Title: Four Quadrant ToolKit
1Four Quadrant ToolKit
- Practical, Utilitarian Applications of
- Mixed Messages Technology
2Ways to Use the WalkAround the Brain Technique
- Problem-Solving Conversations/Meetings
- Presentations
- Meeting Planning
- VoiceMail Messages
- Email Messages
- Conflict Management and Resolution
- Defining the Right Problem vs the Presenting
Problem (bottom of iceberg)
3Solving the Right Problem
- The Presenting Problem is NEVER the Real or the
Right Problem - .Remember the Iceberg 90 below water
- .Presenting Problem
- Always defined by Reaction, seldom any analysis
- Usually a result of being hooked emotionally in
your Value System disguised as Logic - Result is attempt to get rid of temporary
discomfort - Rather than get to the Root or Right Problem
- .Must get to Root Cause to prevent Repeat
4Dealing with Right ProblemsOutline of
- Slides Topics and Tools
- 4-6 Walk Around the Brain
- 7-12 Key Principles and Blame
- 13-17 Common Mistakes
- 18-19 Preventing Mixed Messages
- 20-26 Blind Spot Management
5How to WalkAround the Brain
- Always start in Yellow
- Establish Common, Shared Objectives
- Be sure all parties solving the same problem
- Clarify that all parties trying to achieve same
goal and outcomes - Then go to Blue State the Priorities
- Then go to Green Define the Action Plan
- Last (Always LAST) the Red Celebrate Successes
6WalkAround the Brain Hints 1
- NEVER start with the Red
- Dealing with feelings before facts never gets to
the facts and always causes scars - Not establishing a common fact-base early on
ALWAYS causes conflicts, disagreements, and
disconnects later - Focus the energy of the temptation to start with
the Red on forcing a start in the Yellow to Blue
to Green THEN Red
7WalkAround the Brain Hints 2
- CLARITY is the Mother of All Success
- WalkAround the Brain within each quadrant is
wonderfully useful technique for clarifying with
precision - How?
- Ask the H5W (How, Why, What, When, Where, Who)
questions within each quadrant before moving on - Write down the answers for specificity
8Key Principles 1All Four Quadrants Are Needed
- Everyone has Vocabulary in All Four Quadrants
- We just use them differently and in varying
frequencies and intensities - No one quadrant is superior to another
- No one quadrant combination is superior to
another - Need to have ALL FOUR QUADRANTS INVOLVED to get
best thinking/solutions
9Key Principles 2Blame Can Be Avoided
- Natural Tension between Quadrants is source of
the energy necessary to truly solve problems - Key is to focus the energy generated by Stress on
Solutions through WalkAround the Brain techniques
YOU! (Will you Blame or Build?) - Check your emotions at the door!
10Key Principles 3Where Blame Comes From
- Blame is almost always a first response
- Blame happens in reaction to Surprises or
VALUES, NOT OUR WORDS! - We blame others because we dont want to blame
ourselves - We often (80 of the time) do not have words to
describe our Values (Feelings), so Blame is a
convenient escape from Discomfort - Blame provides explanation without admitting we
are wrong
11Key Principles 4UnFocused Stress is the Killer
- While I may have no control over what Happens to
Me, I Have Complete Control over how I Choose to
Respond! (Frankl) - Stressors provide me with opportunity to make
intentional choices or give in to mere reactions
without thinking - Stress Kills if the Energy of Stress is not
Focused on Desired Outcomes - Discomfort is GoodIts the Source of Energy
12Key Principles 5DisComfort is Good
- DisComfort is the source of all energy
- You know you are in DisComfort when
- .you are Blaming or being Blamed
- .you are Discounting Differences or being
Discounted - .you are Attacking or being Attacked
- .you are Minimizing or Being Minimized
- .you are Different
13Key Principles 6Two Dimensions to All
- Normal not to have Words for Feelings BCS
Vocabulary (Brain Dominance) and Motivators
(Stress Response) are NOT the same thing - All conversation is about Vocabulary and Brain
Dominance (stars on 3x5 cards) - All Feelings come from Personal Values and
Motivations (dots on 3x5 cards)
14Common Mistakes 1 Discounting Differences
- Strong Yellow discounted as Disconnected and
Disruptive - Strong Blue discounted as Cold, Uncaring, and Not
Listening - Strong Green discounted as Controlling,
Compulsive, and Not Engaged - Strong Red discounted s Weak and a Pushover
15Common Mistakes 2Pigeon-Holing
- Diagonals are always in Conflict
- Desire to Avoid Conflict Causes OverSimplifying
- Avoid this Pigeon-Holing by
- Not classifying across-axis as Bad
- Not going for Speed/Efficiency instead of
understanding and valuing - Remembering that Vocabulary and Values are
different things and both cause confusion BCS
often dont have words to express feelings (WE
16Common Mistakes 3MisUnderstanding Congruity
- About 20 of us have dominant Vocabulary (stars
on 3x5 card) in same Quadrants as dominant Values
(dots on 3x5 card) - That means we will be Absolutely Consistent and
without Mixed Message this consistency is rare
and is to be celebrated!
17Common Mistakes 4Self-Worth Defined by Values
- Vocabulary is falteringly used to try to define
Feelings of Worth when Values are what is at
issue, not words - Self-Worth is defined by Values, not Vocabulary
- Self-Worth is often threatened when DisComfort is
introduced either with Words or Feelings
18Common Mistakes 5Fear/DisComfort to be Avoided?
- ABSOLUTELY NOT! This is the source of your most
valuable energy - Fear is Normal (Fight or Flight) and Unavoidable
- Do Not Repress Fear as a bad thing
- Focused Fear is Power!
- Fear is your Best Early Warning System
- Means youre about to get energy to focus
laser-like on Desired Outcomes - Just avoiding Fear means squandering resources
19Preventing Mixed Messages 1Jekyll or Hyde???
- Mixed Messages happen when there are dots without
stars on 3x5 card (80 of us) - Most apparent under Stress
- Mixed Messages are Source of Most Relationship
and Expectation Confusion - Cues that Mixed Message Activated
- Stress or Surprise or Blame of any kind
- Confusion at not being understood
20Preventing Mixed Messages 2Pre-Experiencing
- 80 of Stresses and Resistances in a day can be
predicted in advance - Each of us can visualize or pre-rehearse our
Desired Outcomes thats called Pre-Experiencing - Pre-Experiencing allows us to take responsibility
in advance and avoid Blame - Im the Problem is the Key!
21Your Blind SpotHow to Compensate 1
- Admit you have it and its Your Responsibility
- Have an interest in not causing problems
- Recognize your personal behaviors that indicate
your Blind Spot is activated - Denial -Avoidance -Discounting
- Disparaging -Destroying -Devaluing
- Quizzical Looks from others -Discomfort
22Your Blind Spot How to Compensate 2
- Acknowledge that YOURE the Problem
- Stop Blaming others for your discomfort
- Remember You tend NOT to use the words familiar
to your Blind Quadrant, so coping with your Blind
Spot can be very off-putting - Compile lists of words unique to Blind Spot
- Practice WalkAround the Brain in all cases
23Your Blind SpotRecognizing your Yellow Blind Spot
- Will avoid Strategy, Big Picture, and Creative
Brainstorming discussions - Will avoid long chats or discussions
- Will judge the above as a waste of time
- Will try to spin to your preference
- Take control/overpower
- Not listen
- Discount
- Use Efficiency as an excuse
24Your Blind SpotRecognizing your Blue Blind Spot
- Will feel pain at Blue Words and avoid and
sometimes even run from them - Will try to talk your way out of Blue
pointedness by talking long and hard and often
faster and faster - Will be hurt and confused by Directness
- Will skip over/avoid facts, numbers, analysis
25Your Blind SpotRecognizing Your Green Blind Spot
- You will consider Detail work to be grunt work
and probably beneath you or your level or pay
scale - Organizing, controlling, setting deadlines,
following up on details and commitments will be
considered anal and you will leave those
activities to others - You will try to keep as many balls in the air as
possible (plus some!) as evidence of value
26Your Blind SpotRecognizing Your Red Blind Spot
- You will drive for Results regardless of the
Human or Feeling Consequences - You will often say its a business, for Petes
sake! - You will see and/or characterize Red as a
weakness - You will unconsciously attack anything Red and/or
criticize it constantly
27Your Blind SpotAntidote Template
- Acknowledge it
- Pre-Experience when it will be triggered
- Practice vocabulary in that Quadrant
- WalkAround the Brain in every situation
(conversation, presentation, email, voicemail,
problem resolution, etc) to assure you dont
leave one quadrant untouched