Title: Microcontroller WEBENCHTM Application Builder
1Microcontroller WEBENCHTMApplication Builder
2WEBENCHTM web Processor Expert?
- Microcontroller Application development
in FOUR steps
- Select a part
- Specify behavior/Create design
- Compile and Build
- Simulate and Debug
- http//www.national.com/appinfo/webench/mcu
3Microcontroller WEBENCHTMFour Easy Steps
Order HW boards/parts SW comp,debug,ISE
Enter Specifications
SIM Debug code Including external I/O stimulus
GIDE Configure core, peripherals Auto-generat
e Code
Build Prototype
Select Best Part
CIDE Customize main loop/events integrate
libraries Generate Object
4Microcontroller WEBENCHTM Benefits
- Fastest possible software design cycle
- Easy intuitive peripheral configuration
- No need to learn register details
- Automatic code driver generation
- Online, real-time design and device check
- Conflicts are caught upfront, before code is
- Compare devices automatic code update for each
new chip selected and port to other MCUs
5Microcontroller WEBENCHTM Benefits
- Spend all of your time on the personalization
- 90 of code (main structure all drivers) are
- Focus on the important 10 for unique products,
easily reuse code between projects
- Summary
- Minimized development time and cost
- Efficient use of engineering resources
- Easy to modify solutions
- Easy to port to different MCUs and find the
6Whats BehindMicrocontroller WEBENCHTM?
- Interactive Selection Guide (ISG) for MCU
- Up to 40 Parameter Matching Search
- Graphical IDE (GIDE) w/Embedded Beans
- Automated Object Oriented Code Generation
- Access/Configure device features Properties,
Methods and Events. Drivers are auto-generated,
include only those routines that are needed
- Automatic design check and suggestion to adjust
conflicts with visual warnings resource meter
7Whats BehindMicrocontroller WEBENCHTM?
- Classic IDE for custom code development
- Personalize your main loop and customize the
events, add code from National or your libraries
- Generate HEX and COFF binaries
- Analyze Simulate debug design implementation
- View/Change CPU status, memory, registers, etc.
- Setup/Apply external stimuli directly or from
- Set breakpoints, control operation, see results
- Build It!
- Access final burnable object, use the file
- Order links for boards/emulators/off-line tools
8Microcontroller WEBENCH Home Page
Start by using one of 3 methods
Parametric Search Supported MCU List Reference D
esign Or Access one of your existing designs
Note you will need the JavaTM 2 Runtime
Environment (JRE) plug-in version 1.3 to Create a
9Webench Choose a Part Design Requirements
A - Enter the parameters that define your
project B - Set your preference for each paramete
r, R for required and 1, 3 or 5 for preferred
C - Submit Search
10Webench Choose a Part Recommended Devices
Use the list to compare various choices
Go to the next step - Create a Design by choosin
g the device that best matches your design
11Webench Choose a Part from the support list
- OR
- You can choose from a listing of all of the
parts supported by GIDE, CIDE and Simulator
12WEBENCH Choose a Part from Reference Designs
- OR
- You can access a complete list of the ref.
projects listed by microcontroller family
- Since these are complete projects, you can access
the appropriate tool directly (GIDE, CIDE,
- You can save the reference as your own design and
evolve/change as necessary!
- Link to order designs and tools
13What Did We Just Accomplish?
- Saved time
- Option to quickly search on desired parameters
based on WEBENCH supported microcontrollers
- Started with one of the many reference designs
that are available
- Improved design quality
- Selected from a list of microcontroller solutions
appropriate for your design criteria
- Option to inherit a complete reference design to
modify according to your specific application
- Prioritized requirements and chose the best
microcontroller based on a clear comparison of
- Saved money
- Chose the most cost effective solution by
comparing microcontrollers side by side
14WEBENCH Create a Design
Once you have chosen you part, you enter Create a
Design If you are a 1st time user, Help refer
ence documentation is available
Launch your design using the Graphical IDE I
f you are returning or just want to write your
code from scratch use the Classic IDE
15Tutorial projectGIDE - Setting the CPU Bean
- When creating a new project and opening all the
Graphical IDE windows, it is possible to set the
CPU Bean.
- This can be done in the inspector window. Please
click on CPU bean to select it.
16GIDE - CPU Properties
- In the Inspector window set the following
property - Reg. main Xtal freq. MHz.
- Select the item.
17GIDE Setting the CPU Frequency
- Set the value of crystal frequency Reg. main Xtal
freq. MHz to 3.27MHz.
- The other settings of the CPU bean for this
tutorial is already set by default.
18GIDE Add LED Output Port
- In the following steps you will add and set the
output bean used for LED.
- In Workspace click right mouse button on Port C
pin C5.
- Pop-up menu will be shown.
19GIDE - PinIO
- In the pop-up menu choose bean template PinIO (as
pin-output for the LED).
- Bean will be added to desired block.
20GIDE PinIO Properties
- Now you have added the bean to your project.
- All necessary properties of the bean will be
- Click on Direction item in the Inspector window,
the list of possible values will be shown.
21GIDE PinIO Output
22GIDE PinIO Initial Value
- Set the Initialization value to 1.
- Click on change icon on Init. value item to
change the value.
- LED will be switched ON after processor
initialization, when the initial value is set to
23GIDE PinIO Methods
- Now bean methods will be specified which will be
generated in the project.
- Click on Methods tab in the Inspector window.
24GIDE PinIO Generate NegVal Method
- Select method NegVal that inverts the value on
the pin output
- Click on the change icon to generate (or not) the
methods code
25GIDE PinIO Dont Generate Other Methods
- Only the NegVal method is used in this course, it
is recommended to set all the other methods as
"don't generate code".
- Set these values using the same way as the
previous method was set.
26GIDE Interrupt Bean
- Now you have inserted the output bean for the LED
on pin C5 on port C.
- In the following step you will add and set the
interrupt bean.
- Click on pin T0_TimeBase in the Timer T0 by right
mouse button, a pop-up menu will be shown.
27GIDE Add Periodic Interrupt
- Select the PeriodicInterrupt item and the bean
will be added to block Timer T0
28GIDEInterrupt Properties
- Now you have added the bean to your project.
- All necessary properties of the bean will be
- Click on Properties tab in the Inspector window.
29GIDE - Interrupt Period
- Click on Interrupt period item.
30GIDE - 100ms Interrupt Period
- Set the Interrupt period value to 100ms.
- The other setting of the Interrupt bean for this
tutorial is already set by default.
31GIDE Bean Selector
- The Bean Selector can be found in the
- Library window
- The Bean Selector shows all beans available to
this device
- You can change any bean in the design
- Change the CPU to trade-off designs issues, any
conflicts will be flagged
32GIDE Library Manager
- The Library Manager can be found in the
Project/Bean/Library window
- Access all of the Reference Projects
- You will need to close current project 1st, if
you want to open any other project
33GIDE Save Project
- Now all settings are done.
- In the next step the code will be generated.
Before you generate the code, the project must be
- In the Main panel toolbar click on Save project
speed button, save dialog will be shown.
34GIDE Tutorial.pe
- A - Enter the name of your project
- B - Click on Save.
35GIDE Save Each Project in Separate Subdirectory
- It is recommended to use a different directory
for every project.
- Click on Yes to confirm a new directory for
project will be created.
36GIDE Code Design
- Click on the Code Design item of the Code design
- The command Code Design invokes Webench (PE
server) to generate code
- Webench generates all necessary methods
(peripheral drivers) and overall code structure
from the properties.
37- Check the result of code design, which is shown
in Status window.
- Any errors will be shown.
- If the process was successful and all the drivers
were generated, the message Successful, Generated
without Error will be displayed.
38- To evolve the code and compile / build the
executable, use Classic IDE
- Under Tools click on Classic IDE command
- Classic IDE will be started in new browser frame
- (shown on the next slide)
39What Did We Just Accomplish?
- Saved time
- Explored the capabilities of the microcontroller
without spending hours reading a datasheet
- Setup the design by filling in simple forms that
also gave hints on proper values
- Improved design quality
- Caught any design conflicts without writing any
- Generated all custom drivers that are easy to
maintain (form entry for all custom parameters)
- Saved money
- Basic application structure was created
automatically Didnt have to write any peripheral
- Only used those methods that are needed for your
- Drivers that are generated are tuned for the
- No prototype needed!
40CIDE Tutorial01.txt Report
- The Tutorial01 project is now opened in Classic
- All of the auto-generated modules callable
routines are listed in the project.txt file
- Double Left Click on Tutorial01.txt document.
- The file will be shown in the Text Viewer as
41CIDE Events.asm Module
- For most projects, you will add your custom code
to modules
- yourproject.asm Events.asm
- Now you will edit the module Events.asm
- Click right button on Events.asm module.
- Pop-up menu will be shown.
42CIDE Edit Events.asm
- Select Edit the source code item.
- Source code will be displayed in the Text editor
43CIDE Complete Structure Automatically Generated
- Next steps are to write the code in the source
- Find the following text in the file
- Write your code here ...
44CIDE Find the PinIO Method
- In the Project Manager expand the folder C5.asm.
45CIDE Drag/Drop the Method
- You can easily put the method name to your source
code using DragDrop technology.
- Put the method in your code.
46CIDE Add Your Own Comments
- In Text Editor window format the text.
- You can also write your comments here.
47CIDE LED Status Changed
- The command inverts the value on the CPU output
pin, the LED diode status is changed.
- If you need to add other code, refer to
- COP8FLASH Family User's Manual (pdf 1.8MB)
-Appendix A contains COP8 instruction set.
- COP8 Assembler/Linker/Librarian user's Manual
48CIDE File Save
- After inserting the code to the driver, you can
save the file by clicking the right mouse button
on the background of the File Editor.
- The popup menu is shown.
- To save file choose the Save command in File menu
49CIDE Build Project
- Under Tools click on the command Build Project.
- The compilation will be started.
50- If there are errors, all the reasons why the
compilation process was not successful will be
listed in the Status Window.
- You can click on any error message to be taken to
the error in your code
- If no Errors the object files (.HEX and .COF
others) files are generated
51CIDE Go to Simulator
- After a successful build, and your code is at a
point where you want to debug functionality, run
it in the on-line code simulator
- Under Tools access the Simulator.
52What Did We Just Accomplish?
- Saved time
- Basic application structure was created
- Didnt have to write any peripheral code
- Used the structure generated in GIDE to
personalize your main loop in CIDE
- Used all of the generated custom drivers
- Generate HEX and COFF binaries to easily export
to your microcontroller
- Improved design quality
- Customized the event handlers for your designs
- Added code from Nationals libraries or yours
- Saved Money
- No prototype needed!
53Simulator Main Screen
Simulator for Debugging Access/Change CPU regis
ters Program Memory Data Memory Memory Map SFR
I/O ports Breakpoints Tracepoints
54Simulator Main Screen
- In the SimulatorYou can add any of the following
- CPU registers
- Program Memory
- Data Memory
- Memory Map
- SFR registers
- I/O ports
- Breakpoints
- Tracepoints
55Simulator CPU Registers
- Open the CPU Registers window
- Any step changes from code execution will be
highlighted in Red
- Change any value by double clicking on the
56Simulator Access to port I/O
- You can call up the status on any port and make
changes as necessary.
- External stimulus can also be provided in an
external file
- Input can be changed on any clock edge
57What Did We Just Accomplish?
- Saved time
- Caught most of my bugs before burning any code
into parts
- Able to patch software by changing it during
- Didnt have to build any prototypes before
testing code
- Improved design quality
- Caught most of my bugs before burning any code
into parts
- Stepped through my code to see how it operated
- Saved money
- Havent yet spent any money on any tools or
- Didnt have to throw away any non-functional
prototype processors
58WEBENCH Build It! Microcontroller
Download Now Use File Manager) to access your
Hex/COFF executable, as well as all project
files Tools Find Order all off-line tools,
boards, devices needed to bring your design to
59Build It! Unis File Manager
Use File Manager to access your Hex/COFF
executable, as well as all project files
Download the Hex/COFF file or use the zip utility
to zip the directory so that you can download all
of the project files Project files can be used w
ith the off-line PE tool. Upload any of your own
custom code into your User Library on the server
as well.
60What Did We Just Accomplish?
- Saved time
- Links for boards/emulators/off-line tools for
your design all conveniently located one one
- Save money
- Completed project even before you purchased one
61Microcontroller WEBENCHTM Summary
- Fastest possible software design cycle based on
the following principlesof the Processor Expert
- Has built-in knowledge (internal definition) of
National's MCUs, with all integrated peripherals,
and provides on-line context sensitive detailed
descriptions for the devices and all their
62Microcontroller WEBENCHTM Summary
- Allows you to define your application's behavior
using the component's settings, dragdrop
function selections, utilize the generated code,
and integrate any user written code. - Has an intuitive graphical UI, displays the MCU
structure, and allows user to take advantage of
predefined functions, including interrupt
handlers, and their interfaces
63Microcontroller WEBENCHTM Summary
- Encapsulates functional capabilities of MCU
elements into building functions "configurable
- Offers a library of already tested embedded
beans? (drivers, building blocks, interface
- You can build a COP8 application without
advanced preparation and knowledge ... BUILD
64Thank You
- Visit the Microcontroller WEBENCH Application
- http//www.national.com/appinfo/webench/mcu
- Or access the Power and Wireless Application
- Or access Unis
- http//www.processorexpert.com
65COP8FLASH Reference Project
RS-485 configuration
IS Programming
Rotary encoder
Power connector