Title: GTZ SUTP presentation
1GTZ SUTP presentation
If you are willing to use any of the material
contained in this presentation, please be so kind
as to email sutp_at_sutp.org . You can also request
any of the pictures presented here in its
original format (JPG), with due permission from
its authors (always cited at the bottom of the
slide). We also welcome any comments or
suggestions to this presentation or SUTP material
in general. Thank you, The GTZ SUTP team
Image source GTZ SUTP Project
2SUTP project and training activities
- Regional dialogue Oct 12-13, 2006
- Bangkok, Thailand
3 SUTP organization
Assist developing cities to meet their
sustainable transport goals, through the
dissemination of information about international
experience and targeted work with particular
5Material for Sustainable Transport
- Sourcebook (at present 23 modules)
- print
- online version
- PowerPoint presentations
- Training material
- print
- online version
- PowerPoint presentations
- Online training courses material
- Photo CD
- Videos
6Material for Sustainable Transport
- Recent Updates
- Sourcebook modules
- Raising Public Awareness (Carlos F. Pardo)
- Car-free Development (Lloyd Wright)
- Intelligent Transport Systems (Phil Sayeg)
- EcoDriving (GTZ, VTL)
- Training material
- Raising Public Awareness
- BRT Planning Guide update
- Photo CD (Vol. 2)
7New modules under development
- Financing of Urban Transport
- Infrastructure
- Gender and urban transport
- Induced travel
- In-use vehicle retrofit
Available 2007
Available 2007
Available 2007
Available Dec 2006
8Translation of the Sourcebook into other languages
- Spanish (complete translation)
- Chinese (complete translation)
- Print version available since Dec 2005
- Online version will be available 2007
- Romanian
- Vietnamese
- Thai
- French
- Bahasa Indonesia
- Korean
9Web site access 3 (5) languages
Chinese website www.sutp.cn
10(No Transcript)
11GTZ SUTP Training activities
12Topics and trainers
- Topics
- Sustainable transport
- Bus Rapid Transit
- Bus Regulation and planning
- Non motorised transport
- Social dimensions/ Public awareness
- Transport Demand Management
- Trainers
- Axel Friedrich
- Carlos F. Pardo
- Dario Hidalgo
- Jeroen Buis
- Lloyd Wright
- Manfred Breithaupt
- Walter Hook
13Implemented Training Courses
- Vientiane, June 2005
- Bangkok, October 2005
- Manila, November 2005
- Montevideo, May 2006
- São Paulo, July 2006
14Training Course evaluations- Manila
15Training Course evaluations- São Paulo NMT
16Scheduled Training Courses
- México, October 2006
- China, November 2006 (train the trainer exercise)
- Yogyakarta
- and Jakarta Dec. 2006
- SUMA training activities
17SUTP selected activities with cities
18Surabaya project
- Public transport improvement
- Non-motorised transport
- Cleaner fuels , CNG
- Economic instruments and demand management
- Public awareness campaigns
Image source SUTP Surabaya reports
19Applications in Bangkok
- Bus reform study
- BRT/ cycleways
- Khao San Road/Rambuttri Areas
- Silom Road
- Siam Square
20Applications for Chiang Mai
- Bicycle taxi (sam-loo) improvement
- BRT project
- NMT promotion
- Thapae Road carfree or mixed use (pedestrians
and other traffic) - Low speeds
- Higher safety
- Road closings on Chiang Mai City with existing
- Intended impacts
- Shift from private motorised to public transport
- Increase non-motorised traffic
- Create / preserve liveable urban centre
22Vientiane GEF Project components
- Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
- Pedestrian upgrades
- Cycleway development
- Bicycle taxis
- Vehicle restrictions and land-use measures
23GTZ SUTP project sutp_at_sutp.org transport_at_gtz.de
24Bus Regulation and planning Training document
- Policies
- Industry structure
- Planning framework
- Planning institutions
- Includes supporting material
- 80 documents
25BRT Training document- update in progress
Hewlett Foundation, ITDP, GTZ, UNEP
26Non motorised transport Training document
- Stakeholders
- Regulation of vehicles, operation
- Planning, Facilities
- Data collecting
- implementation
- Includes supporting material
- 120 documents
- 8 videos
27Public Awareness Training document
- - Public Awareness and behavior change
- Target groups
- Tools to know the public
- Specific actions
- Getting the word out
- Includes supporting material
- 80 documents
- 5 videos
- English and Spanish versions
28Car-Free Development
Sustainable Transport A Sourcebook for Policy
Makers in Developing Countries www.sutp.org Cont
ents The car society Defining car-free
development Project development Design Promotion E
valuation Resources