Title: Bright Saturday The Night Of The Apocalypse (Apo-ghalmsis)
1Bright SaturdayThe Night Of The Apocalypse
- The church removes its black garments of sadness,
and puts on white garments of joy. - Lights and candles adorn the church
- The veil of the sanctuary is opened.
- Heaven has been opened by the crucifixion of
Christ remains open from the 12th hour of Great
Friday, until the Liturgy of Resurrection - The book of Psalms, wrapped in a white linen veil
- Psalms praises night of praises Ps 151
- White purity, victory
- The praises are chanted antiphonally inside and
outside the sanctuary.
- A. Praises and Prayers of the Prophets
- 2 processions
- B. Matins' Raising of Incense
- 3rd procession
- C. Prayers of the Third and Sixth hours
- D. Reading of the Book of Revelations
(Apocalypse) - Anointing with oil
- E. Prayer of the Ninth hour
- F. The Divine Liturgy
4Psalm 151
- I was small among my brothers, and the youngest
in my fathers house I tended my fathers sheep.
My hands made a harp my fingers fashioned a
lyre.And who will tell my Lord? The Lord
himself it is he who hears. It was He who sent
his angeland took me from my fathers sheep,
and anointed me with his anointing-oil.
5Psalm 151
- My brothers were handsome and tall, but the Lord
was not pleased with them. I went out to meet
the Philistine, and he cursed me by his
idols.But I drew his own sword I beheaded
him,and took away disgrace from the people of
Israel. Alleluia
6Psalm 151
- Tells the story of David How God transferred
him from poverty to glory. - Tells of how David transferred the Children of
Israel from shame and disgrace to victory and
salvation (by the slaying of Goliath). - The church reminds us of how the Lord saved us
from the spiritual Goliath, which is Satan,
whom he slew by the Cross.
7The First Procession
- Lovsh (Explanation) of the Second Hos
- "Let us thank Christ Our Lord, with David the
Psalmist... - The entire congregation (priests, deacons, and
laymen) participate in it with lighted candles
and crosses. - To proclaim their joy in the Lord's salvation
which He fulfilled on the Cross. - Follows Psalm 151 to portray our joy in The
Lord's Salvation over Satan (the spiritual
8The First Hos (Praise)
- The first praise of Moses the prophet
- This tells the story of the Lord's deliverance of
His people by Moses, through the Red Sea. - This was a symbol of the Lord's deliverance of
Satan (the mental Pharaoh), who enslaved us by
sin. - This praise is called the praise of the Lamb
They sing the song of Moses, the servant of
God, and the song of the Lamb (Rev. 153)
9The Second Praise of Moses the Prophet
- (Deu 321-43)
- Moses' last words to the Children of Israel.
- He reminds them of God's aid to them and calls
them to repent and seek the Lord. - It ends with Joy in the Lord's salvation
- Rejoice, O Gentiles, with His peopleFor He
will avenge the blood of His servants, And
render vengeance to His adversaries He will
provide atonement for His land and His people - The church is calling us to repentance so that we
may partake of the Joy of the Lord's salvation
and enter the Heavenly Jerusalem.
10The Prayer of Hannah, Mother of Samuel
- (1 Sam 21-11)
- Prayer of thanksgiving of Hannah when she brought
her son Samuel into the temple - Prophecy of Gods salvation
- The adversaries of the LORD shall be broken in
pieces From heaven He will thunder against them.
The LORD will judge the ends of the earth. - The church likewise thanks God for granting her a
Son (Christ) to redeem her from death.
11Prayer of Habakkuk the Prophet
- (Hab 32-19)
- Habakkuk was a Levite and was one of the singers
in the Temple. - His Prayer is a prophecy about the crucified
Christ, and His salvation. He saw how nature
reacted to this event - The mountains saw You and trembled The
overflowing of the water passed by. The deep
uttered its voice, And lifted its hands on high.
The sun and moon stood still in their habitation - A reminder of the Salvation of the Lord.
12Prayer of Jonah the Prophet
- (Jon 22-10)
- This is the prayer of Jonah while in the belly
of the fish. - Many symbols between Jonah and Christ.
- Three days in the belly of the fish
- Condemned to death but remained alive
- By his death, the ship was saved
- The seamen did not see any hope for saving his
life - He entered into the belly which no one entered
13Praises and Prayers of the Prophets
- Prayer of Hezekiah, the King of Judah
- Prayer of King Manasseh
- First Prayer of the prophet Isaiah
- Second Prayer of the prophet Isaiah
- Third Prayer of the prophet Isaiah
- Song of the prophet Jeremiah
- Song of the prophet Baruch
- Song of the prophet Elijah
- Prayer of the prophet David
- Prayer of King Solomon
14Praises of the Three Young Men
- Prayer of the prophet Daniel
- The vision of Daniel regarding the three young
men in the fiery furnace - Praise of Azarius the Third Hos (in special
tune) - Psali (Praise) of the three young men
Erep-salin - Greek Hymn for the three young men Tenen
- The rest of the story of the three young men
15Praises of the Three Young Men
- As the three young men were condemned to death,
but they came out alive, likewise humanity was
condemned to death, but the Lord granted it life,
through His death. - Whoever wishes to see the Lord, must pass through
the fire of temptations and overcome it with the
power of God. - The salvation of the three young men from the
fiery furnace is a symbol of salvation from the
eternal fire.
16Praises and Prayers of the Prophets (NT)
- Song of St. Mary
- Prayer of Zachariah the priest
- Prayer of Simon the Elder
- The Story of Susana, the virtuous (from the
rest of Daniel) - She was falsely condemned, although innocent
- She was resurrected from a certain death
- She was saved by Daniel at the fullness of time
17(No Transcript)
18The Second Procession
- Praise of the three young men
- Tenoueh ncwk "We follow you with all our hearts
- This is a portion of the Praise of Azarius while
in the furnace, as he proclaims that he will
follow the Lord under any condition (even in the
furnace). - After the church heard all the prayer and praises
of the salvation of the Lord, it goes around the
church assuring the Lord that it will follow Him
all the time "We follow you with all our
19Matins' Raising of Incense
- Thanksgiving Prayer.
- Morning Doxology
- The Litany of the Departed
- Psali Watos (Coptic), and a Melody
- Saturday Theotokeia
- Doxologies He was shrouded and placed in the
tomb, which was outside the city, they said in
their ignorance, He can not rise. - V nai nan Kerie Leison 3rd procession
- Pauline Epistle, Trisagion, Psalm, Gospel
- (half mournful and half annual tune)
20Prayers of the Third and Sixth Hours
- Agpia psalms are read (they were not read during
holy pascha week) - Prophecies
- Psalm, Gospel
- (half mournful and half annual tune)
- All the readings of this night are about
Salvation and the Resurrection - Kerie Leison (41 x)
21Reading of the Book of Revelations (Apocalypse)
- Seven oil lamps and seven candles are lit, and a
cross is placed in the midst, to resemble Christ
who walks among the seven lamp stands and the
seven stars (Rev 1), - Seven censors are lit.
- The priest raises incense while the deacons chant
the hymn of the Blessing Tenouwst mViwt (We
worship the Father) followed by the Hymn for St.
John the Beloved Ere picmou
22Reading of the Book of Revelations (Apocalypse)
- Read between the 6th and 9th hours
- The period of salvation, between the crucifixion
and death of Christ - Reveals the heaven to which Christ took the
right-hand thief and all the righteous on that
day - The veil of the sanctuary remains open
- Full of praises
- Portrays the continuous struggle of man, which is
always made victorious by Christ - Seven revelations all ending with Christs
23Reading of the Book of Revelations (Apocalypse)
- Very beautiful hymns and responses
- At the mentioning of the messages to the angles
- He who has an ear to hear let him hear, what the
spirit says to the churches. - At the mentioning of the 12 tribes to be sealed
- From the tribe of () twelve thousand.
24Reading of the Book of Revelations (Apocalypse)
- Very beautiful hymns and responses
- At the mentioning of the beautiful foundations of
the new Jerusalem city - I saw the walls of a city covered with gold, and
precious stones and the beautiful jewels. - Our Savior is in its midst crowning with honor
those who love Him.
25Comments (by Nabil ? )
- It started out in Houston about 20 years ago.
- Only 5 attendees (Fr Issac/Peter/Nabil/Fr Samuel
(Amir)/Gerges). Now half the church is full
(great blessing) - If you go to sleep in the middle, Gerges will
wake you up with the Cymbals during Revelation
Reading. - If you enjoy Sat midnight praises/Kiahk, then you
will love Apo-Ghalmsis - You must got a couple of hours of sleep ahead of
time on you will be lying on the bench
26Come and see!
My God, my God, attend to me. Why have You forsaken me? ???? ???? ????? ??? ? ????? ??????.
All the words of my transgressions are far from my salvation. ???? ????? ???? ?? ?????.
O my God, I will cry to You by day, but will You not hear? And by night, and it shall not be accounted for folly to me ???? ??????? ???? ???? ? ???? ?????? ??. ??? ????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???