Title: Milner Power Key Messages
1Milner PowerKey Messages
- Milner is considering applying for a permit to
develop a mine at the No. 14 site - As an initial step, Milner is going to conduct a
series of consultations with the residents in the
area - Milner has a set of promises about our
consultation and is building consultation
strategies that we would like to share with you - Milner be returning several times over the next
few months to inform you about the project, to
listen and learn about your issues and concerns,
to consult with you and in some instances work
toward collaborative problem solving - Milner is visiting the community today to learn
about who we must and should talk with, about the
project - Milner is accessible for inquiries at all times
and will make their contact numbers available to
2Milner is considering applying for a permit to
develop a mine at the No. 14 site
3As an initial step, Milner is going to conduct a
series of consultations with the residents in
the area
- What consultation opportunities do you suggest
Milner create - for residents in the area?
- Discussions at kitchen tables?
- Conducting Open Houses
- Attending regular meetings of groups such as
Town Council etc.? - Newsletters?
- Meetings with Aboriginal and First Nations
groups? - Forming a synergy group?
- Your suggestions_____________??
- Milner will be returning several times over the
next few months to inform - you about the project, to listen and learn about
your issues and concerns, - to consult with you, and in some instances work
toward collaborative problem solving
4Milner has a set of promises and is building
consultation strategies that we would like to
share with you
During the consultation process, the Regulator
expects Milner to be
5Milner will meet each of the Regulators
expectations in the following ways
Our consultation program will be impartial,
equitable, and will balance competing interests
We will conduct consultations with those whose
rights may be directly or adversely affected
We promise to consider concerns and constraints
where feasible, reasonable, and practical
Our consultation program will be open and we
will ensure that all rights and responsibilities
are clearly understood
We will provide easily understood information
and be accessible to meet to discuss issues and
We will be respectful of the rights of
participants and encourage them to be sensitive
to the project constraints
6Milner is visiting the community today to learn
about who we must and should talk with, about
the project.
Who in the community can provide insight into the
history and background of the concerns and
issues of people in the area? Who should we
contact? Which groups or individuals in the
community do you feel will want to talk with us
about the project? What key issues and concerns
will we find about this project in the
7Milner is accessible for inquiries at all times
and will make contact numbers available to you.
For more information about this project please
contact Jeff MacLean Milner Power 403-268-9405
(office) jeff.maclean_at_milnerpower.ca As well,
Milner will be establishing a dedicated e-mail
address and telephone number for you to use. We
will inform you as soon as these contact numbers
are available.