Title: An Attitude of Gratitude
1An Attitude of Gratitude
2A book written by Shawn, Shalonda, Tyiesha,
Adijah, and MarquiceThanksgiving 2006
3I am thankful for my dogs when they lick my face.
4I am grateful when the lunch ladies smile at me
in the morning.
5There is nothing better than walking my dog after
6My dad helps to make me a better cook. He is
patient and lets me help in the kitchen.
7I am thankful for my dads special chicken. He
makes a chicken broth thats delicious!
8I am thankful for my moms chitlins, chicken, and
chocolate cake!
9I am thankful for my kitten because it makes me
laugh when I have problems.
10I am thankful for my moms greens and chitlins.
11I am thankful for Mrs. McCloud when she lets us
do science experiments.
12I am thankful for my new pink bed.
13Im thankful that my mom fixes me breakfast every
14I appreciate when my mom helps me fix round steak.
15Im thankful for my cat when he jumps on my face
to wake me up.
16I am grateful for the teachers when they help me
17What are you thankful for?