Title: Cooking with Data: Analysis and Planning
1Cooking with DataAnalysis and Planning
- Lavinia Kumar, EdD
- Manager, NJPEP
2Uses of Data That Judges vs Data That Informs
Basketball Team
DATA Set A Won/Lost Record
DATA Set B Team/Individual Statistics
Data that Judges
Data that Informs
- Quick look at NJPEP and NJDOE
- Introduction to Data a data frame of mind
- Worksheet One Total Proficiency data overview
- Worksheets Two Three Cluster data
- Forward Planning
- Backward Planning
- Planning with Teachers
- Additional Data Sources
4From the NJDOE site.
doe data
5DOE Data
8Test Results Information
- Assessment
- Adequate Yearly Progress Guidance Scenarios
- District Level Examples School Level Examples
- Interpreting Test Results Tutorial
- Assessment
- Abbott
- Doedata
- Title I
9FirstLets get in a data frame of mind!
- Work with a partner on the two pages
11Before You StartBefore the First Day of
ClassWhat do you know about your students?
- Report card (aggregated)
- Statewide assessment (aggregated) what is in the
newspaper - Previous teacher report
- Anecdotal info
- Language
- Disabilities cognitive, physical
12Mrs. Johnsons 5th GradeHer Starting Point
- If you had to teach this class
- What would you do the first day of class?
- (How would you set your priorities for teaching
14Taking a look at AYPNJPEPs web site
NJPEP Tutorials
15Content that seems OK
16Content that needs help!
17What is your Question?Could it be
- What can I do to make myself/my teacher/my
principal more accountable? - How can I engage our school/or teachers in a
discussion with regard to assessment and its
application? - What data information does which professional
have to have? - Who should help which professional with data
application in the classroom?
Write it on poster paper
What is your question?
18You may have GEPA (8th grade) Statewide
Assessment Individual Student Report Data
Lets check This out in more detail
These reports will or could be aggregated for
your class
19Public Reporting of Assessment A Note
20Critical Issue Reporting Assessment Results
- OVERVIEW Students, parents, and community
members often misinterpret assessment data
because they do not view the information in the
proper context. They may fail to consider the
many variables involved in the education process,
such as students' diverse backgrounds and
motivation levels. NCREL
21Total 11th Grade Data - District Assessment
See handouts of Total Data for your (Worksheet
Enter response to this data on Data Record and
Analysis Sheet (p.1)
22Share Your Conclusions
Refer to your question(s)
23Math Proficiency PP, P, AP
24Math Proficiency PP, P AP
25LAL Proficiency PP, P, AP
26LAL Proficiency PP, P AP
28Additional Total Data SchoolMatters
29Additional Total Data Just4theKids
30Share general conclusions about Phillipsburg
based on the data available
Refer to your question(s)
Its time to write then share!
- Using only the data provided so far.
- decide (where possible) how would you allocate
resources of - Instruction
- Professional development
Begin Planning on your Data Record and Analysis
Sheet (p.2)
32Its time to dig deeper!
- Underneath total data, there is
- Subgroup data
- Cluster data
- Classroom data
- Individual data
- And all of it can be grown!
3311th Grade Subgroup Data
See handouts of Subgroup Data for your
(Worksheet 2)
Enter response to this data on Data Record and
Analysis Sheet (p.1)
348th Grade Subgroup Data
Proficiency Assessment (GEPA)
Note dates of testing
35More digging!
- Underneath total data, there is
- Subgroup data
- Cluster data
- Classroom data
- Individual data
- And all of it can be grown!
36Checking out Grade 3 StudentsCluster Data
- Examine the left side of Worksheet 3A
- Scores are grouped by proficiency
- Examine the right side of Worksheet 3A
- Scores below a possible passing level are
highlighted - Examine Worksheet 3B
373rd Grade Cluster Data
Use the handouts of Cluster Data to respond to
Enter response to this data on Data Record and
Analysis Sheet (p.3)
38More on 3rd Grade Reading
- Examine the reading data, worksheet 3B
Enter response to this data on Data Record and
Analysis Sheet (p.4)
39GEPA HSPA Cluster Data
- Examine selected cluster data for math
Enter response to this data on Data Record and
Analysis Sheet (p.4)
40Share your conclusionsabout uses of cluster data
Refer to your question(s)
41Resource Allocation
- Complete the Data Record (p.5)
- Lets share!!!
- Based on the data, and on your questions be ready
to move forward to plan!
42Summary to Date
- You have examined some
- 3rd grade total data (Math and LAL)
- GEPA subgroup math data
- Cluster scores for 3rd grade math, 3rd grade
reading, and slected GEPA and HSPA math data - You have made judgments, based on available data,
on - Instruction
- Curriculum alignment
- Planning
CURRICULUM FOR K-12? WERE YOU ABLE TO?... - Prioritize student needs
- Prioritize district-wide professional development
- Gather ideas for curriculum development
Lets look at planning
43Lets plan!
- Will you plan
- Forward, or
- Backward
44Planning Forward AYP Tutorial(Review)
45Mrs. Johnsons 5th GradeHer Starting Point
Where did your 9th graders start?
How did your 8th graders get there?
46Content that seemed OK
Which 8th grade content has strength?
47Content that needed help!
Is there a district-wide need (priority) for
particular content development?
Which content needs attention from 3rd grade on?
48Backward Planning to Plan Content Learning!!!! 3
Stages of Backward Design
Set Goals
At Last Instruction
Grant Wiggins Jay McTighe's http//www.ubdexcha
49(No Transcript)
50Factors in Backward Planning
- There are many doorways into successful design
you could start with... - Content standards (strands across the grades)
- A required assessment (summative 11th grade
or 8th, 5th, 3rd.) - Performance goals benchmarks and exemplars
about 4 times/year!!! (formative assessment!!!) - Special circumstances/factors
Grant Wiggins Jay McTighe's http//www.ubdexcha
51Data Needs for Backwards Planning What do you
know about your school(s)?
- 11th grade data for both Math and Language Arts
Literacy - Subgroup Data
- Cluster Data
- Professional development and technology for
- Data analysis
- Differentiated instruction
- Time set aside for faculty
- Data analysis
- Collaboration
Correlate these!
52Calendaring Factors
- End-point
- Summative test(s) as the starting point!!!
- Periodic benchmarks
- Formative and/or summative tests
- Common design of benchmark assessment
- Exemplars
Lets look at an example!...
Goal first allocate the strands, then allocate
the CPIs
53Backwards Planning in H.S. by Course and/or Grade
Which data will support the organization of
standards and strands through the grades?
See planning charts for math across all grades,
and strands across a single grade
54Standards across the grades!
55Backwards Planning (cont.)
What data do you need for each grade to support
your planning?
- By course or grade
- 11th, 10th, 9th
- By standard and strand (and then CPI) within a
given grade. e.g., for Number and Numerical
Operations - A. Number Sense
- B. Numerical Operations
- C. Estimation
Look at Planning Sheets in Your Handout
56Backwards Planning (cont.) for one course only
(e.g. Algebra I)
- Summative (end of year) assessment
- Benchmark
- Period (each quarter?)
- Standards-based tests (developed collaboratively
by teachers or e.g. West Ed) - Rubrics (agreed-to by teachers)
- Exemplars for each benchmark (to help teachers
and students)
Look at Planning Sheets in Your Handout
Lets look at standards
57Check our a particular standard think strands!
- Strand
- A. Writing as a Process (prewriting, drafting,
revising, editing, postwriting) - B. Writing as a Product (resulting in work
samples) - C. Mechanics, Spelling, and Handwriting
- D. Writing Forms, Audiences, and Purposes
(exploring a variety of writing)
58Map the Standards and Strands Standard 3.2
59Then think CPIs Standard 3.2.4.B. plus all
- B. Writing as a Product (resulting in a formal
product or publication) - Create narrative pieces, such as memoir or
personal narrative, that contain description and
relate ideas, observations, or recollections of
an event or experience. - Write informational reports across the curriculum
that frame an issue or topic, include facts and
details, and draw from more than one source of
information. - Craft writing to elevate its quality by adding
detail, changing the order of ideas,
strengthening openings and closings, and using
dialogue. - Build knowledge of the characteristics and
structures of a variety of genres. - Sharpen focus and improve coherence by
considering the relevancy of included details,
and adding, deleting, and rearranging
appropriately. - Write sentences of varying lengths and
complexity, using specific nouns, verbs, and
descriptive words. - Recognize the difference between complete
sentences and sentence fragments and examine the
uses of each in real-world writing. - Improve the clarity of writing by rearranging
words, sentences, and paragraphs. - Examine real-world writing to expand knowledge of
sentences, paragraphs, usage, and authors'
writing styles. - Provide logical sequence and support the purpose
of writing by refining organizational structure
and developing transitions between ideas. - Engage the reader from beginning to end with an
interesting opening, logical sequence, and
satisfying conclusion.
60Calendaring example
Formative Assessment
61Assessment Bottom Line
- Start with Data
- Work Toward Data
- Assessments are Standards-based and rigorous
- Assessments are benchmarked to the assessment
calendar - Instruction begins and ends with data
- Exemplar benchmarks are made available
62Benchmarking Exemplars
63Review of Holistic and Analytic Assessments
Helping Teachers and Parents and Students
See handouts!
64Based on the additional dataholistic and
analytic rubrics
How would you modify allocation of resources?
Enter additional responses to this data on Data
Record and Analysis Sheet (p.5)
65Have your thoughts about resource allocation
changed during today?
Refer to your question(s)
66Review of Assessment
- What is your goal/purpose?
- What does your data show? What data do you need?
What additional test do you need? - Subgroup? Cluster?
- Formative or Summative
- When are you doing each objective within your
goal? - What is the benchmark?
- Have you consulted with your colleagues?
- Who is to receive which sort of assessment
information? - Students
- Parents, Community
- State
- What are you going to do after the assessment?
- How about those subgroups?
67A Revisit The District View Planning for Change
- Focused 30 minute meetings
- Lets look at the handouts together
Building Shared Responsibility for Student
Learning Anne Conzemius Jan ONeill ASCD
6830 Minute Meetings
- Plan, involving teachers, a focused strategic set
of meetings - Always involve teachers
- Structure all meetings in advance but be ready
to modify - Respond to teacher needs/suggestions
- Aim for the goal!
69Other Factors to Consider
Habits of Mind
Use Knowledge Meaningfully
Extend and Refine Knowledge
- Types of instruction
- Learner styles teacher styles
- Thinking
- Levels of Blooms Taxonomy
- Marzanos Dimensions of Learning
- Curriculum Integration
Acquire and Integrate Knowledge
Attitudes and Perceptions
70(No Transcript)
71Summary -1
- Total Summative Data
- From many sources
- May be for different grades
- May arrive at different times
- May be presented in several forms
- May or may not be based on standards
- May not be sufficient
- Content Summative Data
- Subgroup Summative Data
72Summary - 2
- Data for Instruction
- Formative data based on standards, needs to link
with - Benchmarks (Formative and Summative), which are
developed by - Teachers, in the frame of a
- Planned Curriculum, based on
- Goals!
73Summary - 3
- Strategies
- Talking about data
- Remember differing comfort-levels with data and
numbers - Presenting data - understandably
- Goal-setting
- Teacher-involvement
- Focused.
74Research and Resources
- NJPEP http//www.njpep.org
- NJDOE http//www.state.nj.us/education/
- SchoolMatters http//www.schoolmatters.com/
- ASCD http//www.ascd.org/
- Just4Kids http//www.just4kids.org/jftk/index.cfm