Title: The Relationship Between Version Control, DefectIssue Management, Build Management,
1The Relationship Between Version Control,
Defect/Issue Management, Build Management,
Release Management
2A Little History VC
- Version Control (VC) has a mixed origin
- Development created the tools to version source
code and later designs and documentation
- Quality developed the manual process to allow
auditing of changes to first physical and later
software items
- They continue to argue over who owns VC
- Infrastructure Support (IT) assumes they own the
severs and tool installations
3A Little History DIET
- Defect, Issue and Enhancement (DIET) tools and
processes have evolved
- Tools were first created to report to
- Development was required to respond to items
- Management learned to capitalize on data and
4A Little More History DIET
- Increased need for management decision support
and a need for traceability caused tools to
evolve to support a linkage between versions of
items changed to individual DIET records - Management desires for process and workflow
management have led to the continued evolution of
DIET tools
- Confusion over rolls, requirements and ownership
of DIET tools and processes continues to grow
5A Little History BM
- Build Management (BM) was created by Development
- Still considered a Development activity
- Quality realized this does not promote
consistency for production builds
- No one wants to own, but also does not want
someone else to own
6And a Last Bit of History RM
- Release Management (RM) evolved from Production
- Barely recognized as separate from BM
- Often not even performed as a formal activity
- Considered by many beyond the bounds of classical
Quality, especially in the realm of software
7SCM Components
8Visibility of SCM ComponentsViewed By Engineering
9Visibility of SCM ComponentsViewed By End User
10SCM Component Relationships
11Functional View
12Data Flow View
13So Why Should Ownership Reside with SCM?
- Quality cares that things work, SCM cares only
that they are reproducible
- Development cares about going forward, SCM cares
about preserving the past
- Classical Production Control is concerned with
Release Management, but rarely has the software
skills necessary
14So Why Should Ownership Reside with SCM?
- Controlled Items need to live beyond a project,
beyond a product, beyond project management
regardless of success or failure
- Data Warehousing and Metrics are easier to
produce if a single entity is responsible
15So Why Should Ownership Reside with SCM?
- Each component is necessary for reproducible
product delivery
- Each component is active for a smaller portion of
the SDLC
16So Why Should Ownership Reside with SCM?
- Version Control
- Needs to live beyond project development
- Development often does not version often enough
or at the proper milestone points
- Development often does not see the need for
downstream data and metrics Quality and
Management needs
- Quality often not able to participate early enough
17So Why Should Ownership Reside with SCM?
- Build Management
- Development does, but how varies from project to
project and developer to developer
- Quality wants controlled, consistent builds for
test purposes, but does not generally know how to
produce them without Development support
- Someone needs to worry about being able to
rebuild past instances
18So Why Should Ownership Reside with SCM?
- Defect, Issue and Enhancement Tracking
- Quality creates defect records and uses them to
- Development uses defect and enhancement records
to know what to fix/implement
- Management uses all records to decide what needs
to be done and in what order
- Someone needs to own and preserve all records
19So Why Should Ownership Reside with SCM?
- Release Management
- Production Control needs a certified, controlled
set of deliverables, but can rarely produce them
- Development can produce them, but not certify or
control them
- Quality can control and certify them, but rarely
produce them
- SCM can provide both the resources and control
20So Who Should Own SCM?
- Development is too focused on the future to want
to waste time on the past
- Quality wants what they need to be reproducible
and tend to want to impose the same needs and
goals on development
- Project Management wants the job done with
minimum risk and maximum profit and overhead
reduces profit
21So Who Should Own SCM?
- SCM Process
- Integrated into Development, Test and Deployment
- Contains portions that are unique to SCM and not
part of other processes
- Hardware, Systems Software Tools
- Co-owned by IT if they are willing
- Owned by SCM if they are not
22So Who Should Own SCM?
- Repository
- Physical repository owned by SCM
- VC contents owned by SCM
- BM artifacts versioned and owned by SCM
- DIET contents owned by Quality
- RM contents owned by Production Control
- Audited by Quality and external authorities
23So Who Should Own SCM?
- SCM should own itself if at all possible
- If not, Quality should own SCM
- Posesses a longer term vision
- More paranoid and requiring of traceability
- If not Quality, then Development
- At least VC and BM will be performed
- Management will force DIET on Development
24 25Contact Information
- Cell Phone 940-300-3196
- E-mail bweath_at_attglobal.net
- Builds
- A consistent method of transforming Configuration
Items into deliverable Derived Items
- Generally automated using some form of scripting
language or tool
- Build related scripts should be treated a
Configuration Items
- Build Artefacts
- Derived Items resulting from a build process
- Generally one or more logs that describe what
happened during a build
- Should be treated as Configuration Records
- Build Management
- Design and construction of Build Infrastructure
- Design and construction of Build scripts, etc.
- Performance of controlled builds
- Capture and control of Build Artefacts
- Configuration Items
- Also called Controlled Items
- Items that are needed to either produce the
desired end product, are used to aid in its
production, or are included in it unchanged
- Examples include source code, project plans,
requirement specifications, and database seed data
- Configuration Records
- Items that describe one or more aspect of a
controlled environment
- Examples include
- Defect
- A fault in a Configuration Item
- May related to code, design, requirement, etc.
- Generally require a rapid response
- Defect/Issue Management
- A consistent mechanism for tracking,
communicating, and disposing of Defects, Issues,
and Enhancement Requests
- Derived Items
- Items derived from Configuration Items
- Examples include object and executable files,
Programmers Reference Manuals, and Installation
- Enhancement Request
- A requested change in behavior or appearance
- Often greater in scope than Defects
- Can generally be scheduled
- Generally treated as a minor form of Defect
- Issue
- A problem not directly related to Configuration
- Generally require Management involvement
- Generally larger in scope, cost and risk
- Release Management
- Builds convert Configuration Items into
Deliverables Releases package those Deliverables
for distribution
- May use the same tools as build, or may use
different ones
- Functionally different
- Version Control
- A mechanism to track changes to each
Configuration Item (who, what, when, why, and
- Allows the identification of aggregate sets of
Configuration Items by individual version
- Normally allows parallel development to occur