Title: AADSI Update
1AADSI Update
2Whats in this PowerPoint?
- Teacher Responsibilities
- Passwords and Timelines
- Overview of Assessments
- Determining Who is Eligible
- Scoring and Recording Results
- How to Enter Data on the ADE Website
- Where to get Support
3Teacher Responsibilities
- Consider eligibility at each annual IEP
- Continue instruction on Level I and Level II
activities - Collect data on Data Sheets
- Complete Demographic Information Form (DIF) for
each student before accessing online application - Refer to DIF form
- Conduct parent interviews
- Enter data on the ADE Website in by March 30th
4What will the data entry look like in January ?
- TUSD Exceptional Education department has
requested logins and passwords to the new data
system for teachers who have been identified as
having students who qualify for alternate
When can I submit data ?
- The system opens on Wednesday, January 3, 2007.
- The system closes on the last day in March.
5Jan. 31 Deadline View
- This means you need to complete the
page and set the - It is ok to begin entering/updating scores but is
not required at this time.
- All year long instruct students on standards.
- Consider eligibility at annual reviews.
- Conduct parent interviews for Level I AIMS-A.
- 1st Wednesday in January ADE System opens.
- By January 31st Input all Demographic Info for
all students who qualify. - March Point-in-time assessment for activities!
- March 31 ADE System closes!
7ADE Passwords Needed
If you do not have a login and password, email
Lindy Jones, let her know the names of the
students you will assessing for alternate
assessments, your location(s) and contact phone
number.Lindy.Jones_at_tusd.k12.az.us 260-2438
Why is this so important? Without a login you
will not be able to enter student data.
8More Info - Passwords
- New teachers
- If you did not submit data last year, Lindy Jones
will email your login and password to you. - Teachers who submitted data last year
- You will use the same login and password as last
year. - If you dont remember your login/password, you
need to contact the ADE Support
Center866-577-9636 (toll-free) or email
9Current Forms
- Check the Exceptional Education Website for
Alternate Assessment Information before
completing your IEP. http//edweb.tusd.k12.az.us/
exced/alternate_04_05/TUSD/TUSD_main.htm - It will link you directly to the forms on the ADE
web site. - Level 1 and Level 2 is all or none!
10Assessment in TUSDOverview
11Arizona TUSD Assessments by Grade Level
12ASATGrades K, 1, 2, 9, 11 through Graduation
- Level I
- Form 1 - Eligibility Criteria
- Form 2 - Standards Status Report
- Level II
- Form 1 - Eligibility Criteria
- Form 2 - Standards Status Report
13AIMS-AGrades 3 8 (DPA) and 10 (HS)
- Level I
- Form 1 - Eligibility Criteria
- Form 2 - Standards Status Report (do not complete
in Grade 10) - Form 3 - Performance Evaluation (complete only
for grade 10) - Form 4 - Parent Interview
- Forms 5 A-D - Activity-Based Performance
- Level II
- Form 1 - Eligibility Criteria
- Form 2 - Standards Status Report (do not complete
in Grade 10) - Forms 3 A-D - Activity-Based Performance
14Alternate Assessment Options
- Level II
- Grades 6 10
- Based on
- alternate academic content standards - Grades 1
3 level
- Level I
- Grades K 10
- Based on
- alternate academic content standards -
Kindergarten level - If determined by IEP team
15What about Kindergarten and 1st graders?
- Kindergarten and First grade students need to be
assessed. - Use the ADE online system to input your scores
for students who qualify for alternate assessment
that are in Kindergarten or 1st grade. - This will satisfy the requirement for district
testing, but will not affect AYP or AZLearns. - Student data entered will be available for
editing in subsequent years - Assessment information should be used to develop
IEPs. - We will receive reports for these students.
16What about11th and 12th graders?
- IEP teams need to follow the guidelines
(IEP) - Exemption decisions are documented on IEP
Attachment H and should be reviewed at the annual
IEP each year. - Student data entered into online system will be
available for editing in subsequent years - Assessment information should be used to develop
17How is Eligibility Determined ?
- IEP Team Discussion and Decision-Making
- Use IEP page Attachment C Alternate Assessment
Eligibility Criteria to determine who qualifies
(pages 1-3) - If needed, Alternate Assessment Eligibility Form
Addition (page 4) Psychologist approval
18SPED Attachment C
19(No Transcript)
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22(No Transcript)
23(No Transcript)
24EligibilityForm Addition (4th page)
PsychologistApproval Mandatory
For students who function like a student with
mental retardation.
25Significant Cognitive Disability Definition
- Empirical evidence of a significant cognitive
disability - Difficulty acquiring, maintaining, generalizing,
and applying academic skills across environments - even with intensive individualized instruction
- IEP goals focus on progress within alternate
achievement indicators
26Definition Parameters Significant Cognitive
- Mental Retardation
- Not universally eligible based on this category
- Functions like a student with mild mental
retardation - Commensurate abilities across all areas
- Reading, writing, and mathematics
- Adaptive Behavior Scale scores
- Measures of intellectual abilities
- NOTE Students with learning disabilities who
have overall intellectual and/or adaptive
behavior abilities within the average range are
not students with a significant cognitive
27Assessment Components
- Student Status Report (Form 2)
- Parent Interview (Form 4)
- Activity (Form 5)
28AST Analytic Scoring Tool
29Analytic Scoring Tool (AST)
- All students are assigned a raw score from 1 to
11 points on every item - Assign a score to reflect the students current
30Cuing and Assistance Definitions (AST)
- Physical assistance
- Hand-over-hand or hand-under-hand guidance
- For example guiding a students hand to the coin
slot on the vending machine and leading the
student through dropping each coin into the
machine - Verbal assistance
- Oral directions to complete a task
- For example verbally directing a student through
each step of a task - Most difficult cue to fade
- Physical cue
- A touch to prompt a student to complete any
portion of task - For example tapping a students elbow to prompt
the student to pick up a picture
31Cuing and Assistance Definitions (AST)
- Verbal cue
- Word or statement that indirectly signals a
student - For example asking Whats next in your
schedule? - Gestural cue
- Movement, including hand motions, head nodding,
or other nonverbal cues - For example pointing to the schedule board to
prompt student to check the schedule
32Cuing and Assistance Definitions (AST)
- Model
- Teacher demonstration of the appropriate behavior
for a student to imitate - For example demonstrating the operation of the
microwave prior to asking a student to operate it - Natural cue
- An ordinary cue that naturally exists in the
environment - For example student is cued to line up when
other students form a line
33Form 2 Standards Status Report
- Refer to Form 2 performance objectives for Level
I and II - Teacher instruction throughout the school year
- Data-based teacher observation and analysis of
student performance - Comprises AIMS-A, ASAT, and DAP-A
- 1/3 of all items scored contributes to overall
AIMS-A score - All items scored contribute to overall ASAT and
DAP-A score
34Parent Interview
When interviewing parents, record the rubric
based on the probing information, the response is
based on the parents perception of their childs
functioning level.
35Parent Interview Level I
- Refer to Form 4 and Analytic Scoring Tool
- Interview face-to-face or by phone do not send
home for parent to complete. - Give parent the opportunity to participate (only
the parent can decline) - Assign scores of 3, 6, 10, or 11
- Can complete as part of an IEP meeting
generally takes 10 minutes or so.
36Parent Interview Situations
- Ideas for conducting the interview
- Parent sees student differently than you do
- Parent says, You just score it!
- Parent says, AIMS is ridiculous for my child!
- Item Sensitivity
- Parent Story Sharing
- Activities are assessed in both AIMS-A Level I
and Level II - Instruction occurs all year long. Students need
lots of practice. - Data Sheets
- Point-in-time assessment in March
- Score Sheets
38Activities-Level I
- Student will use a daily schedule
- Student will play an interactive game.
- Student will make a purchase at a fast food
restaurant or school snack bar. - Student will follow a set of directionsmake a
39Activities-Level II
- Student will identify an area of interest for a
job or volunteer opportunity and fill out the
necessary forms - Student will compare different recreation and/or
leisure opportunities and choose one in which to
participate. - Student will determine the route of travel from
starting point A to the selected event at Point
B. - Student will plan a meal for at least three
40Scoring the Activities
- Refer to Forms 5 A-D Level I Data and Score
Sheets - Score selected items only
- Complete in online system in March
- Refer to Forms 3 A-D Level II Data and Score
Sheets - Multiple standards (reading, writing, and math)
are attached to each step - Task analyze each step.Break into the sequence
of all the tasks embedded within each step. - Complete in online system in March
41Scoring the Activities
- Refer to Forms 5 A-D Level I Data and Score
Sheets - Score selected items only
- Complete in online system in March
- Refer to Forms 3 A-D Level II Data and Score
Sheets - Multiple standards (reading, writing, and math)
are attached to each step - Complete in online system in March
42Darleens Sites
- http//members.cox.net/tinsnips/welcome.htmlThis
site is one of my favorites. It has picture
recipes, holiday activities, schedule pictures,
worksheets for reading labels and cooking
measurements, and many links to other great
sites. - http//trainland.tripod.com/pecs.htm This site
has many picture symbols including Boardmaker
downloads and PECS symbols. It also has a link to
photos of common brand name grocery items. - http//www.bry-backmanor.org/picturerecipes.html
- Lots and lots of picture recipes.
- http//www.google.comThis is a search engine.
When this page comes up, there will be choices
above the keyword search space. Click on Images.
Another page will come up with a keyword search
space. Type in a word for a picture you want
(e.g. hamburger) and several pages of various
pictures of hamburgers will come up. Select the
picture you want. Right-click and copy and paste
to a Word document. Resize as needed for the
student. Add text. - http//edweb.tusd.k12.az.us/sped/ Real-life
photos plus more sites. - http//www.mapzone.co.uk/pagesHomeworkHelp/mapabil
ity/Map activities and information. Some links
are interactive for students and some are
printable activities. - http//www.edhelper.com/Lots of good activities
and lesson plans. One is high interest/low
vocabulary reading passages including currently,
Beginning the Job Hunt. - http//www.tusd.k12.az.us/educators.htmlTucson
Unified School Districts own page which features
many sample focus lessons according to state
standards. Good lesson plans for many standards
addressed for Level II alternate assessment.
43Data Entry Walk-Through
- The next set of slides are best viewed on a
computer and are provided as a reference for data
input for the online ADE system. - These slides have moving parts and will walk
your through the steps needed to input data. - If you wish to skip this tutorial, click on the
arrow button on the next slide.
44- Open the internet browser, go to
http//ade.az.gov and click on Common Logon (
look to the top right of the screen for this link)
452. Type in your username and password. Click on
the Continue button.
Note You will have 5 chances to input your
username and password before you are deactivated.
If you get deactivated, you will need to call
the ADE Support Center at 866-577-9636 or email
463. The first time you access the ADE Common
Logon system with your own login and password,
read the Acceptable Use Policy, click on (If you
click I do not agree, you will not be able to
474. If this is your first time in the application,
you will see
485. You are now logged in and will see the
following screen.
Click on. Your Username and Password will be tied
to the level of access you have. A teacher will
automatically be linked to the particular school.
49- 6. You will now see the school listed on the top
right corner of the screen. -
If there is an error, contact Lindy Jones, Mary
Neale, or Cathy Taylor.
50Student Data
7. On the left you will see a menu bar, click
If this is your first time through this year, No
Records Found
518.To add your students, click Add Student
On the first screen SAIS ID, DOB and Gender is
529. Check the student information carefully. If
the information is correct click YES. If ADE did
not retrieve your student, click NO. Re-enter
SAIS ID, DOB and Gender and try again.
53The information number retrieved the Data
Retrieval Error screen
IMPORTANT!!If you get the above error, check the
SAIS number, DOB and Gender to make sure they are
correct and match what is in SAIS.Contact Cathy
Taylor or Lindy Jones if you believe you have
typed everything in correctly and you are still
getting an error. If the SAIS system had the
error, a SAIS upload to ADE will need to occur
before you can continue data entry for this
5410. If a student was successfully retrieved, the
next window will need more information.
(Demographic Information Form)
This information has already been filled in by
the district and represents the identical
information for this student in the SAIS system
55 Indicate whether the student began the school
year (or within the first 10 days school days) at
their current school.
Indicate the number of consecutive years that a
student has been attending this school, counting
the current school year.
Indicate the number of consecutive years that a
student has been attending this school district,
counting the current school year.
5612. Complete the following areas
If you click on
Then you will need to answer the following
5713. Once you have completed your information,
scroll to the bottom of the page and click on one
of these buttons. will save the
information you just entered and will return you
to the Student List page. will
save the information you just entered and will
keep you on the same page. will
NOT save the information you just entered and
will return you to the Student List page.
5814. At this point, you can enter a new
student - Make sure you are on the Page
and repeat the directions.
I am done entering student demographics and want
to enter scores. What do I do?
59 Enter all eligible students by January 31 on the
Student List page
60You will identify test eligibility and enter
scores for a student. Click on the SAIS ID for
the student on the Student List page.
6115. Click on Forms to access the data entry pages.
Mild Mental Retardation
6216. Click on the form to enter data. As forms are
completed, the status will change to Complete.
Note the status column
6317. Click on the arrow to enter your scores.
Comments are optional but helpful.
64As you complete subject areas the status will
change. When you bring up the Student List, you
can also check on status for individual students.
Status will show Complete after data has been
entered on all forms.
Even if a student is completed, you can go back
and edit any information until the system closes
to teachers on March 31
65Be aware Complete status
- If a student had scores from last year and you
click SAVE on a scoring page, the system will
show as complete even if you did not review every
score on the page. - We owe it to our students to ensure that all
scores reflect their current abilities. - Remember that even if Status shows as Complete,
point-in-time assessments for the Activities are
to be completed and input in March.
66Support Information on ExEd Web
- Helpful Step-by-Steps and More!
- How to Look up a SAIS Number
- How to Check AA Scores from TUSDStats
- How to Check ELL Status from TUSDStats
- These handouts can be found athttp//edweb.tusd.k
67You have made it through these directions!