Title: Graphic Novels
1(No Transcript)
2Comic Book
- A book in which stories are told through a
sequence of drawings and character speech
c2007 Grant Morrison, DC Comics
3Graphic Novel
- A book that uses drawings and dialogue to tell a
story, but is longer than a traditional comic
c2007, Eoin Colfer, Hyperion Books
- Japanese for comics
- Manga from Japan
- big eyes
- spiky hair
- 1/3 of all books published in Japan are in Manga
format - Read from right to left
C2005 Daisuke Higuchi, Viz Media.
5What do graphic novels offer?
- Graphic novels are easier to read and more
interesting to look at. - Graphic novels summarize a feeling someones
having in a single panel as opposed to a
6How to read a graphic novel
- Divide your time between reading the text and
observing the visuals. - Both are necessary to understand the story, and
together they become something entirely different
than plain text.
7Graphic Novels include
- Fantasy/Science Fiction
- Mystery and Suspense
- Historical Fiction
- Biography
- Realistic drama, romance, humor, sports
- and many others
c2008 Jessica Abel, First Second
8Graphic Novels Use
- Literary devices
- Setting
- Plot
- Character development
- Foreshadowing
- Flashback
- Symbolism
- Imagery
9Graphic Novels
- Offer fast-paced action, conflict and heroic
endeavors - Address social issues such as
- Nonconformity
- Prejudice
- Coming of age
- Social injustice
- Triumph over adversity
c2003 Marjane Satrapi, Pantheon
10by Tanner
11by Luis
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14Bucky vs. Barney by Zane and Brandon
Comic Life
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16Spiderman and the Apple Pie Muffin by Ryan and
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18Bucky by Jordan
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23Willy by Bailey
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28L.A. by Ben
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33Credits for Comic Life http//bydianedaniel.file
g.jpg- giant red dog http//www.firesideinnbangor
.com/images/dogbone.jpg- giant dog bone Microsoft
Word Clip Art- Idea man, light bulb, A, Malcom
and Willy, Theodore http//www.tsl.state.tx.us/ld
/clipart/buildingsshort.gif- city http//www.wpcl
t.png- Hunter http//graphics8.nytimes.com/image
s/2008/04/02/arts/Circus600.jpg- Elephants at
circus http//teens4planetearth.com/media/image/S
chool.gif- school http//school.discoveryeducation
.com/clipart/images/cafefood.gif-kid with
food http//www.familycourtchronicles.com/philoso
phy/superhero/superhero.jpg- superhero http//www.
bully http//www.city.charlottetown.pe.ca/images/c
ontentImages/kid_running.gif- kid running
34Credits cont. http//www.familycourtchronicles.co
superhero http//www.brainpowerlearning.com/Bully
.jpg- bully http//www.city.charlottetown.pe.ca/i
mages/contentImages/kid_running.gif- kid running
Other Resources iTunes Teaching Books