Title: BT Carrier IDD Volume Commitment Proposal
1BT Carrier IDDVolume Commitment Proposal
- Anthony Sheppard
- BT Carrier Services
- Market increasingly competitive
- Increasing volatility
- Increased use of Net Accounting
- Need to offer more stable, more competitive prices
- specific prices for committed volumes
- not a volume discount scheme
- price is for commitment
- send or pay basis
- standard price still available for uncommitted
4How this will work (1)
- register with your Commercial Manager
- price for a route, DISC and DMSU
- minutes/month available at DISC and DMSU
- duration of offer 2-6 months
- min bid 5 of total, max bid 25, bid in
increments of 5 - offers will be posted on the web as soon as
normal notification has been issued
5How this will work (2)
- to bid you call a designated number
- accepted on first come first served basis
- bids confirmed by email and letter
- bids are contractually binding
- committed to pay for 100 of volumes
- oversend of up to 10 at offer rate
6Effect of Over/Under-shoot
100K mins. offered Std. Price 10 ppmOffer
Price 8 ppm
- Finalise admin. Arrangements
- customer registration
- new contract schedule
- Ensure customer awareness
8 9Example of Oversend
10Example of Undersend