Title: Short Sale or Foreclosure
1Short SaleorForeclosure
Presented by Holly Schneidewind
- Is One Really Better
- Than The Other?
2My Agent Always Give 100
- 12 Monday 23 Tuesday 40 Wednesday 20
Thursday 5 Friday
3What Is A Foreclosure?
- When a home owner defaults on their obligation to
make scheduled payments to a mortgage lender, the
lender forces the sale of the home through a
trustee sale. - The primary statute under which such foreclosures
are undertaken is called the Nebraska Trust Deeds
Act. - 90-120 days for an uncontested foreclosure
4Foreclosure Timeline
- Default happens if the payment is not made by the
due date per the Deed of Trust. - Payment made after due date is delinquent.
- Lender makes attempt to contact client.
- No contact - Notice of Default filed.
- After NOD filed 30 days to bring current
- 31st day - 5 weeks of public notices
- 10-30 days after final notice sale occurs
5Foreclosure Inconsistencies
- Each lender is different in time frames.
- Expensive to file notice of default.
- Lender would rather work out a payment plan-loss
mitigation - Deed in Lieu-borrowers agree to work with lender
voluntarily give up house. - ie. Hard Money lenders file their notice of
default on day 16 verses banks want to work out a
payment plan so they delay filing the default
notice because of the expense.
6What Is A Short Sale?
- Agreement between lender and note holder to pay
back less than full balance upon the sale of
the home by the home owner. - When the lender decides to forgive all or a
portion of a borrower's debt.
7Short Sale Timeline
- Homeowner communicates with lender to accept less
than what they owe them this happens prior to
Notice of Default being filed. - Lender approval process of short sale requires
similar documentation to that of a mortgage. - Packet of seller information goes to bank board
for review could take 30 days or longer for
approval, counter, or denial. - When to start the short sale application to
8Tips Tidbits
- Lender views short sale and foreclosure similar.
- 3 years to wait before qualifying for another
mortgage in both cases. - Extenuating circumstances will shorten the time
period before borrower is eligible for new loan. - Borrower can show good faith to a lender by
working on payment plan for the amount owed. - Not all loans are the same. Make sure your
mortgage broker offers a variety of programs to
ensure the best fit for your customer.
9So Is One Really Better Than The Other?
- Loss Mitigation
- Short Sale
- Foreclosure with deed in lieu
- Foreclosure by investor
10It Depends.
- Just as each mortgage we do is tailored to fit
each persons needs. So will be the final
decision as to which path the home owner will
take. - But good sound advice is step number one!
- Consult your Mortgage Broker for any questions!
11Thank You!
www.eaglemortgagecompany.com 402-397-7180