Title: The Venture Capital Partnership
1The Venture Capital Partnership In The New
Economy Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition
Centre October 26, 2000
2Enhancing Venture Capital Investment Through
Leverage by Johannes Schöter Managing
Partner Victoria Capital Limited
3- Importance of leverage in private equity
transactions in the US and Europe
4- Lack of long term debt available in Asia
- because
- cashflow based lending at early stage - bond
markets undeveloped - difficult country risks
5- What is possible in Asia?
- Long term debt available for companies with
strong and sustainable cashflows - Tenor 5 - 12
years - Local security plus guarantee of holding
company - No guarantee of financial investor
6- Difficult country risks accepted, e.g.
China Thailand Philippines Indonesia Banglade
7- Senior loans
- Mezzanine
- Combination
- USD 20 mio senior loan for industrial tree
plantations in China
- Final maturity 10 years - 5 years grace period
- LIBOR 350 bps
- USD 18 mio senior loan for light industrial
manufacturer - - financing expansion in China, Bangladesh
- and Sri Lanka
- USD 5 mio convertible loan for refinancing short
term liabilities of a manufacturer
- conversion price 100 step up over financial
investors entry price
- Tap additional financial resources