Software Engineering Requirements

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Software Engineering Requirements


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Software Engineering Requirements

Software Engineering Requirements User
Interface Design
  • Saint Michaels College
  • Department of Computer Science
  • Colchester, Vermont 05439
  • http//

Part 1 UID Fundamentals
  • USER, n. The word computer professionals use
    when they mean idiot. We need to avoid this
  • I never design a building before Ive seen the
    site and met the people who will be using it.
    Frank Lloyd Wright

  • There are several areas of research that deal
    directly with User Interface Design. They are
  • HCI/Human Factors and
  • Usability Engineering.
  • The HCI camp is more driven by research in
    psychology and therefore employs a heuristics
    approach. The UE camp is more driven by
    laboratory observation and has more of a
    validate verify each system approach. Lets
    discuss the tradeoffs with each approach

Usability Engineering
  • Consider Jakob Nielsens book on Usability
    Engineering (google the title and read the first
    3 pages).
  • Typical Usability Engineering Lab
  • The following material is adapted from

Discount Usability Engineering
  • The "discount usability engineering" Nielsen
    1989b, 1990a, 1993 method is based on the use of
    the following three techniques
  • Scenarios
  • Simplified thinking aloud
  • Heuristic evaluation
  • Additionally, the basic principle of early focus
    on users should of course be followed. It can be
    achieved in various ways, including simple visits
    to customer locations

1 - Scenarios
  • Scenarios are a special kind of prototyping as
    shown. The entire idea behind prototyping is to
    cut down on the complexity of implementation by
    eliminating parts of the full system. Horizontal
    prototypes reduce the level of functionality and
    result in a user interface surface layer, while
    vertical prototypes reduce the number of features
    and implement the full functionality of those
    chosen (i.e. we get a part of the system to play

2 Simplified Thinking Aloud
  • Traditionally, thinking aloud studies are
    conducted with psychologists or user interface
    experts as experimenters who videotape the
    subjects and perform detailed protocol analysis.
    This kind of method certainly may seem
    intimidating for ordinary developers. However, it
    is possible to run user tests without
    sophisticated labs, simply by bringing in some
    real users, giving them some typical test tasks,
    and asking them to think out loud while they
    perform the tasks. Those developers who have used
    the thinking aloud method are happy about it
    Jørgensen 1989, Monk et al. 1993, and my
    studies Nielsen 1992b show that computer
    scientists are indeed able to apply the thinking
    aloud method effectively to evaluate user
    interfaces with a minimum of training, and that
    even fairly methodologically primitive
    experiments will succeed in finding many
    usability problems.

3 Heuristic Evaluation
  • These are ten general principles for user
    interface design. They are called "heuristics"
    because they are more in the nature of rules of
    thumb than specific usability guidelines.
  • Visibility of system status
  • The system should always keep users informed
    about what is going on, through appropriate
    feedback within reasonable time.
  • Match between system and the real world
  • The system should speak the users' language, with
    words, phrases and concepts familiar to the user,
    rather than system-oriented terms. Follow
    real-world conventions, making information appear
    in a natural and logical order.
  • User control and freedom
  • Users often choose system functions by mistake
    and will need a clearly marked "emergency exit"
    to leave the unwanted state without having to go
    through an extended dialogue. Support undo and
  • Consistency and standards
  • Users should not have to wonder whether different
    words, situations, or actions mean the same
    thing. Follow platform conventions.
  • Error prevention
  • Even better than good error messages is a careful
    design which prevents a problem from occurring in
    the first place. Either eliminate error-prone
    conditions or check for them and present users
    with a confirmation option before they commit to
    the action.
  • Recognition rather than recall
  • Minimize the user's memory load by making
    objects, actions, and options visible. The user
    should not have to remember information from one
    part of the dialogue to another. Instructions for
    use of the system should be visible or easily
    retrievable whenever appropriate.
  • Flexibility and efficiency of use
  • Accelerators -- unseen by the novice user -- may
    often speed up the interaction for the expert
    user such that the system can cater to both
    inexperienced and experienced users. Allow users
    to tailor frequent actions.
  • Aesthetic and minimalist design
  • Dialogues should not contain information which is
    irrelevant or rarely needed. Every extra unit of
    information in a dialogue competes with the
    relevant units of information and diminishes
    their relative visibility.
  • Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from
  • Error messages should be expressed in plain
    language (no codes), precisely indicate the
    problem, and constructively suggest a solution.

  • There is a SIG (Special Interest Group) of the
    ACM for HCI called SIGCHI.
  • Definitions intro from SIGCHI

Three classes of Heuristics (1 of 3)
  • Place User in Control
  • Define interaction in such a way that the user is
    not forced into performing unnecessary or
    undesired actions
  • Provide for flexible interaction (users have
    varying preferences)
  • Allow user interaction to be interruptible and
  • Streamline interaction as skill level increases
    and allow customization of interaction
  • Hide technical internals from the casual user
  • Design for direct interaction with objects that
    appear on the screen

Three classes of Heuristics (2 of 3)
  • Reduce User Memory Load
  • Reduce demands on user's short-term memory
  • Establish meaningful defaults
  • Define intuitive short-cuts
  • Visual layout of user interface should be based
    on a familiar real world metaphor
  • Disclose information in a progressive fashion

Three classes of Heuristics (3 of 3)
  • Make Interface Consistent
  • Allow user to put the current task into a
    meaningful context
  • Maintain consistency across a family of
  • If past interaction models have created user
    expectations, do not make changes unless there is
    a good reason to do so

Know Thy User!
  • Perhaps the most fundamental issue is to know the
    users experience, task, and environment. We can
    place the users experience on a continuum as
  • Novice ? Intermittent User ? Expert
  • This continuum can be used in at least two ways
    Computer experience and knowledge of the task

User Interface Design Process (Spiral Model)
  • User, task, and environment analysis and modeling
  • Interface design
  • Interface construction
  • Interface validation

User Interface Design Process (Spiral Model)
  • The above (macro) process, is broken down into
    the following interface design activities
  • Establish the goals and intentions of each task
  • Map each goal/intention to a sequence of specific
    actions (objects and methods for manipulating
  • Specify the action sequence of tasks and subtasks
    (user scenario)
  • Indicate the state of the system at the time the
    user scenario is performed
  • Define control mechanisms
  • Show how control mechanisms affect the state of
    the system
  • Indicate how the user interprets the state of the
    system from information provided through the

Additional Interface Design Issues
  • System response time (time between the point at
    which user initiates some control action and the
    time when the system responds)
  • User help facilities (integrated, context
    sensitive help versus add-on help)
  • Error information handling (messages should be
    non-judgmental, describe problem precisely, and
    suggest valid solutions)
  • Command labeling (based on user vocabulary,
    simple grammar, and have consistent rules for

Iterative Evaluation
  • Once the User Interface is complete, we begin the
    Evaluation Cycle
  • Preliminary design
  • Build first interface prototype
  • User evaluates interface
  • Evaluation studied by designer
  • Design modifications made
  • Build next prototype
  • If interface is not complete then go to step 3

Additional Resources
  • Various Handouts
  • Additional Readings
  • Jakob Nielsen Usability Engineering (google
    usability engineering and read a few pages)
  • Ben Shneiderman Designing the User Interface

Part 2 - Utilizing the PDA as a Vehicle for User
Interface Design Pedagogy
Note Please see the notes on slides 25 30 for
details about downloading the Simulator from
PalmOS and running the dynamic versions of the
.prc files (executables). For simplicity, you
may prefer to talk about the static versions of
the PDA interfaces, especially if you dont want
to go through the hassle of getting the Simulator
  • Goals for the Software Requirements
  • Goals for User Interface Design
  • Benefits of the PalmOS platform
  • Sample Applications Development
  • Assignment

Software Engineering Goals
  • Learn the struggle of maintenance
  • Learn new tools/platforms while
  • Differentiating essential from accidental
  • Learn importance of non-technical skills
  • Work in a team environment
  • Work with realistic project constraints

User Interface Design Goals
  • Gain experience with prototyping
  • Experience benefits of parallel design
  • Consider the novice-expert continuum
  • Incorporate heuristics for UID
  • E.g., Reduce user memory load, direct
    manipulation where applicable, minimize user
    inputs, etc.
  • Benefits of usability testing

A Sample Project
  • Palm IIIc Basketball Stats Collection
  • Collect team stats
  • Collect player stats
  • Usability tests during an actual NCAA Division II
    basketball game

Benefits of PalmOS
  • Novel platform (a little gee-whiz factor)
  • Unfamiliar development environment
  • Inexpensive development environment
  • Limited interface real estate (160 x 160)
  • Stylus input forces efficiency
  • Emulator provides cross-platform experience

Commercial App
palmsim61_dbg\PalmSim.exe NFL Football Scouting
Application Click this icon
Metrowerks CodeWarrior IDE
  • Very reasonable academic pricing
  • Intuitive interface debugger
  • Palm platform requires C (the hardware/OS
    resources are too limited for a full Java
    run-time implementation)
  • Palm OS Programming, 2nd Ed. from OReilly is
    very useful, with samples

Metrowerks CodeWarrior IDE
  • Most of the applications contain linear code that
    is not terribly object-oriented (I.e., very
    little reuse)
  • Constructor facility is helpful for GUI design
  • Simulator Emulator software for windows
    available as free downloads from

Sample Student Work 1
  • Heavy memory load! Why?
  • Efficiency is lacking for real basketball games.
    How do I determine home vs. visiting team? What
    do the abbreviations mean?

Sample Student Work 2
  • Improved version
  • Handles both teams on one screen
  • Jersey number is button label
  • Some run-time defects

Sample Student Work 3
  • Improved usability
  • View/change stats
  • More robust
  • Still room for improvementbut as good as many
    commercial apps!

Click the icon
  • Using the CS-SE Palm Requirements Specification
    assignment sheet (with accompanying Outline),
    develop a requirements specification with an
    appropriate User Interface Prototype.
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