Title: Rhonda
1Rhonda Brown
Operations Division, Navigation
Branch 409-766-3148 rhonda.g.brown_at_swg02.usace.arm
y.mil POC for Brazos Island Harbor
(Brownsville) Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW)
AO-S (BIH to Matagorda Bay) Channel to Aransas
Pass Channel to Port Mansfield Channel to
Harlingen Little Bay
2Laguna Madre Field Office
3Rhonda Brown 409-766-3148
4Beneficial Use Sites within Galveston District
BU sites within SAO
5Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
Beneficial Use Sites
6Aransas ICT
- Interagency Coordination Team Members
- Texas Parks Wildlife Department
- National Marine Fisheries Service
- General Land Office
- Texas Department of Transportation
- U. S. Fish Wildlife Service
- Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
- Environmental Protection Agency
- U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Texas Commission On Environmental Quality
- Texas Water Development Board
- Coastal Bend Bays Estuaries Program, Inc.
7Beneficial Use Site A
Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
San Antonio Bay
Matagorda Island
Beneficial Use Site B
8Beneficial Use Site A
9first cell at BU site A
existing rock breakwater
existing access channel
Future cells at BU site A
BU site A
10BU site A TxDOT
planting proposal
11interior of BU site A
erosion control Spartina plantings by TxDOT
rock breakwater
containment levees
access channel
Exterior of first cell at BU site A
12perimeter levee
Disposal at BU site A
13Skimmers on levees at BU site A
14Skimmers on levees at BU site A
15Rock breakwater at BU site A
16Rock breakwater at BU site A
17Beneficial Use Site B
18future BU site B
PA 127
existing marsh
existing rock breakwater
San Antonio Bay
future rock breakwater
19existing rock breakwater
PA 127
future BU site B
existing marsh
existing circulation channel
future rock breakwater
20interior ponds at existing marsh BU site B
21BU site B interior
small circulation channels
22Beneficial Use Site D
23BU site D TxDOT
planting proposal
24erosion control mats break wave velocities
Vegetation quickly establishes behind protection
of mats at BU site D
25newly created geotube breakwater
BU site D interior
BU site D
26Royal Terns enjoying the geotube breakwater
27(No Transcript)
28Frigate bird in Aransas Bay
29Sundown Island
Beneficial Use Site
Palacios Ch.
Matagorda Bay
Alternate Rt.
116 -B
this route will be abandoned once alternate route
is finalized
Port OConnor
Sundown Island
31Vegetation in front of mats helped protect
Sundown Island from erosion during
Hurricane Claudette
32Salt Cedar planted by Chester and volunteers
bird platform
33Dredged material recently distributed on Sundown
Island by spreader
34Sundown Island
Matagorda Ship Channel upland disposal area
future dredged material disposal cells
This area recently received dredged material from
the GIWW and will be fortified with erosion
control mats
existing erosion control mats
35Are there other Beneficial Use Sites we could
Pelican nests at Deadman Island
37American Oyster Catchers at Deadman Island
38Are there lessons learned we need to know about?
39Carefully designed and constructed elevations
are critical to the
success of BU sites
Mat elevation too high upland species
invade marsh
Mat elevation conducive to successful marsh
40In conclusion
- Priority will be given to disposal methods
that include beneficial uses - Each BU site has unique needs
- Use DMMPs as living documents
- What can we do to improve our BU sites?
- Can we build more predator-free sites?
- Let us hear from you!