysis to the
skull data. Here the prior classification of the
skulls will be ignored and the data simply
explored to see if there is any evidence of
interesting natural groupings of the skulls and
if there is, whether these groups correspond in
anyway with Morants classification. Here we
will use two hierarchical agglomerative
clustering procedures, complete and average
linkage clustering and then k-means clustering.
39Discriminant Analysis
Select Analyze gt Classify gt Hierarchical Cluster
40Discriminant Analysis
In the usual way select the variables of interest
41Discriminant Analysis
Select the plots desired
42Discriminant Analysis
Select the desired method
Now proceed to complete the analysis.
43Discriminant Analysis
The complete linkage clustering output shows
which skulls or clusters are combined at each
stage of the cluster procedure. First, skull 8 is
joined with skull 13 since the Euclidean distance
between these two skulls is smaller than the
distance between any other pair of skulls. The
distance is shown in the column labelled
44Discriminant Analysis
Second, skull 15 is joined with skull 17 and so
45Discriminant Analysis
The dendrogram is simpler to interpret.
46(No Transcript)
47Discriminant Analysis
The dendrogram may, on occasions, also be useful
in deciding the number of clusters in a data set
with a sudden increase in the size of the
difference in adjacent steps taken as an informal
indication of the appropriate number of clusters
to consider. For the dendrogram, a fairly large
jump occurs between stages 29 and 30 (indicating
a three- group solution) and an even bigger one
between this penultimate and the ultimate fusion
of groups (a two-group solution).
48Discriminant Analysis
For an alternate approach use
Now proceed to produce the plot
49Discriminant Analysis
The initial steps agree with the complete linkage
solution, but eventually the trees diverge with
the average linkage dendrogram successively
adding small clusters to one increasingly large
cluster. For the average linkage dendrogram it is
not clear where to cut the dendrogram to give a
specific number of groups.
50(No Transcript)
51Discriminant Analysis
Since we believe there are two groups a final
cluster analysis, employing this information, may
be attempted.
52Discriminant Analysis
The variable selection and number of clusters are
53Discriminant Analysis
The resulting cluster output shows the Initial
Cluster Centre table displays the starting values
used by the algorithm.
54Discriminant Analysis
The Iteration History table indicates that the
algorithm has converged.
55Discriminant Analysis
The Final Cluster Centres tables describe the
final cluster solution.
56Discriminant Analysis
The Number of Cases in each Cluster tables
describe the final cluster solution.
57Discriminant Analysis
How does the k-means two-group solution compare
with the original classification of the skulls
into types A and B? We can investigate this by
first using the Save button on the k-Means
Cluster Analysis dialogue box to save cluster
membership for each skull in the Data View
58Discriminant Analysis
The new categorical variable now available
(labelled QCL_1) can be cross-tabulated with
assumed skull type (variable place). The display
shows the resulting table the k-means clusters
largely agree with the skull types as originally
suggested by Morant, with cluster 1 consisting
primarily of Type B skulls (those from Lhasa) and
cluster 2 containing mostly skulls of Type A
(from Sikkim and the neighbouring area of Tibet).
Only six skulls are wrongly placed.
59Discriminant Analysis
The new categorical variable now available
(labelled QCL_1) can be cross-tabulated with
assumed skull type.
60Discriminant Analysis
The new categorical variable now available
(labelled QCL_1) can be cross-tabulated with
assumed skull type.
61Discriminant Analysis
The new categorical variable now available
(labelled QCL_1) can be cross-tabulated with
assumed skull type.
62Discriminant Analysis
The k-means clusters largely agree with the skull
types as originally suggested, with cluster 1
consisting primarily of Type B skulls (those from
Lhasa) and cluster 2 containing mostly skulls of
Type A (from Sikkim and the neighbouring area of
Tibet). Only six skulls are wrongly placed.