Title: Introduction to Public Health Law
1Introduction to Public Health Law
2Part I
- History of Medical and Public Health Science
- Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus Von
Hohenheim - Early 16th Century
- Transition From Alchemy
- Experiments And Systematic Observations
- Antimony
4Anatomy And Function
- Andreas Vesalius
- Mid 16th Century
- Accurate Anatomy
- William Harvey
- Early 17th Century
- Flow Of The Blood And Operation Of The Heart
5Edward Jenner
- Smallpox
- Major Killer
- Wiped Out The Indigenous Peoples
- 1798 Published His Book On Cowpox
6John Snow
- Cholera In London
- Broad Street Pump
- Proved Cholera Is Waterborne
- 1854
7Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis
- Childbed Fever
- Fellow Medical Student Died
- Controlled Studies
- 1849
8Louis Pasteur
- Scientific Method
- Germ Theory
- Vaccination For Rabies
- Pasteurization
- 1860s-1880s
9Foundation of Modern Surgery
- William Morton
- Anesthesia
- 1846
- Joseph Lister
- Antisepsis
- 1867-1880s
- Surgery Became Big Business
- Drove Development of Hospitals
10Infectious Diseases
- Kochs Postulates - 1880s
- Agent Must Be Present In Every Case
- Agent Must Be Isolated From The Host And Grown In
Vitro In A Lab Dish - Agent Must Cause Disease When Inoculated Into A
Healthy Susceptible Host And - Agent Must Be Recovered Again From The
Experimentally Infected Host. - Limitations
11Tuberculosis Control - 1900
- The Major Killer
- Koch And Pasteur
- Sanatoria
- Pasteurization Of Milk
- Disease Control Of Dairy Herds
12Drug Chemistry 1880s
- German/Swiss Dye Industry
- Bayer
- Hoffman La Roche
- Ciba
- Sulfa Drugs In The 1930s
- Penicillin
- Alexander Flemming 1928
- Purified By Chain And Florey In 1939
- World War II - Coconut Grove Fire (1942)
- Streptomycin 1944
- First Antituberculosis Drug
- Selman Abraham Waksman 1944
- (Coined The Term Antibiotic
14Post World War II
- Conquering Microbial Diseases
- Vaccines
- Antibiotics
- Chronic Diseases
- Better Drugs
- Better Studies
- Leukemia
15Part II
- Public Health Law and Practice
16Public Health in the Colonies
- Most of the population lived in poorly drained
coastal areas - Cholera
- Yellow Fever
- Urban Diseases
- Smallpox
- Tuberculosis
- Average Life Expectancy in cities was 25 years
17Public Health Law Actions in Colonial America
- Quarantines, areas of non-intercourse
- Inspection of ships and sailors
- Nuisance abatement
- Colonial governments had and used Draconian
powers - The Police Powers
18Police Power
- Police departments came later
- Power to protect the public health and safety
- Communicable disease control
- Sanitation
- Nuisance
- Drinking water
19Articles of Confederation
- In effect between independence and the
ratification of the Constitution in 1789 - Left all powers to the states
- The states provided what support they wanted to
the federal effort - Did not work during the War
- Remember the stories about Washington's troops
not having shoes?
20Public Health in the Constitution
- Federal Powers
- Interstate commerce
- International trade and travel
- War powers
- State Powers
- Powers not given to the federal government
- Police Powers
21Actions in the 1798 Yellow Fever Epidemic
- For ten years prior, the yellow fever had raged
almost annually in the city, and annual laws were
passed to resist it. The wit of man was
exhausted, but in vain. Never did the pestilence
rage more violently than in the summer of 1798.
The State was in despair. The rising hopes of the
metropolis began to fade. The opinion was gaining
ground, that the cause of this annual disease was
indigenous, and that all precautions against its
importation were useless. But the leading spirits
of that day were unwilling to give up the city
without a final desperate effort. The havoc in
the summer of 1798 is represented as terrific.
The whole country was roused. A cordon sanitaire
was thrown around the city. Governor Mifflin of
Pennsylvania proclaimed a non-intercourse between
New York and Philadelphia. (Argument of counsel
in Smith v. Turner, 48 U.S. (7 How.) 283, 340-41
22Is there a Federal Police Power?
- Constitutional Debate
- US Supreme Court says no, but ...
- Can the Feds do local disease control?
- CDC only comes in at the state's invitation
- Public Health is state and local
- Can the Feds require smallpox vaccinations?
- Invasion Clause?
23Limits of the Police Power
- Very broad
- Protect public health and safety
- Must be prospective
- Public health regulations are about preventing
future harm - Must be civil, not criminal
- The reason for the action, and not the results,
determine whether it is criminal - Confinement in jail
- Megan's laws and confinement of sexual predators
24Public Health as the First Administrative Law
- Among the first acts of Congress
- Public health service hospitals and quarantine
stations - State and Local Government
- Boards of Health - Paul Revere sat on the Boston
Board of Health
25Part III
- Core Public Health Functions
26Disease reporting
- No right of privacy
- No right to refuse reporting
- Can inspect medical records
- Child abuse and violent injury reporting
- Also extended to medical procedures, occupational
illnesses, use of scheduled drugs, and other
areas of public health concern
27Disease Investigation
- Contract Tracing
- Partner Notification
- Investigations of business and food
establishments - Public health data can be reported to the police,
but it cannot be the basis of prosecution
28Mandatory treatment and restrictions
- Vaccination law
- Jacobson - no free riders
- No requirement for religious exception
- VD/STI/TB, others
- Can require testing or treatment
- Can hold in jail if you refuse
- Habeas Corpus is the remedy
- Many states have weakened these laws due to
political pressure over AIDS
29Environmental Health
- Food sanitation, drinking-water treatment, and
wastewater disposal - Most public health orders are directed at
environmental health problems. - Two central legal questions
- When does the government owe compensation to the
owners of regulated property? - When can inspectors enter private premises to
look for public health law violations?
30Vital Statistics
- Birth and death records
- Disease registries
31Part IV
- What are the legal tools to carry out these
32Rulemaking - Public Health Regulations
- Legislature must delegate its power
- Why promulgate regulations?
- Gives direction to regulated parties
- Allow public participation
- Harmonize practices between jurisdictions
- Limits the issues if there is Judicial Review
- Can be overruled by the legislature
33When Agencies Make Decisions Adjudications
- How is an adjudication different from a rule?
- Specific facts and specific parties
- How is an adjudication different from a trial?
- Expert decisionmakers
- Agency makes the final decision so decisions are
uniform (Current controversy in LA) - Conflict of interests can be a problem
34Permits and Licenses
- Permits
- Licenses
- Rights for duties
- Issued on Set Criteria
- Conditioned on accepting regulatory standards
- Warrantless inspections
- Legally classified as an adjudication
- License and permit holders
- No warrant
- Administrative warrants
- No probable cause
- Area warrants
- Limits to administrative warrants
- Cannot be used to undermine criminal due process
36Enforcement Actions
- Civil fines
- Injunctions to stop dangerous activities
- Court orders to force compliance with public
health regulations - Criminal prosecution for disobeying a court orders
37The Advisory and Consultative Role
- Public health is about prevention as well as
enforcement - Opening a new restaurant
- Designing food handling area
- Training kitchen personnel
- Managing day to day problems
- The major role of the CDC
38Acting in an Emergency
- Power expands with necessity
- Courts do not block emergency actions
- Knowing what to do is what matters
- Emergency powers laws are easy to pass, but do
not solve resource and expertise problems - Law matters a month after
- The more laws you pass, the more loopholes you
can create
39Part V
- The Politics of Public Health
40Political Control of Agencies
- Agency heads are political appointees
- Federal independent agencies are different
- Some states have boards of health, but not much
improvement - Agency goals are subservient to other political
agendas - Salary is also a political control
41Impact of Political Control
- Feds
- Conformation battles at the federal level
- Can still get talented people at the top
- More problems at midlevel, esp. for experts
- States
- Salaries limit expertise in many positions
- Very difficult to get real experts at the top
because of improper political pressures
42Impact on Public Health
- Future of Public Health
- IOM 1988
- No career track for high level public health
professionals - Fired for political disputes
- No pension rights, no severance, not contracts
- You cannot stay in public health if you protect
the public health - Do agencies have expertise any more?