Title: Incident Reporting Training
1Incident Reporting Training
2Incident Reporting Background
- Current Trust wide incident reporting has been
in operation since April 2003 - Supported an increase in centrally reported
incidents (Over 8000 incidents reported to the RM
Dept (2004 05). - However many weakness in the system have been
highlighted - New Governance IT System
3Objectives of Modified Incident Reporting Form
- Staff efficiency - in complete IR form
- Form Detail increase in usefulness of the
data collected from IR form - Increase efficiency of data entry to IT
Governance System - Increase Robustness transparency though
system. - Complete incident reporting cycle e.g. increase
Incident Reporting feedback - Increase reporting though out organisation.
4Section A When Where the incident occurred
Time of Incident
Date Of Incident
Ward / Department e.g. Ward 1, A E
Name of hospital e.g. MREH, or offsite location
e.g. patients Home
Exact Location specific location of incident
e.g. Bathroom. Bed bay
5Section B - Who Was or could Have been affected
Complete Section if staff involved
Complete Section If Patient involvement
Complete section if Other
6Section C Was anyone else involved in the
Complete Section if staff involved
Complete Section If Patient involvement
Complete section if Other
7Section D What type of incident was it.
Decide on cause from the list of cause groups in
table 2 (grouped to assist selection)
Enter Severity Level from Table 1 (see next
slide) and also add a N if incident was a near
Did a fatality Result from the incident
8Severity Levels
9Section D What type of incident was it.
Decide on cause from the list of cause groups in
table 2 (grouped to assist selection)
Enter Severity Level from Table 1 (see next
slide) and also add a N if incident was a near
Did a fatality Result from the incident
10Incident Causes
- To get great in-depth analysis of types of
incidents occurring with trust new incident
cause groups established (handout).
11Section D Type of Incident (Cont)
Extra information regarding Injury type of
injury e.g. cut/laceration, burn, etc. Body
Part e.g. Back, Leg. injury location e.g.
left or right.
Did an injury (clinical or none clinical) result
from incident if yes fill in extra information,
If no advance to next section
Was any treatment given following incident if so
please tick what treatment was administered and
by whom.
12Section D Cont
Was the Medical Device quarantined after incident
Enter Type Serial No of device
Was Medical Device involved during the incident.
If yes, fill in extra information. If no, advance
to next section
Was the Medical Engineering Maintenance
Department informed?
13Section E What Happened
- Give BRIEF / FACTUAL Description
- Use short discrete sentences.
- Do not Make assumptions.
- Make Writing legible and avoid abbreviations
- If medication involved please state.
- If required use addition sheets for section E
(attach securely to incident form) - If there were witnesses please attach names and
details on additional sheet (attach securely to
incident form).
14Section F Immediate Action
- What actions were taken to make the situation
safe (including actions taken to make any person
condition safe)? - Communicate events to all relevant people (inc.
staff, line management, relatives patients). - use same criteria as section E
15Section F Immediate Action (cont)
Event recorded in Health Record
Was the Patient / Relatives Informed of the event
If the Parent / relative was not made aware of
event please state why
Were the police involved with / as result of the
incident?, if yes please tick enter crime
number given
16Section G Person completing form
Person complete the form first and surname (no
DOB required!!)
Contact telephone no.
Date incident form completed
Reporters status (if staff please complete, which
department employed by designation)
Please sign incident form here
17Incident report procedures
- Once incident has occurred and immediate actions
taken to ensure safe situation. - Fully Complete Incident form.
- Hand copies (both copies any addition sheets)
to risk / line manager according to local
structures. - If incident reporter is unable/unwilling to pass
completed Incident Reporting Form to risk / line
manager --- forward completed Incident Report
Form to the Risk Management Department with a
note expressing the confidential desire.
18Practice Example
- Please think of an incident that you have been
involved in or imagine a incident scenario and
try completing an incident form for this
19Section H Risk / Line Managers
Was any staff member absent from any duties
following incident? Please indicate length of
(potential) time off please confirm absence
time with Health and safety adviser when known)
Risk / line managers First Name Surname
Action required. What further action is required
following report of incident?
What was the severity of outcome (actual impact)
according to Severity table 1
20Incident form Next steps (risk line managers
- Send top copy of fully completed incident form (
addition sheets) to the Risk Management
Department, 1st Floor, Post Grad Centre, MRI. - File 2nd Copy as departmental protocol (e.g.
Health record, personal file if and when
21Action Required
- Low level investigation (usually conducted on
level 1 2 incidents) make sure immediate
action has made immediate situation safe. - Examples of investigations - looking at
likelihood of re-occurrence, if possible
underlying causes, if a trend is emerging
regarding incident, etc. - Document in Monthly Reports
22Root Cause Analysis
- Levels 3,4, 5 require root cause analysis of
the incident. (however levels of the
investigation will depend upon the serious /
complexity of the incident) - Root cause analysis investigation cover sheet to
be completed and sent to RM. - The Risk Management Department provides in-depth
RCA training (Contact Julie Wan 276 5144)
23Feedback / Actions Taken
- Individual Incidents.
- Document in Monthly Patient Safety Reports
emailed to Clinical Gov. Group and displayed in
the clinical areas - Risk Management / Clinical Governance (local /
Trust wide level).
24Measuring Pilot Objectives
- Staff Questionnaires (all aspects of the incident
reporting process) - Audit of incident forms.
- Risk Database capture time.
- Recordings of general opinions.
- Training course evaluation.