Title: Point of View
1Point of View
2For this assignment you will need to shoot the
equivalent to one roll of 36 exposure film. Of
course you are free to shoot more. You should
make a folder called POV so that you may keep all
of the images you shoot for this assignment. I
look at them to see if you pursued the assignment
in an interesting way. You will need two images
to show in class. No prints just yet.
In this assignment we are talking about a
persons physical vantage point....not your
philosophical point of view. There will be
plenty of time to discuss philosophy in this
class but for now...well concentrate on seeing
the world in a way that we normally dont. As I
previously mentioned a major problem with many
beginning photographers is they stand at their
normal height with their cameras. This frequently
is NOT the most interesting place to shoot from
visually. I want you to concentrate on shooting
from down low...a worms eye view or low shooting
to up can emphasize size differences. Shooting
from up high looking down is not the way we
normally experience the world and might present a
view that is simply more interesting to look at
than normal eye height.
5Bruce Davidson
6Adriel Heisey
8Keith Carter
9Adam Fuss
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