Title: Where in the World is Jesus
1Where in the World is Jesus?
- Hes on the Road to Jerusalem!
2Everyone was looking for Jesus
- When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover,
many went up from the country to Jerusalem for
their ceremonial cleansing before the Passover.
They kept looking for Jesus, and as they stood in
the temple area they asked one another, What do
you think? Isnt he coming to the feast at all?
John 1155-56
3(No Transcript)
4Where did they find Jesus?
- They found him on the road to Jerusalem
- - All roads lead to Jerusalem at Passover
- - A road everyone travelled
- - On the way from Bethany (2 mi. or 3.2 km.)
- ...where Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead
- ...where Jesus stayed with his friends
- ...where Jesus was honoured
- ...where Jesus was observed!!!
- ...where people believed or feared him
5Where did they find Jesus?
- 2.They found him on a road filled with tension
- Joy Sorrow
- They took palm branches and went out to meet him,
shouting Hosanna!... John1213 - As Jesus approached the city he wept...
- Luke 1941-44
6Where did they find Jesus?
- 2.They found him on a road filled with tension
- Praise Condemnation
- The People cried out to Jesus, Hosanna! Blessed
is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed
is the King of Israel! - John 1213 - Pharisees said to Jesus, Teacher rebuke your
disciples. Luke 1939
7Where did they find Jesus?
- 2.They found him on a road filled with tension
- Humility Pride
- Jesus found a young donkey and sat upon it, as
it is written... John 1214-15 - So the Pharisee said to one another, See this
is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world
has gone after him. John1219
8Where did they find Jesus?
- 2.They found him on a road filled with tension
- Godly Submission Human Expectation
- ...it was for this reason I came to this hour.
Father glorify your Name! John 1227-28 - the people thought the Kingdom of God was going
to appear at once. Luke 1911
9We see Jesus on the Road to Jerusalem, a road
like each one of us travel. But it is also the
place where he experienced the tension of walking
with God while walking among the crowd.How did
He keep the right focus?
10Where did they find Jesus?
- 3. They found Jesus on the road with God
- Then he entered the Temple area... Every day he
was teaching at the Temple. But the chief
priests, the teachers of the law and the leaders
among the people were trying to kill him. Yet
they could not find any way to do it, because all
the people hung on his words Luke 1945-48
11Where in the world is Jesus today?...in YOU!
- Who are you walking with God or the crowd?
- Is the possibility of death forcing you to choose
one road or the other? - What keeps you walking with God?