Title: Introduction of Polling System by eInstruction
1Introduction of Polling System byeInstruction
- Jeffrey Bobbitt
- Consultant
21a. What area of the country are you from?
- Northeast
- Northwest
- West Coast
- Midwest
- South
- Texas
32a. Who shot J.R. Ewing?
- Pamela
- Bobby
- Sue Ellen
- Cliff
- Kristen
4Questions for Opening Session
51b. What type of organization are you?
A. for-profit corporationB. 501(c)3C.
governmental or public sector entity D.
cooperativeE. other
62b. What field or sector do you work in?
A. financial servicesB. social servicesC.
housingD. small/microbusinessE. other
73b. Lets get a sense of the size of the
organizations in the room. My annual budget is
- less than 500,000
- between 500,000 and 1 million
- C. between 1 and 5 million
- D. between 5 and 25 million
- E. between 25 and 50 million
- F. over 50 million
84b. What does scale mean to you?
- A. serving many more people
- B. serving some meaningful of the population
- C. growing significantly in terms of budget,
annual production, or asset sized. - D. achieving some economies of scale
- E. reaching sustainability
- F. becoming big enough to influence policy or the
practices of the private sector - G. other
95b. Is scale an important goal for your
A. Yes B. No
106b. Where do you think your organization is at in
terms of scale?
A. nowhere near scaleB. closeC. already
there D. dont think about it or not important
117b. Where do you think your field as a whole is
at in terms of scale?
A. nowhere near scaleB. closeC. already
there D. dont think about it or dont know
12Innovations in Business Models
131c. Prior to this meeting, have you given any
thought to the issue of your organization's
"business model?"
A. Yes B. No C. Not sure what a business model is
142c. How well do you know what your customers or
target population want?
A. Weve been working with this population for
years, and never guessed wrong about demand. B.
We do periodic market studies, focus groups
and/or surveys to get a better handle on
demand. C. We occasionally have products or
services with low demand or uptake. D. Were not
sure what our customers want, or it seems to be
changing. E. other
153c. Do you have competitors that
A. Use the same business model as your
organization? B. Use a different business model?
C. I don't know. D. We don't have any
164c. Do you think that your current business model
will enable your organization to achieve
increased scale?
A. Yes, our model can go to scale B. No, our
model cannot go to scale C. Unsure whether our
model can go to scale.
175c. How important an element is collaboration in
your organization's business model?
A. Very important B. Occasionally important C.
Rarely important D. Not important E. Important,
but dont have the resources or never found the
right partner or situation.
18Panel on Current Trends in the Community
Development Landscape
(No questions contemplated at present)
19Panel on Collaborative Business Models
Before the presentations
201e. Do you currently engage in any partnerships
or collaborative ventures?
A. yesB. no
212e. If yes, what is the nature of the partnership
or collaborative venture
A. Share staff and/or infrastructure on an
ongoing basis B. One-time sharing of staff and/or
infrastructure C. Joint fundraising D. Joint
marketing or customer outreach E. other
223e. What stage are you at in with the
partnership/collaborative ventures?
A. Designing itB. Planning/negotiating with
partnersC. Up and runningD. Tried it but not
doing it any more
234e. From your participation thus far, how would
you rate their success?
A. Very successfulB. Moderately successful C.
Some success but a struggleD. Not successful E.
Too early to tell
24New Approaches to Fundraising Session
After the presentation
255e. What area presents the greatest barrier to
A. TechnologyB. AdministrationC. Physical
infrastructureD. Data collection and
managementE. Joint purchasingF. FundraisingG.
Customer serviceH. Market research
266e. What area do you think has the most potential
for collaboration?
A. TechnologyB. AdministrationC. Physical
infrastructureD. Data collection and
managementE. Joint purchasingF. FundraisingG.
Customer service H. Market research
277e. Did you hear any ideas from the panelists
that could have applications for your
A. NoB. One or two ideas C. Three or more
ideasD. I need to think about it more
28New Approaches to Fundraising Session
Before the presentation
29(For the nonprofits in the room) 1f. What is your
annual level of revenues?
A. Less than 250,000 B. At least 250,000, but
less than 500,000 C. At least 500,000, but less
than 1 million D. At least 1 million, but less
than 5 million E. 5 million or more
30(For the nonprofits in the room) 2f. What does
earned income represent of your overall
A. 5 or less B. At least 5, but less than
25 C. A least 25, but less than 50 D. At least
50, but less than 75 E. 75 or higher
31(For the nonprofits in the room) 3f. Do you have
at least 1 FTE devoted to fundraising/development?
A. Yes B. No
32(For the nonprofits in the room) 4f. Do you have
relationships with individual donors?
A. Yes B. No
33(For the nonprofits in the room) 5f. Have you
ever tried to raise money online?
A. Yes B. No
34(For the funders in the room) 1g. Have you ever
provided funding to enable a grantee to pursue
individual donors?
A. Yes B. No
35(For the funders in the room) 2g. Have you ever
provided funding to enable a grantee to raise
money online?
A. Yes B. No