Title: Project American Life
1Project American Life
- P.A.L. is a trademark of The Refuge
- (a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization)
2What is Project American Life?
- a.) P.A.L. is a four-day residential experience
Where Americas Founding Principles Come to
Life! Its trademarked experiential classes,
simulations, and teaching methods create The
Ultimate Educational Adventure for thousands of
middle school students annually.
3What is P.A.L. as a business?
- b.) Project American Life is a one-of-a-kind
business opportunity that provides rewarding
careers to Licensees and their respective
staffs. Amazingly, all of this is accomplished
while transforming thousands of young lives,
their communities, and even our nation.
4What is a P.A.L. Licensee?
- A Project American Life Licensee is an entity
that is authorized to use all of the
state-of-the-art trademarks of P.A.L., including
its comprehensive curriculum. Entrepreneurs or
organizations are licensed through the nonprofit
organization, The Refuge.
5What is P.A.L.s Mission Statement?
- Project American Life rekindles Americas
founding principles by inspiring young people to
understand and appreciate our Founders noble
ideals, sacred honor, and ultimate sacrifices
thus compelling a new generation to uphold these
standards in all aspects of their lives.
6Who attends Project American Life?
- Schools attend P.A.L. as an extended field trip.
During the four-day adventure, students receive
academic challenges far exceeding that which is
possible in a classroom. See how P.A.L. fulfills
state and national standards www.projectamerican
7Is P.A.L. strongly desired?
- Project American Life is totally market driven.
It delivers self-evident improvement in students
aptitudes, attitudes, and actions. Due to the
profound nature of the learning experience, the
lessons learned are vivid and long lasting.
8Where does P.A.L. take place?
- Project American Life is held at any winterized
camp or retreat facility that is desiring
off-season business. Licensees contract with
these host facilities.
9What is the worldview of P.A.L.?
- It is precisely the same as Americas Founders.
Project American Life does not engage in the now
common practice of rewriting our nations
history. Rather, P.A.L. is built upon our
founding idea of self-evident truths.
10So, does P.A.L. teach Christianity?
- Project American Life does not attempt to
inculcate religious doctrine. Rather, students
vividly experience the core principles of
Americas Founders. In this way, P.A.L. serves
all students as an ever-shining lighthouse in the
11Do public schools attend P.A.L.?
- Of course! This is where the vast majority of
students are! Why shouldnt they attend? As
public schools are American schools, the
Declaration of Independence is their founding
document as well. Shouldnt all students learn
the facts of their history?
12Do students of all faiths attend?
- Absolutely! America has an abundance of faith
traditions. What religion is not served by
Creator the term used by our Founders? In
P.A.L.s long history, many children of various
religious traditions have attended. Their
glowing testimonials (as well as those of their
parents) are abundant on the website. .
13But, what if a school has atheists?
- Atheistic students should definitely attend!
Surely, both the students and their parents want
to be open-minded. Moreover, is it not
imperative that all American citizens understand
the worldview of the people who gave us this
great country?
14How does all this relate to me?
- Project American Life offers you the hands-on
opportunity to be an essential element in this
life-inspiring mission to inspire young hearts,
minds and souls throughout our country.
15What can I do specifically?
- P.A.L. can be supported in a host of ways You
can become a teacher or volunteer at an existing
program, you can get new schools involved, or you
can help start new programs even starting one
of your very own!
16So, how would I start a P.A.L.?
- Its quite simple Become a P.A.L. Licensee,
locate a facility, choose your market area, and
hire a teaching staff. As in swimming, often the
hardest part is getting in the water.
17How are P.A.L. facilities found?
- This is one of the easiest assignments, as there
are thousands of camps and retreat centers across
America not being used Monday - Friday of the
school year. P.A.L. Licensees contract with
these host camps, many of which are desperately
desiring new business.
18How do I select my market area?
- There are several approaches to successful
marketing of P.A.L. Licensees receive detailed
management instructions, generally targeting
schools within a two hour bus ride.
19How does one hire quality staff?
- Though this can be a time intensive process, it
is vital that this be done with precision and
care, as a great program needs a great staff.
P.A.L. requires a teacher / student ratio of 1 to
10. Licensees receive proven techniques for
acquiring the best teachers.
20Does P.A.L. require fundraising?
- No! P.A.L. is a market driven product. Parents
are eager to make this investment in the
development and well-being of their children.
For the price of a pair of high-end athletic
shoes, parents can provide this educational
adventure of a lifetime.
21What is the financial overview?
- A 24-week season often generates gross revenue
exceeding 550,000. Concurrently, expenditures
seldom exceed 380,000. This results in annual
positive margins of 170,000 (96 actual P.A.L.
22What are the start-up costs?
- New P.A.L. Licensees should budget at least
25,000 for the assorted start-up expenses.
(This is roughly the same figure as the gross
receipts from just one P.A.L. week.)
23What are the steps to success?
- All components of the P.A.L. paradigm are
provided to new Licensees. The business is a
turn-key opportunity that includes all necessary
tools and templates as well as in-depth counsel
from P.A.L.s founder.
24How did P.A.L.s founder begin?
- The founder of P.A.L. started with the following
minor obstacles no money, no camp, no
curriculum, no staff, and a gnawing question
Will this new idea actually work?
25So, are there key requirements?
- Coincidentally, P.A.Ls founder built upon the
moral pillars of the P.A.L. curriculum clarity,
compassion, courage, and commitment. Though the
initial stages are difficult, these principles
lead directly to enduring success.
26Why is P.A.L. so urgently needed?
- America is steadily losing the principles that
gave birth to this great country. Apathy and
ignorance abound. P.A.L. engages these bitter
enemies on the front lines and WINS! To win
back the soul of our nation, America needs more
P.A.L.s from sea to shining sea.
27So, what do we do now?
- Are we interested in restoring the founding
principles of America? Are we interested in
inculcating the worldview of our Founders? Are
we interested in inspiring, even transforming, a
whole new generation of young people? Well
Whats stopping us?
28Call to learn more (205) 823 - 8446
- www.projectamericanlife.com
- www.foundingprinciples.com