Title: Southern Site Data Analysis Status at CSU
1Southern SiteData Analysis Status at CSU
Pablo Bauleo
Physics Department Colorado State University Ft
Collins, CO 80523
- Hybrid Trigger Efficiency
- In collaboration with Adrian Rovero (IAFE)
- Carmen-Miranda Signal Fluctuation
- Lateral Distribution Function
3Hybrid Trigger in a nutshell
- When a shower candidate is detected by the FD a
T3 signal is sent to CDAS (including estimated
core impact time and position) - CDAS requests all the tanks to check if they have
in their buffers a signal within the time window
corresponding to the shower front crossing the
particular detector (FD core impact time and
position required) - If any tank has a time coincidence signal, an
Hybrid Trigger is produced.
Hybrid Trigger Efficiency, P. Bauleo and A. Rovero
4Hybrid Trigger Efficiency
- Objectives
- Measure FD/SD/Hybrid intrinsic trigger efficiency
- Improve trigger algorithms (if possible)
- Find out how many EAS were missed by SD array
- Trigger Efficiency depends on several parameters
(E,q, etc) but we fold all of them into a global
efficiency (for the time being) due to low
statistics - Guideline
- Using only the information of the FD (monocular
reconstructed EAS ), look for those events
falling inside the SD array boundaries. - For that event subset, check the status of the
closest tank to core impact position (? 5 minutes
from FD GPS time) - If hybrid ? Tank is running (double check)
- If not hybrid ? Tank might or might not be
Hybrid Trigger Efficiency, P. Bauleo and A. Rovero
5Data Selection
- Cuts
- 9 ? Npix ? 45 ? reject noise and lighting
- Nice reconstructed events (Monocular)
- Energy between 1016 eV and 1022 eV
- Energy error ? 15
- Zenith angle error ? 15 ? Translates into a
small error in core position - Zenith angle ? 60
- 0.001 ? ChiSquare ? 10
- Closest tank ? 0.8 km from core ? events
contained within array boundaries - Out of 3625 FD-triggers, only 50 survived all
the cuts. - Too tough? Maybe, but we are just developing the
criteria - Note some files seems to be corrupted in both
databases (FD SD)
Hybrid Trigger Efficiency, P. Bauleo and A. Rovero
6FD selected events and SD Status
- For these selected FD events, the status of the
array (tanks up/down, etc) was surveyed for 10
minutes (centered at the FD event time) - Some of the FD-only events were detected when the
whole array or the closest detector to the core
were not running ? Good reason for not being
Hybrid Trigger Efficiency, P. Bauleo and A. Rovero
7(Current) Conclusion
- For the selected events (Emean 1 EeV and
?mean 300) - 34 hybrid events (after cuts)
- 4 events were FD-only due to SD down
- 12 FD-only without a good reason (yet) not to
be hybrid - SD intrinsic trigger efficiency has to be folded
into the analysis - Note SD-ToT was implemented in mid march!!!
- Hybrid Trigger Efficiency 74
- These value depends on the cuts/criteria used
- Next steps
- Improve events selection criteria and/or run over
the whole FD database - Use more than the closest tank status for the
analysis - Look for SD-only events that should have been
detected by the FD
Hybrid Trigger Efficiency, P. Bauleo and A. Rovero
- Data Selection
- March-June 02 Run
- Multiplicity larger or equal to 4 (with CM)
- No lone tanks (accidental tank rejection)
- All trigger times compatible with shower front
crossing the array - Nevents 435
- Data Analysis
- Studied signal difference as function of C and M
signal - D (sSD/Signal) is plotted as function of C and
M signal
Carmen-Miranda signal accuracy, P. Bauleo and J.
9Carmen-Miranda signal accuracy
Carmen-Miranda signal accuracy, P. Bauleo and J.
10Lateral Distribution Function(CSU-Karlshure-Leeds
-Torino- UNLP)
- Data Selection Criteria
- Looking for events highly symmetric with large
multiplicity (i.e. the core position can be
easily obtained because 3 or more stations have
roughly the same signal) - Work is being done to tune the criteria
(CSU-Karlshure-UNLP) - Redundant density approach
- For those events, the core position is found
using only the redundant tanks, using a simple
(assumed) power-law LDF - As the event have a large multiplicity, the
remaining stations give information in the real
LDF - To avoid the self-fullfilling prophesy (J.
Linsley) work is being done to find out the
bias of the real LDF due to the assumed
power-law LDF (Leeds-Karlshure)
Lateral Distribution Function report, P. Bauleo
on behalf of LDF Task Group
11Peeping the results
- Well behaved
- Reduced dispersion
- Not so well behaved
- Larger dispersion
Lateral Distribution Function report, P. Bauleo
on behalf of LDF Task Group