Title: The Effects of Nuclear Weapons: Terrorist Threat
1The Effects of Nuclear Weapons Terrorist Threat
- The purpose of this presentation is to provide
the reader with an overview of nuclear weapons
and their effects. - Topics will include
- Types of weapons
- Energy release
- Types of Detonation
- Historical Information
- Effects
3Nuclear Weapons vs Radioactive Dispersal Device
(RDD or Dirty Bomb)
- Nuclear weapons
- Use conventional explosives to create
super-critical mass of fissionable nuclear
material - Super-critical mass is capable of
self-sustaining, prompt, uncontrolled chain
reaction - Resultant explosive yield can be orders of
magnitude higher than possible with conventional
materials - RDD
- Use conventional explosives to spread or disperse
radioactive material - No chain reaction or nuclear yield
- In most cases the explosion will cause more
damage than the radioactive material dispersion
4Remaining discussion
- The remainder of this presentation describes
nuclear weapons - For further information on RDD weapons see
- http//www.bt.cdc.gov/radiation/pdf/dirtybombs.pdf
- http//www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/fact
5Nuclear Weapons Types
- Fission devices
- Uranium (235U) or Plutonium (239Pu)
- Gun Type
- Explosively combine two sub-critical assemblies
- Implosion Type
- Symmetrically implode a sphere of sub-critical
density - Required for 239Pu
- Terrorist Threat
- Stolen military device
- Improvised Nuclear Device (IND), i.e. home made
- 235U Gun-type Weapon easiest to construct
- Likely 20 kT or less
6Nuclear Weapons Types, cont.
- Thermonuclear (Fusion) devices
- Unlikely to be a terrorist device
- Military application
- High-technology
7Energy Equivalents of one Kiloton of TNT
- Complete burn-up (fission) of 56 g (2 ounces) of
235U or 239Pu - 1.15 x 106 kilowatt-hours
- 1.8 x 109 British thermal units
- 14,500 Gallons of Gasoline
- 4/5 the energy produced by the Hoover Dam in 1
8Types of Detonations from a Terrorist Threat
- Most likely
- Surface Truck
- Underwater Boat
- Less likely
- Air Private plane
- Sub-surface Subway
- Least likely
- High Altitude Military Delivery Only
9Distribution of Energy of an Air Burst below
100,000 ft
Blast and Thermal account for 85 of the Energy
10Nuclear Weapon Experience Two non-testing
- Hiroshima
- Little Boy
- 235U Gun-Type Device
- Nagasaki
- Fat Man
- 239Pu Implosion Device
11Results of a Nuclear Explosion
- 80,000 deaths in Hiroshima and 20,000 deaths in
Nagasaki - Nearly all deaths due to Blast and Thermal
- Few deaths attributed to Radiation
- Prompt or Delayed
12Results of a Nuclear Explosion
- Expect few, if any, survivors near ground-zero
- However, little experience in urban environment
- Buildings will provide shielding
- Blast
- Thermal
- Radiation
- Residual radioactive environment, significant
impact on rescue operations
13Hiroshima Before
Hiroshima After
14Weapon Effects
- Prompt effects higher with airburst
- Blast
- Thermal
- Prompt Radiation
- Prompt effects 30-50 reduced with surface burst
- Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)
- Primarily results from a high-altitude explosion
- Not a likely effect from a terrorist detonation
- Residual effects higher with surface burst
- Residual Radioactivity (Fallout)
15Weapon Effects(Based on a 20 kt low-altitude
- Peak shock wave overpressure
- 14 psi _at_ ΒΌ mile
- Thermal energy
- 18 cal/cm2 _at_ 1 mile
- Prompt radiation dose
- Neutron 0.8 Gy _at_ 1 mile
- g-ray 1.2 Gy _at_ 1 mile
16Residual Radiation (Fallout)
- Difficult to predict impact to a specific area
- Depends on
- Type of weapon
- Type of burst
- Air
- Surface
- Wind patterns
- Terrain
- Little data for an Urban Environment
17Fallout, cont.
- Decay rate
- t can be any time unit
- Average photon energy 0.7 MeV
- A terrorist use of a nuclear weapon would most
likely involve - 235U Gun-type device
- Surface detonation
- Yield of 20 kt or less
- The major injuries and effects would be caused
by - Blast and shock
- Thermal
- Rescue efforts pertain mostly to injuries distant
from ground zero - Radiation protection necessary for rescue of
shielded survivors nearer ground zero - Little experience with explosion in an Urban
- Glasstone and Dolan, The Effects of Nuclear
Weapons, Published by US DoD and Energy Research
and Development Administration, Washington DC,
1977. - Ferguson and Potter, The Four Faces of Nuclear
Terrorism, Monterey Institute Center for
Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey, CA, 2004. - Auxier J, The Effects of Nuclear Weapons,
Health Physics Summer School, Gaithersburg, MD,
July 2004. - Public Protection from Nuclear, Chemical and
Biological Terrorism, Ed. by Brodsky, Johnson and
Goans, Medical Physics Publishing, Madison, WI,