Title: Dosage Optimization for a Virotherapy Model
1Dosage Optimization for a Virotherapy Model
- Matt Biesecker
- South Dakota St. Univ
2Discussion Outline
- Modeling Tumor Growth with ODEs
- Mathematical model relating the dynamics of tumor
growth and virions - Model Simulations
- Optimization of Therapy Protocols
- Future Research
3Tumor Dynamics 101
- Tumor Cells will divide periodically provided
there are nutrients (Exponential Phase) - As the tumor mass gets larger, competition for
nutrients slows tumor growth (Lag Phase). - Growth rates can be maintained if the tumor
develops its own blood supply (angiogenesis)
4Modeling Tumor with Ordinary Differential Equatons
5 r controls the growth rate during the
exponential growth phase
6epsilon affects the rate of transition from
exponential to the slower lag phase
7Modeling of Tumor Dynamics with Virotherapy
- Wu, Byrne, Kirn, and Wein. Bull of Math. Biol.
63 (2001), 731 - Wein, Wu, Kirn. Cancer Res. 63 (2003) 1317
- Dingli, Carr, Josic, Russel, Bajzer Jour.
Theo. Biol. 2008
8Principles of Virotherapy
- In the 1950s it was discovered that tumor
growth ceased in some patients with a strain of
the measles virus. - Efforts are underway to produce viruses which
preferentially infect tumor cells - The virus alters the host cell in a such a way
the tumor cell ceases to divide. - Bonus Infected Cells can produce additional
virus, thus amplifying the original dose.
9Unlike the movie I Am Legend, there is no known
risk of zombification as a result of virotherapy!
10Cartoon Model (from Bajzer, et al, JTB, 2008)
r, K, ?
? x
y(t) uninfected tumor cells x(t) infected
tumor cells/syncytia v(t) free virus particles
11Mathematical Model
12Model Assumptions
- y(t), x(t), v(t) measured in millions of cells
- Eradication Criteria The tumor is assumed to
eradicated if at any time we have - x(t) y(t)
- Eradication is (eventually) guaranteed if all
tumor cells are infected That is, - y(t)
13Model Parameters
- Generalized Gompertz Growth.
- r0.207, K2200, e1.65
- Various Fits for in vivo data for mice (See
Bajzer, et al) - a - viral replication rate
- d - death rate for infected cells
- ? infection rate parameter
- ? - rate of removal of free virions
- ? - rate constant for syncytia formation
14Parameter Fits For Mouse Data
154 Possibilities for the Dynamics
- Therapy Failure
- Eradication of the Tumor
- Partial Reduction of Tumor Mass
- Period Fluctuations in Tumor Mass
- Important Caveat
- Treatment efficacy depends on model parameters
and dosage volume. -
16Therapy Failure
- Characterized by infected cells/scinthia and free
virions vanishing before all tumor cells are
infected. - Possible Causes Slow Viral Replication Rapid
Death of Infected Cells. Rapid clearance of free
virions. -
17Upon further review, we see that the free virions
v(t) and infected cell lines x(t) vanish at about
18Eradication of The Tumor
Immediate Eradication with extremely high viral
19Later Eradication
20Partial Success
21Sustained Oscillations
22Questions Recently Investigated
- What is the minimum virus dosage necessary to
eradicate the tumor? - Can multiple dosages be more effective than a
single dose? YES!! -
Not in vivo, but with models simulations
e.g. in silico
23Modeling the Efficacy of a Single Dosage
- Treating smaller tumors is less effective than
treating larger tumors. - This seems to be independent of the parameter
values! - For parameter fits corresponding to currently
available viruses, the doses required for
eradication are impossible to achieve in a
clinical setting. -
24Methodology Brute Force Calculation
- Solve the ODE system for (almost) every possible
combination of initial conditions. - Let v(0), y(0) vary over a range
- from 10-6 to 104
- Plot all points (v(0),y(0)) where the tumor is
eradicated within 1000 days.
25A plot of the time at which at which every cell
is infected. The white region consists of
points y(0),v(0) where the tumor is not
a0.053 ?0.00096, d0.015, ?0.001, ?0.5
26A plot of the time at which at which every cell
is infected. The white region consists of
points y(0),v(0) where the tumor is not
27Strange Results Are Possible !!
- If the viral replication rate is large enough,
eradication is possible with extremely small
dosages. -
28?0.00059,d0.021,?0.14, ?0.3, a1.3Color
Bar Time when uninfected cell line y(t) is
29Change a to 0.1, and the hole disappears. Color
Bar Time when uninfected cells y(t) vanish.
30Modelling Multiple Dosages
Dosages Volumes
Delivery Times
31Evaluating Dosage Effectiveness
- For a given dosage scheme, we solve the ODE over
the time horizon 0,T and compute two
quantities -
Goal of Treatments Obtain mM below a desirable threshold.
32Designing an Objective Function
The constants a and b are weights corresponding
to the competing priorities of eradication vs.
Keeping the tumor volume below 1200 cubic mm.
I use a10, b0.001 in the following results
33Constraints on Treatments
34Optimization Plan
- 1. Choose Vtot (total virus constraint)
- 2. Find treatment (?,t) plan that minimizes the
objective function J. - If J(?,t)0, then both our goals of eradication
and containment. - If so, we go back to step 1 and reduce Vtot and
then repeat step 2. We quit stop reducing Vtot
when it appears we can no longer achieve J(?,t)
0 -
35Optimization Details
- Once the constraint V_tot is set, we use the
Sequential Linear Programming (SLP) method. In
particular, we perform the following iterative
procedure. - 1. Choose initial treatment plan
36Optimization Details, contd
- 2. Then we compute solution of the ODE
- and determine the values of
- min y(t) and maxx(t) y(t)
- Over the given time horizon 0,T.
- Then we get the value of the objective function
37Optimization Details, contd
- 3. Estimate the gradient vectors
38Optimization Details, contd
- 4. Form a local minimization problem for the
linearized objective function.
Our original constraints imply the constraints on
dt and d? form a 2n-dimensional simplex!
39Optimization Details, contd
- Minimize the localized objective function and
obtain the search directions dt and d? - The we perform line searches to determine
non-negative constants - ß1 1 and ß2 1
- such that the new treatment protocol
reduces the value of J objective function. Then
go back to step 1 and do it all over again!
40Results 2 Doses Can be Better Than 1 !
Optimal Dosage of v0.13, and v1.08 delivered
around t0.5 and t40, respectively.
Parameters a0.053 ?0.00096, d0.015,
?0.001, ?0.5
41- Total volume for 2 doses v1.21.
- Minimal single dose to eradicate When
y100 , we need v 3.58 - When y1200, we need v1.42
42Comparison of Various Treatments
43If 2 is better than 1, then 4 HAS to be better
than 2 ?
44Not Really!
- Opimization Results for 4 doses (Average of
100 simulations)
45- Dosage Timing is Crucial !
46 Good News Conjecture Giving
a second dose after the tumor mass peaks is more
likely to result in total elimination of the
uninfected cells.
47Bad News
- For some model parameter sets, it is possible
that ill-timed secondary treatments can do more
harm than good!
Second Treatment Given when t3
48Future Efforts
- For the simple ODE model, we observed strange
phenomena - -Large tumors are easier to treat
- - Variable doses (properly timed) dosages can
be substantially more effective than periodic
doses of equ al volume. - Do the same phenomena arise in other models?
- 4 variable ODE model developed by Bajzer,
Dingli. - PDE models (w/ B. Jungman)
- Celluar Automata models (w/ T. Wilson)