Title: Civilizations from Past to Present: Mexico
1 Civilizations from Past to Present Mexico By
Kevin Supples
2borders chunk is next to Our neighborhood
borders the river, which I can see from my house.
3ruins chunk remains After the fire, only ruins
of the old building were left.
4crop blend something grown The farmer lost
half of his crop last year because it hardly
5included base word ending made part of Marcy
made sure she included all her friends at her
6goal blend aim, purpose Anthonys goal was to
go to college and become a doctor.
7slanted base word ending tilted, sloped The
floor was slanted and difficult to walk across.
8system chunk way, method Mr. Swartz had a fast
system for checking homework in the morning.
9designed base word ending created The
Chillers designed a new logo for their teams
10- Team Talk- Day One
- Share the prediction (s) you wrote with your
team. Discuss the clues used to make the
predictions. - Did you learn about what you predicted? Put a
check mark next to each prediction that was
confirmed. - Look at the maps on page 6. How does Mexico
today differ from Mexico in A.D. 300? How is it
similar? - 4. Do the Maya still live today? How do you
11Partner Reading Read pages 6-7 with partners.
12Team Talk Extender Look at the maps on p. 6.
Use the compass rose and surrounding areas to
describe Mexicos location in three different
13Adventures in Writing Choose three places in the
school building. Write a descriptive riddle for
each place. Include at least three clues about
where each place is located. End each riddle
with the question, Where am I? On the back of
your paper write the answers to your riddles.
14- Scoring Guide
- At least three riddles about three different
places - At least three clues in each riddle
- Riddles ending with Where am I?
- Answers included
15- Riddle 1
- On the second floor
- At the end of the hall
- Next to the art room
- Where am I?
- Answer
- The Library
16Two Minute Edit- Day Two the maya use to live
in what is now present-day mexico? (5)
17- Team Talk- Day Two
- Share the prediction (s) you wrote with your
team. Discuss the clues used to make
predictions. - Did you learn about what you predicted? Put a
check mark next to each prediction that was
confirmed. - How do the Maya get their food today?
- Which of the following was one of the most
important things people from the coast traded? - bananas C. honey
- obsidian D. salt
- Why was salt important to the ancient Maya?
18Partner Reading Read pages 10-11 aloud with your
19Team Talk Extender Compare and contrast the
types of food you eat to the types of food the
Maya ate.
20Two Minute Edit- Day Three the ancient maya made
much of there own food today they buy theyre
food at grocery stores (7)
21- Team Talk-Day Three
- Share the prediction (s) you wrote with your
team. Discuss the clues used to make the
predictions. - Did you learn about what you predicted? Put a
check mark next to each prediction that was
confirmed. - What types of instruments did the ancient Maya
create? - What was page 15 mainly about?
- How the ancient ball court was built
- Types of games played in Mexico
- Celebrations ancient Maya had
- The rules of soccer in Mexico today
- Give at least two details that support the main
22Partner Reading Read pages 14-15 with partners
23Team Talk Extender On page 15 the author states
that soccer is somewhat like the ancient Maya
ball game. How is the ancient game similar to
soccer or another game you know? How is it
24Two Minute Edit- Day Four the maya know longer
play on the ancient ball courts! (4)
25- Team Talk- Day Four
- Share the prediction (s) you wrote with your
team. Discuss the clues used to make the
predictions. - Did you learn about what you predicted? Put a
check mark next to each prediction that was
confirmed. - Why are there only about four books left from the
ancient Maya? - Why did the ancient Maya use calendars?
26Partner Reading Read pages 18-19 aloud with
your partner.
27Team Talk Extender What would happen if we did
not have calendars?