Title: Becoming Vital
1Becoming Vital
- Mr. Idris Jassim Al-Oboudi
- Recreation Services Manager
- City of Manhattan Beach
2Becoming Vital- Purpose Driven Programming
- Todays Agenda
- Review how to begin with the end in mind
- Introduction to the VIP Framework
- Discuss 3 VIP Strategies you can implement now
- Learn 3 VIP messages you can use now
- Plan 3 action steps you can begin now
3Begin with the End in Mind
- Vision is a vividly perceived idea born out of
imaginative insight, resulting in a proactive
foresight and wisdom in planning - Idris Jassim Al-Oboudi 1982
4Turning Vision into Reality
- What is to begin with the end in mind?
- Its your Departments Mission in Action
- Its the VIP implemented in your community
- Its turning your vision into reality
- How do we begin with the end in mind?
- Turning vision into reality requires a new
- Definition
- Your current reality your way of perceiving the
way things are and should be - Example
- A tale from the Los Angeles Blue Line
- What we need is a paradigm shift
- A new way of perceiving
- A new way of thinking
6Paradigm Shift from
8Impact of the VIP
9Becoming Vital
Be at the table when issues are framed and
decisions are made
Use a common vision leading to a preferred
Proactively address the future
Meet the needs of our changing society
10Overview of the VIP Framework
- Core Values
- Vision Statement
- Mission Statements
- Core Competencies
- Strategies
- Our session today will focus on 3 strategies
11Our Core Values
- Personal Development
- Healthy Lifestyles
- Professional Growth
- Lifelong Learning
- Fun and Celebration!
- Accessibility
- Inclusivity
- Diversity of Experience
- Spirituality
- Service to Community
- Environmental Stewardship
12Vision Statement
- Parks and Recreation Creates
- Community Through People,
- Parks, and Programs
13Mission Statements
- Strengthens community image and sense of place
- Supports economic development
- Strengthens safety and security
- Promotes health and wellness
- Fosters human development
- Increases cultural unity
- Protects environmental resources
- Provides recreational experiences
- Facilitates community problem solving
14Strengthens community image and sense of place
15Supports economic development
16Strengthens safety and security
17Promotes health and wellness
18Fosters human development
19Increases cultural unity
20Protects environmental resources
21Provides recreational experiences
22Facilitates community problem solving
23VIP Strategies
- Communicating the Vision
- Forming Partnerships
- Demonstrating Results
- Strengthening the Park and Recreation Ethic
- Expanding Your Professional Competencies
- Documenting Best Practices
- Impacting Public Policy
- Expanding Resources
24Communicating the Vision
Getting Re-elected
25Forming Partnerships
26Expanding Your Professional Competencies
27Strengthening the Park and Recreation Ethic
- Game Days at Local Elementary Schools
- ASB Training at Local High Schools
- For Special Events
- Presentations at Universities and Community
28Demonstrating Results
29Documenting Best Practices
- Establishing your own best practices for your
circle of influence - Purpose Driven Programming and Evaluation Forms
30Impacting Public Policy
- Presentations to City Council
- Presentations to School Boards and PTA
- Playground Program Fiscal Decisions in Manhattan
31Expanding Resources
- Utilizing community resources to expand your
influence - Schools
- Community Organizations
- Local Businesses related to Parks and Recreation
- Surrounding Cities
- Surrounding Natural Resources
323 Important Strategies
- Communicating the Vision
- Forming Partnerships
- Demonstrating results
33Communicating the Vision
- Three things you can do now to better communicate
the vision of parks and recreation - Change your Language
- Link VIP Mission Statements to your activities
- Communicate with Policymakers
34Changing your language
- Before and after VIP
- If you only knew 10 words
- Manhattan Life
35Communicating with Policymakers
- Use your 10 words
- Presentations to City Council
- Department Annual Report
36Linking VIP Mission Statements
- Get into groups
- As a group, identify 4 key special events or
activities that match VIP Mission Statements - Link all 9 statements
- Pick someone to share with the group
37Forming Partnerships
- Inter-departmental
- MB Academy
- Formed partnerships with each city department
- Met with directors and key managers to inform
them of their importance to our Mission
38 Forming Partnerships
- External Outreach
- Inventory your community for opportunities
- Educate people you want to partner up with about
your service and how you can help them
39Demonstrating Results
- Performance Measures
- Purpose Driven Programming
- Class evaluations
40Quick Review
- Three strategies you can use now
- Communicating the vision
- Forming partnerships
- Documenting results
- Three VIP messages you can use now
- We provide the space to
- Play and learn
- Be safe and secure
- Create and imagine
- We strengthen safety and security
- We promote health and wellness
- Three action steps you can do now
- Link mission statements to your activities
- Form internal partnerships survey your community
for external major players to partner with - Begin to document results
- Purpose Driven Programming/Evaluaiton Forms
- Performance measures