Integrated Science and Mathematics Models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Integrated Science and Mathematics Models


Organizations stressing the need to ... Instructor relates the concept of fractions to decimals, which in turn relates ... lesson plans and worksheets for K-9 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Integrated Science and Mathematics Models

Integrated Science and Mathematics Models
  • Natalka Kosacz
  • Adam White

Organizations stressing the need to integrate the
  • National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
  • National Council of Teachers Mathematics (NCTM)
  • National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS)
  • National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
  • School Science and Mathematics Association

An integrated curriculum focuses on the following
instructional views
  • Learner-centered
  • Students as active participants
  • Students construct knowledge
  • Teacher as facilitator

Models of Integration
  • Integrated different subject matters are
    blended such that the separate parts are not
  • - The Berlin-White Integrated Science and
    Mathematics Model (BWISM)
  • Example Bouncing a light wave off a mirror and
    observing its incidence. (Science) The equation
    that explains that. (Math)

Models of Integration
  • 2. Interdisciplinary the integrity of the
    various academic disciplines remain clear.
  • Example Discussing the scientific qualities of
    water purification. (Science) Analyzing the
    amount of purification materials required for a
    specific amount of water. (Math) Research and
    write a report regarding different purification
    facilities water purification procedures.
    (Language Arts)

Models of Integrations
  • 3. Thematic pertains to unifying commonalities
    among subjects or topics.

Models of Integration
  • 4. Continuum Model developed by Lonning
    DeFranco based on the notion of what and to
    what extent each subject is being integrated.

Ten Views
  • Within each subject area, course content is
    connected topic to topic and relates ideas
  • Example
  • Instructor relates the concept of fractions to
    decimals, which in turn relates to money and
    chemistry experiments

  • Within each subject area, the instructor targets
    multiple skills
  • Example
  • Instructor designs a unit on photosynthesis to
    simultaneously target equal-solving skills and
    the life cycle of a plant.

  • Topics or units of study are rearranged and
    sequenced to coincide with one another. A concept
    that reinforces learning and abstract thinking.
  • Example
  • Teacher presents a study of water filtration
    systems while also looking at the chemic nature
    of fluoride and chlorine.

  • Shared planning and teaching takes place in two
    disciplines in which overlapping ideas emerge as
    organized elements.
  • Example
  • Science and Math teachers use data collection,
    charting and graphing as shared concepts that can
    be taught

  • A theme is webbed to curricular contents and
    disciplines subjects use theme to sift out
    appropriate concepts and ideas.
  • Example
  • Instructors present a simple topical theme such
    as water and web it to the subject areas. i.e
    Students could review the chemical make up of

  • Threads thinking skills, social skills, multiple
    intelligences technology and study skills through
    various disciplines.
  • Example
  • Science teachers target prediction in science
    labs while math teachers target prediction in
    equation solving.

  • This approach matches subjects for overlaps in
    topics and concepts with some team teaching in an
    authentic integrated model.
  • Example
  • In all subjects instructors look for patterning
    models and approach content through patterns
    e.g. results mathematical evidence

  • The disciplines become part of the learners lens
    of expertise the leaner filters all content
    through this lens and becomes immersed in ones
    own experience.
  • Example
  • Student has one area he or she excels at and
    tackles all problems from that perspective. E.g.
    students who are good at math handle everything
    from a mathematical paradigm. Poetry can be
    synthesized through numeric measure.

  • Learner filters all learning through the experts
    eye and makes internal connections that lead to
    external networks or experts in related fields.
  • Example
  • While this would primarily apply to older
    students, middle school children who enjoy
    astronomy can expand his/her knowledge base by
    meeting astronomers.

  • Traditional role keeps things separate, but can
    be tweaked to allow for some integration.
  • Example
  • Even though math and science are kept separate,
    teacher can make sure students know how to add
    and subtract before delving into the minutiae of
    a specific science problem.

National Projects that demonstrate integration
  • AIMS (Activities Integrating Mathematics and
  • - lesson plans and worksheets for K-9
  • - curricular content for both mathematics and
    science are minimal
  • - highly structured activities
  • GEMS (Great Expectations in Math and Science)
  • - created by Lawrence Hall of Science at the
    University of California at Berkley
  • - activities designed for grades 4-8
  • - activities based on integration of individual

National Projects that demonstrate integration
  • TIMS (Teaching Integrated Mathematics and
  • - created by the University of Chicago
  • - activities designed for grades 1-6
  • - lessons based on understanding mathematical
    concepts with applications to science and
    language arts
  • TOPS
  • - produced by TOPS Learning Systems in Canby,
  • - activities designed for grades K-8
  • - activities are based on science processes with
    mathematic components enhancing science

Issues of Integration
  • Definition of integration
  • Lack of integrated curriculum materials
  • Time and structure of the school day
  • Lack of preservice teacher instruction
  • Assessment (stardardized tests)
  • Standards for individual disciplines remain

  • Berlin, Donna F. White, Arthur L. (1994). The
    Berlin-White Integration Science and Mathematics
    Model. School Science Mathematics, 94 (1), 12
  • Czerniak, Charlene M. McDonald, Jacqueline.
    (1994). Developing Interdisciplinary Units
    Strategies and Examples. School Science
    Mathematics, 94 (1), 5 10.
  • Czerniak, Charlene M. Weber, William B Jr
    Sandmann, Alexa Ahern, John. (1999). A
    literature review of science and mathematics
    integration. School Science Mathematics, 99
    (8), 421 430.
  • Kepler, Lynne. (1995). See How Science Math Go
    Together. Instructor, 42 46.
  • Lederman, Norman G. Niess, Margaret L. (1997).
    Integrated, interdisciplinary, or thematic
    instruction? Is this a question or is it
    questionable semantics? School Science
    Mathematics, 97 (2), 57 58.
  • Lonning, Robert A. DeFranco, Thomas C. (1997).
    Integration of science and mathematics A
    theoretical model. School Science Mathematics,
    97 (4), 212 215.
  • Lonning, Robert A. DeFranco, Thomas C.
    Weinland, Thomas P. (1998). Development of
    Theme-based, Interdisciplinary, Integrated
    Curriculum A Theoretical Model. School Science
    Mathematics, 98 (6), 312 319.
  • Integration in the Elementary Curriculum.
    (1999). Phi Delta Kappa Fastbacks, 444, 7 35.
  • Ten Views for Integrating the Curricula Design
    Options. http//
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