Title: Creating a Culture and Climate for Student Success
1Creating a Culture and Climate for Student
- Sonya Brown Principal
- Rebecca Huff Assistant Principal
- Jessica McCann Title I Instructor
- Linda Love 4th Grade Instructor
Academics First, Excellence Always
3Westwood ElementaryAcademics First, Excellence
- Region 7 - Kilgore, Texas
- Title I School-Wide
4- TEA Recognized Campus
- 2007-2008
- 2006-2007
- Gold Performance Awards
- 2008 Commended Science
- 2008 Comparable Improvement Mathematics
- 2007 Commended Reading/ELA
- 2007 Commended Writing
- 2007 Commended Science
- 2007 Comparable Improvement Reading/ELA
- Exited AYP Stage I - 2008
5Westwood students in action.
6Westwood Elementary
- Westwood Independent School District
- Serving grades 3-6
- 547 Students served
- Student Population
- 65 White
- 17 African American
- 15 Hispanic
- 4 LEP
- 7 Special Education
- 38 Economically Disadvantaged
7District Snapshot
- WISD Tax Rate 1.04
- Target Revenue Per Student 4437.00
- Average Cost of Home 50,000
- 40 Low Socio-Economic
- Average Teacher Salary 39,000
- Turnover rate 11.8
8The Community We Serve
- Population 17,598
- 2 school districts
- County avg. wkly wage 582
- County unemployment rate 5.7
- Major employers
- Wal-Mart Warehouse
- 5 TDCJID Units
- Oilfield
9Student Success
- Culture Schools also have their own unique
cultures that are shaped around a particular
combination of values, beliefs, and feelings.
Although the culture of a school is not visible
to the human eye, its artifacts and symbols
reflect cultural priorities. Hanson (2001) - Climate The organizational climate in a school
has been defined as the collective personality of
a school based upon an atmosphere distinguished
by the social and professional interactions of
the individuals in the school. Deal and Kennedy
- Just what DOES make up
- Westwood Elementarys
- culture and climate?
11Student Initiatives
- Accelerated Reader
- Six weeks goal accuracy rewards
- Attend high school pep-rally
- Popcorn and movie party
- Paint the parking lot
- Wall of honor
- Year-end cumulative reward
- Accelerated Math
- Six weeks goal rewards
- Perfect Attendance
- Six weeks party conducted by administrators
- Year-end medals
Student Success
12Student Initiatives
Student Success
13Student Initiatives
- 6th Grade Outdoor Education Camp
- All students provided opportunity to participate
- 3 day outdoor educational camping trip
- Team building
Student Success
14Discipline Plan
- School-wide
- Developmentally appropriate
- 3rd 4th
- 5th 6th
- Parental involvement incorporated
- Consistent
- Administrators conduct formal discipline referrals
Student Success
153rd 4th Grade Discipline
Discipline Plan
165th 6th Grade- Discipline
Discipline Plan
17Faculty Empowerment
- Team building
- Teacher led staff development
- Ongoing grade level meetings
- Mentor training
Student Success
18Summer Retreat
- Two day camping trip
- All faculty invited
- Invitations sent with attached agendas
- Meals cooked and provided by administrators
Team Building
19Summer Retreat
- Staff Development
- Campus planning
- Mentor training
- GT planning
- RTI training
- Duty roster
- Any new information
Team Building
20Staff Development
- Administrative focused Teacher led
- Monthly staff development
- Time allotted for sharing of new ideas
- Prizes given at each meeting
- Recognition by peers
21Staff DevelopmentInstructional Focus
- Teachers preselected by administrators
- Teachers provided schedule and topic at beginning
of year - Teams given freedom to share information
22Grade Level Meetings
- Weekly
- Grade level chair
- Grade level teachers
- Inclusion teachers
- Title personnel
- Agenda driven
Alone we can do so little together we can do so
much. Helen Keller
23Grade Level Meetings
- Instructional and student focused
- Lesson plans completed and submitted
- Accommodations
- Incorporation of technology
- Resources needed
- Procedural housekeeping
- Minutes turned in weekly to administration
- Possible RTI students
24Westwood ElementaryGrade Level Minutes
- Research says
- Carefully designed mentoring programs can help in
three ways - Mentoring can be used as a recruitment tool
- Mentoring can improve teacher retention rates
- Mentoring help to improve the skills and
knowledge of both new and veteran teachers
Student Success
26Mentor Training
- Designate mentor teachers
- Teacher training
- ½ day observation conducted after 3rd week of
school - Follow-up summary and conference
- Mentor support checklist (handout)
We make a living by what we get, we make a life
by what we give. Winston Churchill
27Mentor Observation Report
28Mentor Observation Pg. 2
29Intern Training
- Assign mentor
- ½ day observation conducted after 3rd week of
school - Follow-up summary and conference
- On-going support
- Administrator round table discussion
30Intern Observation Form
31These Boots Were Made for Workin
- Creating a climate and culture leading to student
success - High expectations
- Student centered
- Faculty empowerment
- Collaboration
- FUN!
Student Success
32Contact Information
- Westwood Elementary
- 2305 Salt Works Road
- Palestine, TX 75803
- Phone (903) 729-1771
- FAX (903) 723-0169
Student Success
- Sonya Brown Principal
- sbrown_at_westwoodisd.net
- Rebecca Huff Assistant Principal
- rahuff_at_westwoodisd.net
- Jessica McCann Title I Instructor
- jmccann_at_westwoodisd.net
- Linda Love 4th Grade Instructor
- lilove_at_westwoodisd.net
Student Success
- School Leadership that Works, From Research to
Results Robert J. Marzano, Brian A. McNulty,
Timothy Walters - www.neafoundation.org/publications/mentoring.htm
- Intervention Strategies Guide Response to
Intervention. Developed by Michael L. Lujan
Student Success
- Westwood ISD www.westwoodisd.net
Student Success