Title: ASC FLASH Collaboration: a Los Alamos Perspective
1ASC FLASH Collaboration a Los Alamos Perspective
- M. Marr-Lyon, C. Tomkins, K. Prestridge
- S. Kumar, C. Goodenough, G. Orlicz, R. Benjamin
Los Alamos team members
Additional collaborators
2The setup offers excellent optical access for
3The experiments are carefully controlled with
relatively simple initial conditions
Test section
Initial condition (idealized)
4Principles of particle image velocimetry (PIV)
Image 0
Correlate extracted regions
5Principles of PIV analysis example.
Image 0
Image 1
In 3D
6Sample PIV images
- RM-unstable gas cylinders (taken in DX-3 gas
shock tube). - Analysis two-frame cross-correlation
(Christensen et al., 2000). - Flow left to right, measurement at late time (6th
dynamic pulse.)
7Sample PIV velocity vector field
- Convection velocity of structure is subtractedso
moving in reference frame of vortex - Approximately 3600 vectors.
- 187 micron vector spacing.
8Vertical plane PIV and velocity contours
9Our interaction with the U. of Chicago ASC center
has been iterative
- We provided them with vertical-plane IC
information obtained from the PIV inlet
velocity. - We also obtained well-resolved dynamic
measurements in the horizontal plane at late
time circulation. - Our collaborative efforts revealed that diffusion
was playing a key role in the IC evolution
(simulation, experiment, theory).
10More advanced scalar concentration diagnostic
planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF)
- Mix gas of interest (SF6) with acetone vapor.
- Excite acetone in the uv (266 nm) with laser
light sheet. Acetone fluoresces in the blue
(450 nm). - Instantaneous emission occurs over short time
scales, 10 ns. - Estimate local concentration, C(x,y), of SF6 by
measuring intensity of emitted light.
- Acetone molecularly mixes with SF6 to faithfully
trace it. - Scattered light is uv, so doesnt interfere with
signal (unlike RS).
11 Our diagnostics now extract
high-resolution, quantitative information in a
12 Later, secondary instabilities rapidly
transition the flow to a mixed state (in the
t 650?s 50, 300
t 880?s 30, 200
t 740?s 50, 200
13Results of the collaboration between LANL and the
- Experimental and computational efforts have lead
to an improved understanding of our initial
conditions. - The significant three-dimensional effects
uncovered by the FLASH simulations explain
important aspects of the data. - FUTURE
- We are currently modifying our shock tube test
section to allow vertical plane measurements of
concentration in addition to velocity. - Our computational colleagues at LANL are moving
toward 3-dimensional simulations in this or other