Title: Christian Thomas
1 Nutrition Trivia
- Christian Thomas
- Technology and Assessment
- Wed 445
- Professor Putman
2Food Guide Pyramid
- Below is the current food guide pyramid and the
current recommendations. These are the foods and
the amounts needed to consume a healthy diet.
3Getting Started
- In this quiz game the player will select a
question that is worth a certain amount of
points. - They will have a limited time to answer the
question correctly in order to receive any value - If the player is unable to answer correctly, the
opposing team or player will have a chance to
steal the question. - The questions are worth 100, 200,and 300 points,
choose carefully - Good luck!
5How many servings of bread and grains are
required each day?
6What do the letters FDA stand for?
- A) Female Drug Assistant
- B) Farmer Dairy Association
- C) Food and Drug Administration
- D) Food and Diet Advertisement
7Which of the following is considered a fruit?
- Potato
- Carrot
- Snickers Bar
- Apple
8What is the recommended intake of total calories
per day?
9Dietary guidelines for Americans defines alcohol
moderation for men as how many drinks per day?
- No more than 2
- 12
- No limit
- None
10According to the Food Pyramid how often should
fats, oils, and sweets be consumed?
- As much as possible
- Every other day
- Once a week
- Sparingly
11According to the Food Pyramid what is the
recommended serving of vegetables each day?
12What of fat intake per day should be from
saturated fat?
- More than 50
- Less than 10
- It doesnt matter
- Every other hour
13How many milligrams of sodium should be consumed
per day?
- Less than 2,300
- More than 10,000
- No limit
- 100