Title: A Collaborative Demonstration of Reverse Engineering Tools
1- A Collaborative Demonstration of Reverse
Engineering Tools
Margaret-Anne Storey Susan SimKenny Wong
2Evaluating Reverse Engineering Tools
- Follow-up to the Structured Demonstrationat
CASCON99/WCRE2000 - Peer Technologies, co-locbated, synchronous
3Tool Evaluation as a Collaborative Effort
- Collaborative Demonstration
- A Community oriented event
- Complementary and peer technologies
- Non co-located, asynchronous
- Goals
- To learn more about the complementary nature of
our tools in the community - To motivate more collaboration between research
4Case Study SORTIE Project
- SORTIE is an established research tool for
modeling forest succession - research exploration in understanding forest
dynamics - test environment for forest management decisions
- Legacy program
- 28 KLOC C
- Heavily reliant on Borland C libraries
- Unclear reengineering requirements
- Currently being reengineered by a student at UVic
(Sachen Gendron) using predominantly manual
approaches as part of an independent project
5Recruited peer and complementary tools
- Rigi tool -- University of Victoria
- cppXÂ -- University of Waterloo
- KBRE Group -- University of Ottawa
- Bauhaus tool -- University of Stuttgartt
- SCG Group -- University of Berne
- COLUMBUS/CAN tool -- University of Szeged,
Hungary - KLOCwork Suite, KLOCwork Solutions Corporation
- Graph Tool -- University of Durham
- PBS -- University of Waterloo
- Sachen Gendron read the report submitted by the
teams to determine if the results provided by the
tools could be helpful - Some of the reports were useful, but not as much
as we had hoped or expected - Discussion and presentation held at WCRE2001 in
- Unusual case study(imperfect example in an
imperfect world) - Not as much collaboration as we hoped during the
demonstration period technology and
organizational issues - But teams used each others tools and results
- Rigi compared their parser with the TkSee parser
- Columbus made GXL available
- SCG Pure provided metrics to be validated by
other participants) - The teams and new teams want to continue with
this project
9SORTIE Demonstration Project
- Call for Continued Participation !!
- See http//www.csr.uvic.ca/chisel/collab/
- WCRE2001 Panel results, reports, presentations
- Discussion forum (WIKI) for current activity
10Rigi Graph (Holger Kienle/Xiaomin Wu)
11Rigi Graph (Holger Kienle/Xiaomin Wu)
12Graph Tool, Durham
13KBRE (Tim Lethbridge/Sergey Marchenko)
Clustering of classes by Types Referred
14KBRE (Tim Lethbridge/Sergey Marchenko)
Clustering of classes by Routines/Methods Called
15University of Berne group
16Code Crawler, University of Berne group
17Sachens results Current architecture
18Sachens results proposal for a new architecture